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WIGOS Pre-operational Phase

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Presentation on theme: "WIGOS Pre-operational Phase"— Presentation transcript:

1 WIGOS Pre-operational Phase
(EC-68 decisions and guidance) RA I WIGOS (Dakar, Senegal, 28 – 30 September 2016) Dr. Igor Zahumensky, WIGOS Project Office, WMO Secretariat

2 Outline WIGOS WIGOS Framework WIGOS Pre-operational Phase (2016-2019)
Five Priority Areas of WPP Way forward Potential Pilot Projects Conclusions WMO 2

3 Note: WIGOS is neither … nor …
What is WIGOS? A framework for integrating WMO observing systems and WMO contributions to co-sponsored observing systems, … for better planning, operating and delivering observations to meet user needs, to enable more efficient and effective service delivery. WIGOS includes: Global Observing System (GOS) WMO Hydrological Observing System observing components of: Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) (surface-based and space-based sub-systems) Note: WIGOS is neither … nor … Note: WIGOS is a foundational WMO activity addressing the observing needs of the weather, climate, water and environmental services of its Members WIGOS is neither a new observing system nor WIS ! WIGOS is not replacing or taking over existing observing systems, which will continue to be owned and operated by a diverse array of organizations and programmes, national as well as international. 3

4 Key WIGOS Principle Key principle of WIGOS - an inclusive approach to the integration and sharing of observations from a diverse range of observing systems, both NMHS and non-NMHS owned, into a composite set of observations to help Members improve their services across all WMO application areas. Getting value from observations means addressing emerging data challenges and opportunities Enhance NMHS leadership – standards, network design, network management on behalf of 3rd parties, access to WIS Lifecycle management also for efficiency, timeliness of access, archiving, tiered network management

5 WIGOS Framework At its simplest, the WIGOS framework is about: Documenting and implementing standard and recommended practices and procedures in making and sharing observations, Coordination, collaboration and building partnerships for efficiency and effectiveness, Integration and interoperability in all senses, Timely delivery of observations that meet user needs in a way they can use them, Empowering and extending the reach of NMHSs, reinforcing their leadership and building partnerships with contributors & users, … … …

6 WIGOS Pre-operational Phase (PWPP)
Resolution 2 (EC-68) Plan for the WIGOS Pre-operational phase EC requested Members, the regional associations and the technical commissions to organize their activities to realize WIGOS goals and associated outcomes as described in the Plan;

7 WIGOS Pre-operational Phase (PWPP)
Objective of the WIGOS Pre-operational Phase To build on and strengthen the WIGOS framework to deliver a fully operational WIGOS in 2020; To place increased emphasis on regional and national activities.

8 WIGOS Pre-operational Phase (PWPP)
Five priority areas National WIGOS implementation WIGOS Regulatory and Guidance Material WIGOS Information Resource WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System Regional WIGOS Centres

9 1. National Implementation, Coordination & Governance Mechanisms

10 Role of Members Implement and operate their observing networks and systems in accordance with the WMO Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49) (see WIGOS Technical Regulations in: WMO-No (Eng. version: Resolutions 25 and 26 respectively))

11 Develop their National Observing Strategy and National WIP;
Role of Members Develop their National Observing Strategy and National WIP; Establish national WIGOS governance, coordination and implementation mechanisms; Nominate national WIGOS focal points and OSCAR/Surface focal points; Coordinate their WIGOS implementation with the implementation of WIS and other WMO key priorities; Development of a National Observing Strategy will enable to better meet the user needs and to ensure that NMHS has the best basis for planning of its investment in systems, science and people. It will also permit the NMHS to make informed decisions based on user requirements for future planning purposes. Four key principles that guide the Strategy are as follows: (1) demand- and user-driven products and services; (2) a phased approach to implementation; (3) effective partnerships; and (4) building on core strengths. N-WIP should build on the National Observing Strategy. Not a one-size-fits all approach. Every country is different; therefore not a template approach. The Self-assessment (Readiness) Checklist ( already developed will be useful in assessing current maturity of observing systems, their priorities, plans, gaps and capabilities, etc., and will provide the basis for developing an achievable national WIGOS plan. Members will develop a national WIGOS plan that reflects their national situation, in terms of the mandate of their NMHS, the requirements of their user community and the need to reach out to partners to develop a comprehensive integrated observing system to meet national service needs. Each plan will be different, both in content and style, and while Members can learn from the plans and experiences of others, through case studies and workshops, it is proposed that Members be provided with guidance materials to assist them to understand what steps they needed to take but not with a specific template that might unduly constrain them.

12 N-WIP will help Members:
N-WIP activities N-WIP will help Members: To establish appropriate governance and coordination systems, To build the relationships and partnerships that will help expand and share their national and regional observations to meet needs across relevant disciplines and communities,

13 N-WIP will help Members:
N-WIP activities N-WIP will help Members: To implement quality monitoring systems that enable them to respond promptly and effectively to feedback on data availability and quality; and To implement modern data lifecycle management and practices to ensure they extract full value from their national observing systems.

14 National Planning It reflects a national situation, requirements of user community with a goal to meet national service needs, It links NMHS with their national partners for increased integration and open sharing of observations, incl. those from non-WMO sources

15 2. WIGOS Regulatory and Guidance Material

16 3. WIGOS Information Resource
A specific presentation on WIR with a focus on OSCAR/Surface by L. F. Nunes

17 4. WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (WDQMS)
A specific presentation by L. F. Nunes

18 5. Regional WIGOS Centres
A specific presentation by I. Zahumensky

19 Promote WMO culture of compliance with Technical regulations;
Way forward Promote WMO culture of compliance with Technical regulations; Complete the nomination process of the national WIGOS, OSCAR/Surface and WIS focal points, respectively, as soon as possible;

20 Way forward Investigate, with support by CIMO experts, the functionality of the RICs in the Region and based on the findings draft the proposal on how to improve a current situation (RA-I/WG-OTI); Collect information about existing calibration facilities in their respective countries that could be used by other Members (PRs of the Region providing RA-I/MG with the information);

21 Consider and draft Pilot Projects, e.g. on:
Way forward Consider and draft Pilot Projects, e.g. on: OSCAR/Surface implementation Data Quality Monitoring Incident Management Helping the LDCs of RA I

22 Establishment of RWC (national/sub-regional): South Sudan proposed,
Way forward Consider and draft Pilot Projects, e.g. on: Establishment of RWC (national/sub-regional): South Sudan proposed, one for a French speaking country to be identified during the RA I WIGOS workshop for French Speaking Countries in 2016;

23 Benefits of implementing WIGOS
You will obtain critical knowledge to underpin your planning and decision-making process, and to make informed decisions based on user requirements for future planning purposes, You will have the best basis for planning of investment in systems, science and people, You will be able to better meet the user needs and demands in more effective and sustainable way,

24 Benefits of implementing WIGOS
You will be better able to mitigate against and/or adapt to the consequences of a climate change, You will be better able to report the value and benefits of your work to your government, community and stakeholders, You will increase reliability of service delivery by reducing the risk of systems failures and outages,

25 Thank you Merci

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