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Strategic Planning 2012-2022.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Planning 2012-2022."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Planning

2 10 years make a difference

3 is the place where opportunity is a promise …
Challenge? Over the next 10 years, how do we ensure that Berry College is the place where opportunity is a promise …

4 learning is as smart as our faculty;
mentoring is as wise as our staff; campus life is as vibrant as our students; experience is as broad as our campus; and service is as visionary as our founder?

5 “Strategic planning is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it.” -John Bryson (1995)

6 Planning Context Mission Statement Summarized Enduring Goals
“Berry emphasizes an educational program committed to high academic standards, values based on Christian principles, practical work experience, and service in a distinctive environment of natural beauty.” Enduring Goals To provide an integrated education of the head, heart and hands. To educate responsible young adults with the knowledge, skills, values and passion to improve the communities in which they choose to live and work.

7 “not to be ministered unto, but to minister” Positioning Statement
Historic Motto “not to be ministered unto, but to minister” Positioning Statement Berry students graduate with a unique combination of high quality academic preparation and meaningful work experience. Tag Line “Experience It Firsthand”

8 Strategic Aspirations
Leverage… History, mission and values “Firsthand” experiences Academic programs and faculty Work, student enterprises and staff Campus land and resources Community partners

9 Planning Process Shared Governance Role of Board of Trustees
Define and promote the mission and vision of the college. Ensure a planning process that produces bold and achievable goals to this end.

10 Role of President and Leadership Team
Uphold and fulfill the mission and vision of the college. Oversee the planning process in keeping with the college’s principles, values and strategic aspirations. Ensure timely progress toward the college’s strategic aspirations through annual goals that comprise a “rolling SMART” strategic plan.

11 Role of Planning Council
Ensure input and involvement from constituencies represented on the Council) and other relevant constituencies. Develop goals and objectives that will lead to accomplishment of strategic aspirations. Cooperate in implementing strategies and tactics to foster accomplishment of objectives.

12 Principles of the process
Open and Transparent Consultative and Inclusive Mission-based and Informed (evidence-based) Timely and Effective (trusted)

13 Environmental Analysis

14 Stakeholders Students Faculty Alumni Parents Prospects Staff BOT/BOV
Donors Partners

15 Gap Analysis Expectations Reality

16 Critical Issues & Opportunities
Mission and History Academics Work Service Place Partners

17 Goal Formation Opportunity Issue GOAL

18 “1,000” Day Planning GOAL Objective Strategies Metrics

19 VISION STATEMENT What can--and will-- the institution become if it achieves all its goals?

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