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Abdominal Wall and Accessory Structures

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Presentation on theme: "Abdominal Wall and Accessory Structures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Abdominal Wall and Accessory Structures

2 Umbilicus

3 Abdominal anterior and lateral cutaneous nerves
Skin and muscles supplied by T7 through T12, plus L1.

4 Dermatomes of the anterolateral abdominal wall
Nerves T7 to T12 and L1 supply branches to the anterolateral abdominal wall muscles and the underlying parietal peritoneum All terminate by supplying skin Optional slide

5 Subcostal nerve Contributes to T12 dermatome

6 Iliohypogastric nerve
Ventral ramus of L1 spinal nerve

7 Genitofemoral nerve Ventral ramus L1 and L2

8 Serratus Anterior m.

9 Superficial fascia (Fatty and Membranous layer)

10 External abdominal oblique m.
Innervation: T7 through T12

11 Internal abdominal oblique m.
Innervation: T7 through T12, plus L1

12 Transversus abdominis m.
Innervation: T7 through T12, plus L1

13 Pyramidalis m. Innervation: T12

14 Rectus abdominus m.

15 Tendinous intersections of rectus abdominis m.

16 Anterior rectus sheath
Consist of the aponeurosis of the external oblique and half of the aponeurosis of the internal oblique

17 Posterior rectus sheath
Consists of the other half of the aponeurosis of the internal oblique and the aponeurosis of the transversus abdomins.

18 Rectus Sheath Top picture : upper three-quarters of the rectus abdominis m. Bottom picture : the lower one-quarter of the rectus abdominis m. No posterior rectus sheath Arcuate line – marking the point of transition

19 Arcuate line

20 Linea alba Formed by rectus sheaths

21 Inguinal ligament

22 Lacunar ligament

23 Superficial inguinal ring
Formed by the aponeurosis of the external oblique m.

24 Lateral (inferior) Crus
Prevents further widening of the superficial ring with medial crus

25 Medial (superior) Crus
Prevents further widening of the superficial ring with lateral crus

26 Deep inguinal ring Formed by transversalis fascis

27 Inguinal Canal Roof – the transversus abdominis and internal oblique muscles Floor – the inguinal ligament Anterior wall – Aponeurosis of external oblique Posterior wall – Transversalis fascia Content Male : the spermatic cord Female : the round ligament of the uterus and the genitofemoral nerve

28 Conjoined tendon (falx inguinalis)
Forms the posterior wall of the inguinal canal with transversalis fascia

29 Round ligament of the uterus

30 Superior epigastric artery
The veins follow the artery

31 Inferior epigastric artery
The veins follow the artery

32 Deep circumflex Iliac artery
The veins follow the artery

33 Fundiform ligament of penis

34 Semilunar line AKA Linea Semilunaris

35 Epididymis

36 Epididymis: Head

37 Epididymis: Body

38 Epididymis: Tail

39 Tunica Vaginalis Testis
Parietal Layer Visceral Layer

40 Tunica Albuginea

41 Ductus deferans

42 Ductus Deferens

43 Anterior Scrotal Branch Ilioinguinal Nerve

44 External Spermatic Fascia

45 External spermatic fascia

46 Cremaster Muscle

47 Testis

48 Spermatic cord

49 Spermatic cord

50 Testicular artery

51 Pampiniform Plexus of Veins

52 Parietal Peritoneum

53 Extraperitoneal Connective Tissue

54 Transversalis Fascia

55 Median Umbilical Fold and Ligament

56 Medial Umbilical Fold and Ligament

57 Lateral Umbilical Fold and Ligament

58 Supravesical Fossa

59 Medial Inguinal Fossa

60 Lateral Inguinal Fossa

61 Falciform Ligament

62 Round Ligament of the Liver

63 Greater Omentum

64 Gastrosplenic Ligament

65 Quiz

66 Umbilicus

67 Abdominal anterior and lateral cutaneous nerves

68 Subcostal nerve

69 Iliohypogastric nerve

70 Genitofemoral nerve

71 Serratus Anterior m.

72 Superficial fascia (Fatty and Membranous layer)

73 External abdominal oblique m.

74 Internal abdominal oblique m.

75 Transversus abdominis m.

76 Pyramidalis m.

77 Rectus abdominus m.

78 Tendinous intersections of rectus abdominis m.

79 Anterior rectus sheath

80 Posterior rectus sheath

81 Arcuate line

82 Linea alba

83 Inguinal ligament

84 Lacunar ligament

85 Superficial inguinal ring

86 Lateral (inferior) Crus

87 Medial (superior) Crus

88 Deep inguinal ring

89 Inguinal Canal

90 Conjoined tendon (falx inguinalis)

91 Round ligament of the uterus

92 Superior epigastric artery
The veins follow the artery

93 Inferior epigastric artery
The veins follow the artery

94 Deep circumflex Iliac artery
The veins follow the artery

95 Fundiform ligament of penis

96 Semilunar line

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