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ME Monica Capozzi PBIS Coordinator

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3 ME Monica Capozzi PBIS Coordinator

4 Objectives: 1. Gain an overall understanding of The Dignity Act
2. Understand roles and responsibilities as a classroom teacher in regards to DASA 3. Identify resources to assist in the implementation of the Dignity Act in classrooms 4. Identify the location and process of reporting an incident.


6 Academic Supports Behavior Supports
BUFFALO PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPPORT CONTINUUM Academic Supports Behavior Supports Wraparound Support (PreK-12) Comprehensive Function Based Assessment & Behavior Intervention Plan (K-12) Restorative Practices(K-12) Individual Counseling (PreK-12) Crisis Counseling (PreK-12) Brief Function Based Assessment & Behavior Intervention Plan (K-12) Restorative Practices(K - 12 Check and Connect (4-12 ) Check In Check Out with Individual Features (K-12 ) Social / Academic Instructional Groups (K-12) Check In Check Out (K-12 ) START On Time! Safe Transitions & Reduced Tardies (9-12) CHAMPS Classroom Management (PreK-8) Discipline in the Secondary Classroom (9-12) School-wide Behavior Expectations (Prek-12) Restorative Practices(K – 12) Clear Violation Procedures (Prek-12) Direct Instruction of Behavior In All Settings With Acknowledgement Systems (Prek-12) Safe & Civil Schools START On Time ! Safe Transitions & Reduced Tardies (9-12) Safe & Civil Schools, Discipline in the Secondary Classroom (9-12) CHAMPS Classroom Management (PreK- 8) Tier 3: Intensive for a few students Tier 3: Intensive for a few students Tier 2: Strategic for some students Tier 2: Strategic for some students Tier 1: Benchmark for all students Tier 1: Benchmark for all students Tiered Hierarchy for Academic Intervention / Curriculum Components (Foorman, 2001; Torgesen, 2007; Brown-Chidsey, 2007) PBS BUFFALO Revised July Adapted from "What is school-wide PBS?", OSEP Technical Assistance on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports. (Sugai & Horner, 2007) BPS 3 Tier Continuum Triangle


8 Goal of The Dignity Act Provide all New York State public school students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment and bullying on school property and or at a school function

9 race color weight national origin
No Student shall be subjected to bullying, harassment or discrimination based On their actual or perceived….. race color weight national origin Ethnic group religion religious practice disability Sexual orientation gender/gender identify

10 District Gender Identity Policy
Confidentiality and Records Privacy Procedures School Responsibilities Student Responsibilities Planning Guide Detailed in District Policy (See Link Below)

11 Teacher Responsibilities
Classroom lessons informing students about DASA Preventative practices in the classroom Supervising and intervening Accurate reporting

12 Check In What are four responsibilities teachers have in the implementation of The Dignity ACT

13 Effects of Being Bullied
Lower self-esteem Depression and Anxiety Absenteeism and lowered school achievement Thoughts of suicide Self harm Illness

14 Effects of Being a Bully
Substance Abuse Criminal Behavior Anti-social personality behavior Anxiety Disorder

15 Effects of Bullying on Bystanders
Afraid Powerless to change the situation Guilty for not acting Over time, diminished empathy for others

16 Top 5 Ways to Prevent Bullying
Create A Safe and Supportive Environment Make Expectations Clear (Simple, Direct and Specific) Stop Bullying on The Spot(Intervene)- may need assistance, don’t make kids apologize immediately on the spot. Find out what happened Support all kids involved – Bully, Bullied and Bystanders

17 How To Report……. Step 1: Once on your school’s website
Click – Bullying Online Reporting Step 2: Scroll to the bottom Click – Bullying & Harassment Reporting Form Step 3: Complete Online Form and Submit (Before Submitting a Report be sure to Contact Dignity Act Coordinator)

18 Resources for the Classroom
Stop Bullying Now (Buffalo Public Schools Webpage) ationalServices.cfm?subpage= Presentations/Lesson Plans/Classroom Resources ntServices.cfm?subpage=108378

19 Additional Updates and Information
schools-call-for-help-protecting-minority-students.html hool_Nov2016.pdf

20 NYSED Resources For Additional Information, please visit the following: Dignity Act: Guidance for Local Implementation: ocalImplementation.pdf Resource for Promising Practices Guide: StudentsActGuidanceMay2016.pdf 20

21 What Did We Learn? Using resources provided what will you take back to your classroom this week? How will you incorporate preventative practices into your instruction? Develop a mini-lesson on how you will inform your students about DASA

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