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Andrés Solimano Prague- November 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Andrés Solimano Prague- November 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Andrés Solimano Prague- November 2014
Lecture (ppt 3) Inequality, Top shares, Gini and growth and CEO and wage gaps at firm level Andrés Solimano Prague- November 2014

2 Inequality among OECD countries: Gini

3 Inequality in the OECD: share of top 1 percent

4 U-shaped evolution of the top one percent in the US and UK in the 20th century

5 Evolution of top one percent in the United States, 1913-2011

6 Evolution of Top 1 percent share in the United Kingdom

7 Top one percent, top 0.1 percent in South -Africa, 1913-2011

8 Where does GDP growth go?
Distributive impact of economic growth: Pro-rich growth Equitable growth: more evenly distributed in the bottom 99 percent. What does the evidence say?

9 Evidence on where does Aggregate Growth Go? To the top…

10 The rise of Gini in main economies in the last two decades
The United States United Kingdom Germany Sweden Russia China

11 Gini in the USA and UK,

12 Gini in Germany,

13 Gini in Sweden,

14 Gini in Russia,

15 Gini in China ,

16 Evidence of inequality at Corporate Level in the US, UK,OECD
Compensation of CEO: salary+ bonus+ equity+ Pension plan + medical insurance + severance payment (golden handshakes). Monetary compensation (MC)= salary + bonus Total compensation= MC+ rest Wage levels for workers and mid-level employees. Widening of wage gaps. Widening wage gaps.

17 CEO’s compensation and wages of workers – United States

18 CEO compensation and workers wages in the United Kingdom

19 CEO’s compensation and workers’s wages in the OECD

20 CEO to Worker Pay ratios

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