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11-4 cont.

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1 11-4 cont

2 Axial Muscles Position ____________________and _______________________ _______________________________ Move rib cage Assist with movements for _________________________________ 60% of skeletal muscles in the body

3 Appendicular Muscles __________________________________ or move components of appendicular skeleton 40%

4 11-5 Axial muscles

5 Muscles of Head and Neck
Muscles that move face, _________________________, and _______________________ Responsible for verbal and nonverbal communication ________________________________

6 Muscles of Facial Expression
Originate on surface of _______________________ When they contract, the skin moves Largest group is associated w/ the _______________________ Orbicularis oris- constricts opening of the mouth Buccinator- cooperates w/ masticatory muscles by moving food back across teeth; suction for suckling Epicranium (___________________________) contains temporoparietalis and occipitofrontalis muscle

7 Extrinsic Eye Muscles 6 muscles known as extraocular (oculomotor) muscles Originate on surface of orbit Control position of each eye _______________________________________-look down Medial rectus- look medially _____________________________________-look up Lateral rectus- look laterally ________________________________-eye rolls; look up and laterally Superior oblique- eye rolls; look down and laterally

8 Muscles of Mastication
Move mandible at temporomandibular joint ____________________________- strongest jaw muscle; elevates mandible and closes the jaw _________________________- elevates mandible ___________________________- elevate, depress, or protract mandible or slide it from side to side (lateral excursion)

9 Muscles of Tongue ________________________________ - elevates tongue, depresses soft palate Styloglossus- retracts tongue; elevates side ______________________________- depresses and protracts tongue Hyoglossus- depresses and retracts tongue

10 Muscles of Pharynx Initiate ______________________ process
Pharyngeal __________________________ Superior, middle, and inferior- constrict pharynx to propel bolus into esophagus Laryngeal elevator- elevate _________________________ Palatal muscles Levator veli palatine and tensor veli palatini- elevates soft palate

11 Anterior Muscles of the Neck
5 muscles that control position of ______________________ 2 muscles that depress the ______________________________ and tense the floor of the mouth 3 muscles that provide a stable foundation for muscles of tongue and _________________________________

12 Anterior Muscles of the Neck cont.
_________________________- depresses mandible or elevates larynx Geniohyoid- depresses mandible or elevates larynx; pulls hyoid bone anteriorly __________________________________- elevates floor of mouth and hyoid bone or depresses mandible Ommohyoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid- depresses hyoid bone and larynx ___________________________________- elevates larynx Thyrohyoid- elevates thyroid, depresses hyoid bone Sternocleidomastoid- (2) flex the neck (1) side bends head toward shoulder and turns face to opposite side

13 Muscles of Vertebral Column
Erector spinae muscles (spinal ____________________________)- superficial and deep layers When contracting together, ______________________ vertebral column One side contract-________________________________________ Superficial Spinalis group Longissimus group Iliocostalis group

14 Muscles of Vertebral Column cont.
Deep layer- _______________________________ and stabilize the vertebrae; slight extension or rotation Semispinalis group Multifidus muscle Interspinales Intertransversarii rotatores

15 Muscles of Vertebral Column cont.
Spinal flexors ___________________ Longus capitis & longus colli rotate or flex neck ___________________________________ Quadratus lumborum- flex vertebral column and depress the ribs

16 Oblique and Rectus Muscles
Forms muscular walls of thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities b/t 1st thoracic vertebra and ______________________ Neck also has some ______________________________- compress underlying structures or rotate the vertebral column _________________________- flexors of vertebral column

17 Oblique Muscles _______________________________ muscles-neck
Elevate 1st 2 ribs; assist in flexion of neck Intercostal muscles- ______________________ b/t ribs Aid in respiratory movement ___________________________ muscles- thorax

18 Oblique Muscles Abdominopelvic
External and internal ___________________________- compresses abdomen, depresses ribs, flex or bend spine Transversus abdominis- compresses abdomen Rectus abdominus (_______________) - depresses rubs, flexes vertebral column, compresses abdomen Separated into segments by tendinous inscriptions

19 Diaphragm Refers to any muscular sheet that forms a wall
Diaphragmatic muscle- separates _____________________________ and thoracic cavities

20 Muscles of Pelvic Floor
b/t sacrum and __________________________________ Support organs of pelvic cavity Flex _______________________ and coccyx Control movement of materials through ______________________ and anus

21 Muscles of Pelvic Floor
Anterior muscles- _________________________________ triangle Posterior- _________________________ triangle Superficial muscles- external genitalia Cover deeper muscles that strengthen pelvic floor and encircle the urethra Makeup the urogenital diaphragm- b/t pubic bones Pelvic __________________________________- foundation of anal triangle

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