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Early diagnosis of Lung Cancer

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1 Early diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Dr. Aparna Sreevatsa Consultant Medical Oncologist Sahyadri Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, Shimoga

2 Overview Pathogenesis Epidemiology of Lung Cancer in India
Differentiate TB from Lung Cancer Recent advances in the management of Lung Cancer

3 Pathogenesis Genetic disease
Imbalance between oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes Deficient DNA repair mechanism Multistep carcinogenesis

4 Molecular Biology of Lung Ca

5 Case Scenario 1 A, 60 yr, male Chronic Smoker Cough 15 days
Hemoptysis 3 days CXR Right upper zone patch with hilar lymph node

6 Case Scenario 2 B, 40 yr, female Non Smoker Cough 15 days
Hemoptysis 3 days CXR Right upper zone patch with hilar lymph node

7 Case Scenario 3 50 y, smoker Cough Breathlessness
CT Chest- Ca lung with pleural effusion & adrenal mets. ?? Palliative Care ??Cancer directed therapy

8 Epidemiology of Lung Cancer in India
GLOBOCAN 2012 Lung ca the most common cancer in men in India. Changes in the incidence among smokers and non smokers.

9 Changing Epidemiology of Lung Ca in India

10 Lung Ca in Non Smokers Incidence increasing in females & never smokers. Adeno carcinoma Younger age Advanced disease EGFR mutation positive.

11 Histopathological Types

12 Tuberculosis- A diagnostic chameleon

13 Difference between pulmonary TB & Lung Cancer

14 History & Examn. TB Lung Ca Age Smoking fever Weight loss
Usually young Middle age/elderly Smoking +/- fever + Weight loss breathlessness Chest pain Clubbing Cervical lymph nodes Hoarseness rare

15 Radiology TB Lung Cancer Predilection for upper zone
CXR features Predilection for upper zone + - Parenchymal infiltrates +/- Lymphadenopathy Cavity Pleural effusion Miliary mottling Rib erosion Mass lesion

16 CT Chest Pulmonary TB Lung Cancer
Centrilobular densities in and around the small airways Tree in bud appearance Mass lesion, spiculated margins Tumor size, site, invasion to adjoining structures Hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes

17 Histopathology/Cytology
FNAC Trucut Biopsy USG/CT guided/Bronchoscopic/BAL AFB staining

18 Treatment Plan Stage I & Stage II- Surgery/RT Stage III-RT/NACT->RT
Stage IV- CT

19 Management of Metastatic Lung Cancer

20 Goals of therapy... Palliation of symptoms Improvement in QOL
Prolongation of Survival

21 Therapeutic Options... Chemotherapy Monoclonal Antibodies
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Immunotherapy


23 Agents used over years... First generation 1970s 2nd generation 1980s
3rd generation 1990s Cyclophophamide Doxorubicin Methotrexate Procarbazine Lomustine 5-FU Carmustine Cisplatin Etoposide Vindesine Vinblastine Mitomycin-C Ifosfamide Vinorelbine Gemcitabine Paclitaxel Docetaxel Irinotecan Topotecan

24 Cis-based regimens 6–8 months
Improved OS... Significant Milestones in 1st-Line Therapy Median survival (months) P-based doublets 3rd gen. 8–10 months Cis-based regimens 6–8 months BSC 2–4 months 1970s 1980s 1990s

25 Chemotherapy

26 Paul Ehrlich German physician Father of Chemotherapy
Majic Bullet theory

27 Targeted Therapy

28 EGFR mutation Positive
Erlotinib Gefitinib Axitinib

29 ALK positive Crizotinib Ceretinib Alectinib

30 Monclonal Antibodies Bevacizumab

31 Immunotherapy Nivolumab Pembrolizumab

32 Take Home Message Lung Cancer is increasing in females & non-smokers.
Cough >3 wks with hemoptysis +/- chest pain requires CXR evaluation. If pt is not improving on ATT, prompt CT Chest to rule out lung cancer. Targeted therapy improves survival to many months to years.

33 Thank You

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