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Tenecteplase (TNK-t-PA)‏

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1 Tenecteplase (TNK-t-PA)‏
Dr WU Kwok Leung PYNEH 28 August 2009

2 Tenecteplase (TNK-t-PA)‏
Genetically engineered, multiple point mutant of tPA Longer plasma half-life -> allow for a single bolus injection 14 times more fibrin specific 80 fold higher resistance to inhibition by plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) than standard tPA

3 ASSENT-2 Trial Lancet 1999; 354: 716-22
Double-blinded RCT 16949 patients in 1021 hospitals recruited Divided into 2 gps: alteplase infusion or single bolus injection of TNK All patient received aspirin and heparin

4 Inclusion criteria: - > 18yo - onset of Sx < 6 hrs - ECG > 0.1 mV of ST  in 2 or more limb leads or > 0.2 mV in 2 or more contiguous precordial leads

5 Exclusion Criteria - SBP > 180 ; DBP > 110 - Use of GP Iib/IIIa antagonists within preceding 12 hrs - Major surgery within 2m - Head trauma or other trauma after onset of MI - Hx of stroke, TIA or dementia - Known structural damage to CNS - On oral anticoagulation and INR > 1.3 - Sustained CPR (>10 min) in the previous 2 wks - Pregnancy, lactation in previous 30 days

6 Primary Endpoint: Secondary Endpoint: - All-cause mortality at 30 days
- Net clinical benefit: absence of death or non-fatal stroke, major non-fatal cardiac events in hospital, and stroke




10 Conclusion TNK and alteplase were equivalent for 30-day mortality
Fewer non-cerebral bleeding and fewer blood transfusion in TNK gp Ease of administration of TNK may facilitate early Rx in and out of hospital

11 TNK Rapid reperfusion √ Administration as an iv bolus √
Fibrin specific √ Low incidence of systemic bleeding including ICH ? Resistant to PAI-1 √ Low reocclusion rate No effect on BP √ No antigenicity √

12 Cost TNK 10x expansive than SK
Due to cost consideration, 1st line Rx was SK in the past New HA Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) on management of STEMI was developed


14 TNK – 1st line fibrinolytic
New Protocol in Our hospital – Modified from HA CPG



17 Co-therapy: Heparin Improve the rapidity of reperfusion
Increase patency rates Reduce risk of reocclusion

18 STEMI: Use of Heparin & Clopidogrel after Fibrinolytic Decision - 1
SK LMWH optional >= 75 < 75 Plavix 300mg as loading, followed by 75mg daily for at least 14 days Plavix 75mg daily for at least 14 days

19 STEMI: Use of Heparin & Clopidogrel after Fibrinolytic Decision - 2
TNK >=75 < 75 30mg enoxaparin iv, followed 15min later by 1mg/kg Q12H sc * for 2-8 days Omit initial iv bolus of enoxaparin start enoxaparin 0.75mg/kg Q12H sc* Plavix 300mg as loading, followed by 75mg daily for at least 14 days Plavix 75mg daily for at least 14 days * If estimated Cr clearance < 30ml/min, sc enoxaparin should be given Q24H

20 STEMI: Use of Heparin & Clopidogrel after Fibrinolytic Decision - 3
No fibrinolytic LMWH to be considered < 75 >= 75 Plavix 300mg as loading, followed by 75mg daily for at least 14 days Plavix 75 mg daily for at least 14 days

21 Take Home Message New protocol on management of STEMI is implemented since 11/7/09 TNK becomes 1st line fibrinolytic (but remember the exclusion criteria due to the concern of bleeding risk) Co-therapy with enoxaparin Issue of plavix


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