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Towards developing a Technical Knowledge Base for Personalized Learning Prajna Devi Upadhyay 2013CSZ8110 Advisor: Prof. Maya Ramanath.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards developing a Technical Knowledge Base for Personalized Learning Prajna Devi Upadhyay 2013CSZ8110 Advisor: Prof. Maya Ramanath."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards developing a Technical Knowledge Base for Personalized Learning
Prajna Devi Upadhyay 2013CSZ8110 Advisor: Prof. Maya Ramanath

2 Introduction Challenges faced by enthusiastic learners
Lack of enough background about a topic of interest Overwhelming content on Web Challenges faced by enthusiastic learners

3 Motivating Example (1/5)
Let us say, X is curious to know about Wormholes after watching Hollywood blockbuster Interstellar

4 Motivating Example (2/5)
Possible steps X takes up to satiate her curiosity Google? Wikipedia? Library?

5 Motivating Example (3/5)

6 Motivating Example (4/5)
Alas, X does not have enough background in Physics!!!!

7 Motivating Example (5/5)
Expert suggests a reading order to X A system generates the same for X X would be happy in both cases!!!

8 Proposed Work (1/11) Components of the proposed Automated System
A Technical Knowledge Base Finding Reading Order Personalization Summarization

9 Proposed Work (2/11) Technical Knowledge Base
network of concepts related to the domain. concept and a relation. Creating Knowledge Base Use both structured and unstructured sources Creating dictionary of concepts Extracting relationships between them Structured sources, known relations Structured sources, unknown relations Unstructured sources, known relations Unstructured sources, unknown relations

10 Proposed Work (8/11) Methods to find out reading order for a topic of interest. Reversal of Topological Sort from Wikipedia definitions Existing prerequisite preference function Technical Knowledge Base Hybrid approach involving all of the above

11 Proposed Work (9/11) Personalization
Different categories of end-users of the system. Different requirements for Physics professor and high-scholl student Customization parameters Could be provided as an input Fixed set of rules could be followed Hybrid approach

12 Proposed Work (11/11) Summarization
Utilize Wikipedia definitions to generate summaries of the topic of interest from the generated reading order Evaluation User Studies Ground Truth

13 Thank You

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