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How does it make you feel?

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Presentation on theme: "How does it make you feel?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How does it make you feel?
Bullying What is it? How does it make you feel? Why some people bully? What can I do? How can we stop it?

2 What is bullying? Remember the story of the 3 little pigs?
Each little pig built a house.

3 Along came the big bad wolf
He said mean things to the little pigs He tried to blow each little pig’s house down

4 The red bricks show how the wolf bullied the pigs
The wolf was trying to BULLY the pigs into letting him into their houses The red bricks show how the wolf bullied the pigs Was kind to the pigs Was mean to the pigs Played with the pigs Damaged the pigs property Gentle Did mean things again and again Rough Did nice things again and again Was friendly to the pigs Scared the pigs Was polite to the pigs Hurt the pigs

5 People can bully too Sometimes children bully at school

6 Bullying….What is it? There are different types of bullying and some are: Threats (like the little pig story) Violence Name calling Silences Damaging or taking personal property Ignoring you or not allowing you to play

7 How does it make you feel?
Being a VICTIM of a bully can make a person feel: Scared Sad Alone Angry Hurt Nervous Sick Annoyed Bullying often stops you from wanting to go to school.

8 Why some people bully? Bullies usually don’t like themselves very much and this makes it hard for them to like other people and treat them well. The only way bullies can like themselves is to pick on others. Doing this makes them feel powerful.

9 What can I do? We all need to feel liked and loved, that is why being bullied hurts so much. You don’t deserved to be bullied, nobody does. A good way to stop bullying is to talk to someone about it. This can be a parent or a teacher or any other grown-up you feel comfortable with.

10 You may not want to talk to anyone about it, but you should.
All bullies hope that their victims wont tell on them. Keeping it to yourself lets a bully know that its alright to go on hurting you.

11 How can we stop it? A way to stop bullies is to let the people who love you help. Bullies usually only pick on people they know they can hurt. Get help- don’t keep it a secret Becoming a bully yourself isn't the answer Be with other people

12 Bullying….How can we stop it?
So just like the little pigs in the story, who all ran safely to mother pigs house and told her what the wolf was doing to them when you or you see your friends being bullied or are the one doing the bullying tell someone like a teacher or your parent and then you can live happily ever after like the 3 little pigs….

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