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Traveling Through Earth

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1 Traveling Through Earth
Vocabulary Words: Axis Axis: Axis of the Earth: An imaginary straight line running through the center of the Earth from the North Pole to the South Pole. The earth is said to rotate (spin) on this axis, which is "tilted" in relation to the sun. This causes our seasons. *The Earth rotates once a day on its axis..This

2 Showing the Axis of the Earth one more time…

3 Traveling through Earth
Rotation of the Earth: The spinning or turning of the earth on its axis. The Earth makes one complete rotation every twenty-four [24] hours. That’s one whole day!!

4 Traveling through Earth
Revolution of the Earth -This is one full orbit or the Earth’s movement and travel around the sun It takes one full year to make one revolution around the sun

5 Traveling through Earth
Orbit The Earth completes one orbit every 365 Earth is always in motion and never just stands still

6 Traveling through Earth
Ellipse is the shape of Earth’s orbit: it is not quite a perfect circle. It is more like a “stretched out” circle or an oval. Mathematicians and astronomers call this shape an “ellipse”. An ellipse can be long and skinny or it can be very round. Scientists need a way to describe how round or “stretched out” an ellipse is. They use a number to describe this, and call it the eccentricity of the ellipse.

7 Ellipse

8 Traveling through Earth
Lunar eclipse the Moon can pass through the shadow cast by the Earth.

9 Traveling through Earth
Solar eclipse This happens when the Moon orbits around the Earth and makes a shadow on Earth and blocks all the sunlight

10 Traveling through Earth
Constellation A Constellation is a group of stars that forms a pattern.

11 Hemisphere: A mapping division meaning half of the Earth (sphere)
Hemisphere: A mapping division meaning half of the Earth (sphere). First, picture cutting the earth in half at the equator (0 degrees latitude). This divides the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere (north of the equator) and the Southern Hemisphere (south of the equator). These are labeled in yellow on the illustration. Next picture cutting the earth in half at the Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude). This divides the Earth into the Western Hemisphere (west of the Prime Meridian) and the Eastern Hemisphere (east of the Prime Meridian). These are labeled in red on the illustration.

12 Latitude… Latitude: is an imaginary horizontal mapping lines on the Earth. They are known as "parallels" of latitude because they run parallel to the Equator. The number of degrees of latitude shows how far north or south of the Equator a specific location is.

13 Longitude Longitude: Imaginary vertical mapping lines on Earth known as "meridians" of longitude. The number of degrees of longitude shows how far east or west of the Prime Meridian a specific location is.

14 All About those Invisible Lines
Meridian: An imaginary line that runs vertically, north and south, from the North Pole to the South Pole. All points on a meridian have the same longitude.

15 Prime Meridian… Prime Meridian: The Prime Meridian serves as the starting point for longitude measurement, so is indicated as 0 degrees longitude. The Prime Meridian passes directly over the British Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England. (See illustration, above.)

16 Telling Time Military Style
Twenty-Four Hour Clock: Instead of keeping time on the basis of 12 a.m. hours and 12 p.m. hours, the 24-hour clock runs straight through. It begins at 00:00 (midnight) and runs to 23:59 (11:59 PM). This is also known as "military time."

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