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Thailand. Thailand Land of the Smiles Thailand is known as the "Land of Smiles" (LoS) for a reason: you'll see the famous Thai smile in every type.

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Presentation on theme: "Thailand. Thailand Land of the Smiles Thailand is known as the "Land of Smiles" (LoS) for a reason: you'll see the famous Thai smile in every type."— Presentation transcript:


2 Thailand

3 Land of the Smiles Thailand is known as the "Land of Smiles" (LoS) for a reason: you'll see the famous Thai smile in every type of situation, even in not-so-pleasant circumstances or as an apology. The Thai smile is associated with the concept of saving face, which plays a large role in all common daily interactions. You should smile when greeting people, buying something, negotiating prices, and i

4 Thailand km2 Flights are roughly$2000 return Flag colours red for the land and people, white for Theravada Buddhism and blue for the monarchy,

5 Thai Language Alphabet has 44 consonant letters (Thai: พยัญชนะ, phayanchana), 15 vowel symbols (Thai: สระ, sara)

6 Thai Hospitality, Table Manners and eating patterns
When arriving to a home or residence take off your shoes No knives are given in Thai restaurants as food is already in small pieces or can be broken apart with a spoon. Usually they eat in groups, either with family or friends. There is no specific meal for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner. They eat whatever meal they want. They can eat fried rice for breakfast, noodles for lunch and soup for dinner, or the opposite way around. Thai people never waste food. Throwing food away enrages the Thai “god of rice”, a female deity who watches over the people, ensuring everyone has enough to eat. Bad luck or even widespread famine may then ensue.

7 Thai Food They balance the fundamental senses in their meals
What I love about the Thai food culture is that they always balance their meals with the five fundamental taste senses. In the West, we usually choose one or two per meal, either salty and spicy, or just sweet. In Thai food they combine all five senses; salty, spicy, sour, sweet and bitter – into one and the same meal. This makes the food so interesting for your taste buds!

8 Standard Thai Foods

9 Thai Nicknames All Thai people have nicknames given to them shortly after the birth. Nicknames are used so much so that many people may not know their friends and colleagues real name. Thai nicknames are made up of single syllable sounds: Lek, Nid, Na, Boom, Mem, Tae, Pook, Moo. Some nicknames are funny, Moo means 'pig', yet no offence is intended or taken.

10 PDA - blech One will not see Thai couples hugging, embracing, kissing, or any acts of affection on streets or in public places. It is unacceptable by the norms of Thai society. Display of strong emotions in public, especially when inhered in loud speaking or noisy arguing, is considered rude and disrespectful.

11 Major Thai Flavours and Spices
Lemongrass Cilantro Pepper Lime Garlic Shrimp paste Kaffir lime leaves tamarind

12 Your Turn Research 3 Thai Holidays and Festivals
What their names? What are they celebrating? What are some traditions that they do during that festival? Research 3 odd Thai customs What are they? Why do you think they are odd?


14 India

15 Spices Cinnamon Turmeric Cloves Coriander Cumin Fenugreek Fennel
Cardemon Red chili Saffron Garam Masala


17 India’s Religions – Research and present time
Hinduism – Buddhism – Jainism Sikhism – Look at: Main rules Background of the religion Festivals and Holidays related to that religion (describe them)

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