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Basic Principles of Layout – p2

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Principles of Layout – p2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Principles of Layout – p2

2 What is Page Layout? The term “layout” refers to the way in which we organize various materials that make up the content of our design.

3 How to Design Good Layouts?
A good layout should: 1. Be visually appealing 2. Use images and text in a way which effectively conveys the message to the intended audience

4 Where Do I Start? 1. Receive a Creative Brief from Client
2. Ask these questions: - How much text do I have? - How many images to include? - Who is my target audience? - What is the overall format and size? - Is client looking for a particular style?

5 Analyze and Plan Ahead Content or Page Elements: Text:
1. Lots of images or very few? 2. Will there be headlines, pull-quotes, etc.? Text: 1. How much text will I have? 2. Long articles or short, etc.? Photos and Illustrations: 1. Will I have a lot of same size images? 2. Can images be grouped by size or type? Are there a lot of irregular shapes?

6 Lots of Text vs Little Text

7 Young vs Older Audience

8 Grids Don’t Have to Limit Design!
Layouts based on grids are not appropriate in all cases! Grids should fit the mix of elements rather than force elements to fit the grid.

9 Grids: How to Add Flexibility?
Resize photos to fill 2-3 or more grid units. You don’t have to always fill the entire grid unit either. Fill 2 1/2 grid units with a photo, leaving some extra white space.

10 Gutters and margins are not off-limits. Bleed photos off the
edge of the page. You don't have to fill every little grid unit.

11 Bleed photos off the edge of the page
Bleed photos off the edge of the page. You don’t have to fill every little grid unit.

12 There are many ways to add white space to your designs - leaving some grid units open is one way.

13 If 1 grid is good, 2 could be better.
Some publications use mixed grids for different types of content. You can also have 2 grids on the same page.

14 This is an example of a mixed grid:
As with any grid system, use it consistently. Let content guide your design and make your grid a partner in your page layout – not a dictator!

15 Summary: Why Do We Use Grids. 1
Summary: Why Do We Use Grids? 1. To organize content on a page using any combination of margins, guides, rows and columns 2. To achieve unity among various elements (text and graphics) by providing framework with which to construct the design 3. To achieve consistency in layout through the whole publication

16 Exercises

17 How are the elements aligned in this composition?

18 How are the elements aligned in this composition?

19 How are the elements aligned in this composition?

20 Videos Paula Scher, Graphic Designer
Chip Kidd, Book Designer (TED Talk) books_is_no_laughing_matter_ok_it_is.html

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