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Copeland Hermetic Recip A*E Compressors

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1 Copeland Hermetic Recip A*E Compressors
Location, Date

2 DOE/EPA Regulations Update 2/17/2017

3 Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Equipment Classes
Low- or Medium-Temperature Vertical, Semi-Vertical, Horizontal or Service Over Counter Self-Contained or Remote Condensing With or Without Solid/Transparent Doors Commercial Refrigerator and Freezer Equipment Affected Buffet Tables, Salad Bars, Prep Tables Not Affected Depending Upon Refrigeration Construction 33+ Classes of Equipment 20+ Sizes/Eqp. Class Source: Department of Energy

4 Buffet Tables, Salad Bars, Prep Tables Beyond Scope of Energy Mandates
Regulated Regulated Regulated Not Regulated Top Rail Bottom Storage Source: Department of Energy

5 CRE Equipment DOE Analysis and Equations
X-axis: size of equipment ft3 Y-axis: energy draw kWh/day Equation format: Y = m(x) + b kWh = m(ft3) + b 33 classes of equipment Remote condensing and self-contained open cases will not require major efficiency improvement challenges Self-contained vertical reach-ins will require significant efficiency improvement changes Source: Department of Energy

6 Status of U.S. Refrigeration Energy Regulations
Product Class Current NOPR Final Effective Energy Level Reduction U.S. Department of Energy Closed-Doors Reach-Ins (Self-Contained) 2010 Oct. 2013 March 2014* March 2017 (FINAL) kWh/Day 30%–50% Ice Makers NODA Sept. 2014 Jan. 2015 Jan. 2018 kWh/100 lbs 5%–15% Display Cases, Including Remote 2012 Walk-In (Foodservice) 2009 Sept. 2013 Jan. 2016** No change MT; No change panels and doors; LT and multiplex out of cmte. Jan. 2020 (all enforced) AWEF MT 20%–40%; LT and Multiplex 20–30% (ASRAC Cmte. Proposal) * Lawsuit filed by industry in 7th Circuit Court; Petition denied, final rule stays ** Lawsuit filed by industry in 5th Circuit Court; settlement reached July 2015 to refer to ASRAC Cmte., with cmte. to make proposal in January 2016, which they met. Awaiting DOE and Court final approvals. Compliance Effective Dates Are Nearing.

7 EPA’s Final Rule, July 20, 2015, and September 26,2016 Changed listing status of certain HFCs*
Final Rule: September 26, 2016 Phase-out refrigerant Super-market (New**) (Retrofit***) Remote condensing unit (New) Remote condensing unit Stand-Alone Refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment (New) Cold storage warehouses (New) Ice machines Very low-temp refrigeration MT < 2,200 BTU/hr. and not contain flooded evap. MT ≥ 2,200 BTU/hr. with or without flooded evap. LT LT and MT R-404A/507A Jan. 1, 2017 July 20, 2016 Jan. 1, 2018 Jan. 1, 2019 Jan. 1, 2020 Jan. 1, 2021 ^Jan. 1, 2023 OK R-410A - R-407A/C/F ^Jan. 1, 2021 R-407C/F OK R-407A: R-407C only HFC-134a Likely alternatives (Emerson perspective) R-448A/449A Neither SNAP- approved, nor banned Neither SNAP-approved, nor banned OK for LT only R-450A/513A R-290 R-744 R-717 OK (in primary loop of secondary system) OK (In primary loop of secondary system) OK (in primary loop of secondary system) ** Includes ice machines connected to a supermarket rack refrigeration system. *** EPA uses term “retrofit” to indicate the use of a refrigerant in an appliance that was designed for and originally operated using a different refrigerant Term does not apply to upgrades to existing equipment where the refrigerant is not changed. *Abbreviated – For complete listing, see EPA Final Rule; go to: See proposed rule; go to:

8 Current State of Refrigerant Options Low-GWP alternatives are flammable or high-pressure
Watch: EPA SNAP, AHRI’s A2L Research, Standards and Code Committees, Equipment Manufacturers’ New Product Launches

9 Compliance Will Not Be Easy
EPA Refrig. Energy Environment Economics Equipment DOE Energy Opportunity to Comply With One Design Cycle Change

10 Launch of Next Gen A Compressors

11 Copeland Hermetic Recip next Gen A
Copeland Hermetic Recip next Gen A*E Compressors Targets Customer Requirements To Meet DOE and EPA C5E & AFF

12 Copeland Hermetic Recip next Gen A
Copeland Hermetic Recip next Gen A*E Compressor – Program Targets & Scope Program Targets Improved Efficiency – Up to 25% more EER Similar Sound Levels Match existing reliability Same mounting Dimensionally similar or smaller than current Alternative refrigerant approved Manufactured In Slovakia and Brazil Match existing delivery lead times UL and CE approved In metro approval on a few models (AFF) Scope Covers 1/8–3/4 HP Low, Medium and High Temp models LT Range: 500 Btu to 2600 Btu MT Range: 1200 Btu to 4500 Btu HT Range: 1300 Btu to 5400 Btu Covers all current voltage options (options differs my model. Check line up chart)1 115V 60Hz & V 60Hz (IAA & CAA) V 60Hz, 220V 60Hz (IAV, CAV & IA3) V 50Hz, V 50Hz (IAZ, CAZ and IAB)

13 Next Gen A Covers Most Commercial Refrigeration Applications
Wide Voltage Range Guarantees that the equipment will run even with voltage fluctuation. Vertical freezers Island Coolers Bottle Vending Machines Display Cases Reach-ins Icemakers 300l to 600l Up to 3m 500l Up to 800l to 1000l to 500l Up to 200 kg/day

14 Copeland Hermetic Recip Next Gen A*E Today vs Future
Today’s Platforms Future Platforms A*E**C4E Compressors A*E**C3E Compressors (Phasing Out) A*E**C5E Compressors (Phasing In) A*E**C4E Compressors (Not phasing out but some models will have C5E/AFF crosses as options for DOE) AFF**C1E Compressors (Phasing In) Same Footprint Better Sound Higher Efficiency Alt. Ref. Availability 1 2 3 4

15 Next Gen A*E Compressors Same Footprints
1 Next Gen A*E Compressors Same Footprints A*E**c5E (vs C3E/C4E) AFF**C1E (vs C3E/C4E) Semi direct suction Same tube location Same tube sizes Same overall dimension Same mounting Optimized Motors For Efficiency Semi direct suction Similar tube sizes Flipped Discharge/Suction Tube Location Smaller overall dimension Similar mounting Only R134a (and R513A, R450A) Ext. Medium Temp Envelope

16 Next Gen A Compressors Sound Reduced Design
2 Next Gen A Compressors Sound Reduced Design Comparable to C3E Comparable to C3E 15-20% Sound Delta vs C3E C4E/C5E shows comparable sound level compared to C3E AFF has about 15-20% lower sound level compared to C3E

17 Next Gen A*E Compressors Higher Efficiency
3 Next Gen A*E Compressors Higher Efficiency R134a | Low Temp | -10/110 °F R134a | High Temp | 45/130 °F R404A | Low Temp | -10/110 °F R404A | Medium Temp | 20/120 °F

18 Next Gen A*E Compressors AFF can be used in MT applications
3 Next Gen A*E Compressors AFF can be used in MT applications R134a | MT | 20/120 °F R134a | MT | 20/120 °F

19 C3E vs C5E Performance Curve Comparison ASE24C3E vs ASE24C5E
Capacity EER

20 C3E vs C5E Performance Curve Comparison ASE24C3E vs ASE24C5E
Capacity EER Capacity and EER curves almost parallel across the evap. range

21 C3/C4/C5 vs AFF Performance Curve Comparison AFE13C5E vs AFF13C1E
Capacity EER Capacity and EER curves almost parallel across the evap. range

22 Next Gen A*E Compressors Alternate Refrigerant Availability
4 Next Gen A*E Compressors Alternate Refrigerant Availability R404A (GWP 3922) R448A (GWP 1273) R449A (GWP 1282) R134a (GWP 1430) R450A (GWP 547) R513A (GWP 573) AFE * Under Eval. AFF NA ASE * ARE * * Only C4E, C5E and AFF compressors approved or planned for approval. C3E are not in the plan for approval. Dew-Point Tested Refrigerant Comparison (Primary Rating Points, 0F Subcooling) Refrigerant GWP Pressure LT Evap EER LT Evap Cap Disch Temp ** (-10/120) MT Evap EER MT Evap Cap Disch Temp ** (20/120) HT Evap EER HT Evap Cap Disch Temp** (45/130) Glide R134a 1430 213.4 100% 170 - 197 R450A (N13) 547 186.5 99% 86% 166 101% 88% 194 7.62 R513A (XP10) 573 221.7 109% 174 96% 182 4.65 R404A 3922 368.2 229 0.52 R448A (N40) 1273 343.2 94% 244 97% 187 7.81 R449A (XP40) 1282 343.3 7.70 ** Discharge Temperatures Are Based Off Comparable Tested Data with AFF_C1E-IAA, RFT42C1E-CAA, RST45C1E-CAA, and ARE34C4E-IAA C4/C5: R448A/R449A are approved. R450A/R513A will be approved Dec’16 AFF: R450A/R513A will be approved in Jan’17

23 0-1 FHP Hermetic Recip Product Line-Up Phase In and Phase Out
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 MT Cap 0.75 1.5 2.25 3 3.75 4.5 5.25 6 6.75 7.5 LT Cap 1.2 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 kBTU/hr With Primary Refr. (404A, 134a) A*E**C3E Phasing Out A*E**C4E Existing Model. Staying In The Line Up A*E A*E**C5E Phasing In AFF**C1E Existing Model. Staying In The Line Up R*T**C1E R*T

24 Next Gen A*E Compressor Line Up
Environment Energy HT MT LT HT MT LT 1/4th HP to 3/4th HP A*E compressor line up available both in 50Hz and 60Hz covering all Low, Medium, and High Temp applications 1/4th HP to 3/4th HP A*E compressor line up available both in 50Hz and 60Hz covering all Low, Medium, and High Temp applications

25 Next Gen A Compressors Low Temp Models
Refrigerants Voltage Offering IAA CAA IAV CAV IAZ CAZ IAB CAB 60Hz 50Hz 50/60Hz 115V or V V V or V 230V 60Hz or V 50Hz AFE05C4E R134a, R513A, R450A AFE06C4E R404A, R448A, R449A AFE08C4E AFE11C4E    AFE12C4E AFE13C4E AFE13C5E AFE14C5E AFE17C4E AFE20C5E AFE23C5E AFE26C5E Released In Progress Not Offering All R404A models are qualified for R448A/R449A All R134a models are qualified for R450A/R513A

26 Next Gen A Compressors Extended Medium Temp Models
Refrigerants Voltage Offering IAA CAA IA3 CAV IAZ CAZ IAB CAB 60Hz 50Hz 50/60Hz 115V or V 220V V V or V 230V 60Hz or V 50Hz AFF07C1E R134a, R513A, R450A AFF08C1E AFF10C1E AFF13C1E Released In Progress Not Offering All R134 models are qualified for R450A/R513A

27 Next Gen A Compressors Medium Temp Models
Refrigerants Voltage Offering IAA CAA IAV CAV IAZ CAZ IAB CAB 60Hz 50Hz 50/60Hz 115V or V V V or V 230V 60Hz or V 50Hz ASE12C4E R404A, R448A, R449A ASE14C4E ASE20C4E Dec' 2017 ASE20C5E ASE24C5E ASE26C4E ASE28C5E ASE32C5E    ASE35C4E ASE39C5E ASE45C5E Released In Progress Not Offering All R404A models are qualified for R448A/R449A

28 Next Gen A Compressors High Temp Models
Refrigerants Voltage Offering IAA CAA IAV CAV IAZ CAZ IAB CAB 60Hz 50Hz 50/60Hz 115V or V V V or V 230V 60Hz or V 50Hz ARE13C4E R134a, R513A, R450A ARE17C4E ARE25C4E ARE25C5E ARE29C4E Oct' 2017 ARE34C4E ARE35C5E ARE40C4E ARE42C5E ARE48C5E    ARE51C4E ARE54C5E Released In Progress Not Offering All R134 models are qualified for R450A/R513A

29 The New AFF Platform The AFF**C1E compressor platform is a new high efficiency compressor platform manufactured in Brazil The compressor platform delivers significant improvement in reliability over existing compressors It is primarily a replacement for the LT R134a compressors but can be effectively applied in MT R134a Reach In applications if used within the envelope The AFF delivers higher performance at Low and Medium Temp R134a Applications

30 Copeland hermetic Next Gen A*E Compressors – BOM Guidelines
SE Suction Fitting Description -201 Braze OEM Standard Production Model With All Electrical Components (Protector & Capacitors & Relay) and Mounting Grommets and Sleeves -202 OEM (Protector and Terminal Cover Only) -251, -252, -282 Other OEM-Specific BOMs Less Warranty (By Request) -301 (no AFF) OEM Pre-Pack OEM Standard Production Model With All Electrical Components (Protector & Capacitors & Relay) and Mounting Grommets and Sleeves -302 (no AFF) OEM Pre-Pack (Protector and Terminal Cover Only) -303 (no AFF) Other Pre-Pack OEM Standard Production Model With All Electrical Components (Protector & Capacitors & Relay) and Mounting Grommets and Sleeves Bulk Packed -7xx Service Compressors Sold to OEM Customers -901 Service Compressor Like -201 -959 Service Valve Service Compressor Like 201 with Conduit

31 Additional Information
Performance Details of the Next Gen A Line Up C3E Compressor Crosses to Next Gen A Operating Envelope Charts (LT, EMT, MT, HT) Drawing Cross Reference (C3/C4-> C5 & C3/C4-> AFF) Ratings on CPID and OPI Hermetic Nomenclature Guideline

32 Next Gen A Compressors LT R134a/R404A @ -10/120 °F ARI
Application Model Line Up Capacity EER Accepting Production Orders Low Temp AFE05C4E-IAA 584 3.09 Now AFE06C4E-IAA 577 2.49 AFE08C4E-IAA 720 2.61 AFE08C4E-IAZ 571 2.68 AFE11C4E-IAA 980 3.16 AFE11C4E-IAV AFE11C4E-IAZ 794 3.00 AFE12C4E-IAA 1325 3.21 AFE12C4E-IAZ 1090 AFE13C4E-IAA 1330 3.14 AFE13C4E-IAV 1270 2.90 AFE13C4E-IAZ 1080 3.10 AFE13C5E-CAA 1,380 3.50 AFE13C5E-IAA 1,370 3.30 AFE14C5E-CAA 1,410 3.60 AFE14C5E-IAA 1,400 3.40 AFE14C5E-IAV AFE14C5E-IAZ 1,160 AFE17C4E-CAA 1740 3.22 AFE17C4E-IAA 1700 2.98 AFE17C4E-IAV 1620 2.77 AFE17C4E-IAZ 1560 AFE20C5E-CAA 1,920 AFE20C5E-CAV AFE20C5E-IAA 1,900 AFE20C5E-IAV AFE20C5E-IAZ 1,580 AFE23C5E-CAA 2,280 AFE23C5E-CAV AFE23C5E-CAZ 1,895 AFE26C5E-CAA 2570 3.39 AFE26C5E-CAV 2,570 AFE26C5E-CAZ 2,140 R448A/R449A/R450A/R513A data also available on OPI

33 Next Gen A Compressors Ext. MT R134a @ -10/120 °F ARI
Application Model Line Up Capacity EER Accepting Production Orders Low Medium Temp AFF07C1E-IAA 682 4.30 Now AFF08C1E-IAA 832 4.07 AFF10C1E-IAA 1070 4.10 AFF10C1E-IA3 3.95 AFF10C1E-IAZ 889 4.05 AFF13C1E-IAA 1250 AFF13C1E-IA3 1350 AFF13C1E-IAZ 1105 4.00 R450A/R513A data also available on OPI

34 Next Gen A Compressors Medium Temp. R404A @ -20/120 °F ARI
Application Model Line Up Capacity EER Accepting Production Orders Medium Temp ASE12C4E-IAA 1355 4.37 Now ASE14C4E-IAA 1645 4.24 ASE20C4E-CAA 2080 4.58 ASE20C4E-IAA 4.36 ASE20C4E-IAV 2160 4.50 ASE20C4E-IAZ 1760 4.45 Dec’ 17 ASE24C5E-CAA 2,300 5.00 ASE24C5E-IAA 2,280 4.70 ASE24C5E-IAV 2280 4.72 Dec 17 ASE24C5E-IAZ 1,900 ASE26C4E-CAA 2720 4.86 ASE26C4E-IAA 2650 4.53 ASE26C4E-IAZ 2250 4.89 ASE28C5E-CAA 2,810 5.20 ASE28C5E-CAV 2,800 ASE28C5E-IAA 2,760 4.80 ASE28C5E-IAV 2760 ASE28C5E-IAZ 2308 4.66 ASE32C5E-CAA 3328 5.32 ASE32C5E-CAV ASE32C5E-CAZ 2773 ASE32C5E-IAA 3260 ASE32C5E-IAV ASE32C5E-IAZ 2716 ASE35C4E-CAA 3600 4.44 ASE35C4E-IAA 3520 4.05 ASE39C5E-CAA 3,840 ASE39C5E-CAV 3840 ASE39C5E-CAZ 3200 ASE39C5E-IAA ASE39C5E-IAV 3890 4.55 ASE39C5E-IAZ 3240 ASE45C5E-CAA 4527 4.82 ASE45C5E-CAV 4550 4.75 ASE45C5E-CAZ 3773 R448A/R449A data also available on OPI

35 Next Gen A Compressors High Temp. R404A @ 45/130 °F ARI
Application Model Line Up Capacity EER Accepting Production Orders High Temp ARE13C4E-IAA 1480 6.02 Now ARE17C4E-IAA 1830 6.25 ARE25C4E-IAA 2540 7.04 ARE25C4E-IAV 2490 6.75 ARE25C4E-IAZ 2150 7.20 ARE25C5E-CAA 2,950 8.90 ARE25C5E-IAA 2,910 8.25 ARE29C4E-IAA 2920 6.79 ARE29C4E-IAZ 2500 7.00 Dec’ 17 ARE34C4E-IAA 3380 6.76 ARE34C4E-IAV 2960 7.10 ARE34C4E-IAZ 2910 ARE35C5E-CAA 3,640 7.40 ARE35C5E-IAA 3,590 ARE35C5E-IAB 2,990 ARE40C4E-IAA 4000 6.45 ARE42C5E-CAA 4440 ARE42C5E-CAV ARE42C5E-CAZ 3700 ARE42C5E-IAA 4173 6.66 ARE42C5E-IAV 6.67 ARE42C5E-IAZ 3478 ARE48C5E-CAA 4,920 ARE48C5E-CAZ 3,900 6.00 ARE48C5E-CAV ARE48C5E-IAA 4,830 6.40 ARE48C5E-IAZ 4100 6.44 ARE48C5E-IAV ARE51C4E-CAA 5220 6.03 ARE51C4E-IAV 4940 5.49 ARE51C4E-IAZ 4370 5.68 ARE54C5E-CAA 5580 6.56 ARE54C5E-CAV ARE54C5E-CAZ 4650 6.57 ARE54C5E-IAA 5,510 6.10 ARE54C5E-IAV ARE54C5E-IAZ 4591 R450A/R513A data also available on OPI

36 Next Gen A Compressors C3E Compressor Crosses (R404A->R404A & R134a->R134a crosses)
C3E Model Application Capacity EER Next Gen Model Cross Delta Cap Delta EER AFE07C3E-IAA R-134a - LT (-10°F/120°F) 710 3.09 AFF07C1E-IAA 682 4.29 -3.9% 38.8% AFE10C3E-IAA 936 AFF10C1E-IAA 1069 4.09 14.2% 32.4% AFE11C3E-IAA R-404A - LT (-10°F/120°F) 984 2.6 AFE11C4E-IAA 980 3.16 -0.4% 21.5% AFE11C3E-IAV AFE11C4E-IAV AFE11C3E-IAZ 810 2.57 AFE11C4E-IAZ 817 0.8% 23.0% AFE12C3E-IAA 1130 3.25 4.1 -5.3% 26.2% AFE12C3E-IAZ 927 3.24 AFF10C1E-IAZ 889 4.06 25.3% AFE13C3E-IAA 1450 2.83 AFE14C5E-CAA 1410 3.63 -2.8% 28.3% AFE13C3E-IAV 1425 2.93 AFE14C5E-IAV 1400 3.41 -1.8% 16.4% AFE13C3E-IAZ 1170 2.8 AFE14C5E-IAZ 1160 -0.3% 21.8% ARE25C3E-IAA R-134a - HT (45°F/130°F) 2370 6.41 ARE25C4E-CAA 2540 7.04 7.2% 9.8% ARE25C3E-IAZ 2080 6.2 ARE25C4E-IAZ 2117 1.8% 13.5% ARE27C3E-IAA 2760 6.39 ARE25C5E-CAA 2690 8.13 -2.5% 27.2% ARE27C3E-IAZ 2270 6.1 ARE29C4E-IAZ 2433 6.79 11.3% ARE37C3E-IAA 3730 6.07 ARE35C5E-CAA 3640 7.4 -2.4% 21.9% ARE37C3E-IAV 3790 6.38 ARE35C5E-IAV 3590 6.96 9.1% ARE37C3E-IAZ 3170 6.16 ARE35C5E-IAZ 2990 -5.7% 13.1% ARE41C3E-IAA 4250 ARE42C5E-CAA 4440 7.2 4.5% 16.1% ARE41C3E-IAZ 3680 6.63 ARE42C5E-CAZ 3700 0.5% 8.6% ARE41C3E-IAV 4140 6.06 ARE42C5E-IAV 4173 6.67 9.9% ASE19C3E-IAA R-404A - MT (20°F/120°F) 1890 4.38 ASE20C4E-CAA 4.58 10.1% ASE19C3E-IAZ 1590 3.7 ASE20C4E-IAZ 1760 4.45 10.7% 20.3% ASE24C3E-IAA 2290 4.11 ASE24C5E-CAA 2300 4.97 0.4% 20.9% ASE24C3E-IAV 2400 4.32 ASE24C5E-IAV 2280 4.72 -5.0% 9.3% ASE24C3E-IAZ 1940 4.2 ASE24C5E-IAZ 1900 4.71 -2.1% 12.1% ASE32C3E-CAA 3330 4.49 ASE32C5E-CAA 3328 5.32 -0.1% 18.5% ASE32C3E-CAV 3320 4.54 ASE32C5E-CAV 0.2% 17.2% ASE32C3E-CAZ 4.78 ASE32C5E-CAZ 2773 Crosses for alternate refrigerants and also for other A*E models are available. Please contact your sales manager for those.

37 Low Temp AFE R404A Envelope

38 Low Temp AFE R134a Envelope

39 Ext. Medium Temp AFF R134a Envelope

40 Medium Temp ASE R404A Envelope

41 High Temp ARE R134a Envelople

42 Representataive Drawings C3E/C4E vs C5E
C3E/C4E Drawing No C5E Drawing No

43 Representataive Drawings C3E/C4E vs AFF
C3E/C4E Drawing No AFF Drawing No

44 Rating Data in CPID and OPI
All performance data sheets are available on CPID and OPI Will be available for models under development per release schedule

45 Rating Data in CPID and OPI
All performance data sheets are available on CPID and OPI Will be abailable for models under development per release schedule

46 Additional Resources Available by Registering for Online Product Information at Reference Drawings UL Information File SA4369, Vol. 1, Sec. 34 Application Engineering Bulletin AE-1305 Performance Information & Coefficients Electrical Information Accessories List

47 Hermetic Compressor Nomenclature

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