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Common Strategic Framework Commission proposal

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1 Common Strategic Framework 2014-2020 Commission proposal
ESF Regulation Common Strategic Framework Commission proposal Dominique Bé 3-4 May 2012, Bratislava 1

2 Why a Common Strategic Framework ?
ESF Regulation Why a Common Strategic Framework ? European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) European Social Fund (ESF) Cohesion Fund (CF) European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) European Maritime & Fisheries Fund (EMFF) complementary policy objectives shared management main EU funding for Europe 2020 strategy The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), the Cohesion Fund (CF), the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) & the European Maritime & Fisheries Fund (EMFF): pursue complementary policy objectives and their management is shared between the MS & the Commission. They are the main source of investment at EU level to help MS to restore & increase growth & ensure a job rich recovery while ensuring sustainable development, in line with Europe 2020 objectives.

3 To better coordinate EU funds to avoid overlaps & maximise synergies
ESF Regulation To better coordinate EU funds to avoid overlaps & maximise synergies "Common Provisions Regulation" proposal common set of thematic objectives simplification (planning & implementation) focus on results (performance framework & reserve) harmonisation of eligibility rules extension of simplified cost options Partnership Contracts Common Strategic Framework (CSF) setting out how EU Funds can work together This is why the Commission has proposed a Common Provisions Regulation for all five Funds. The proposal provides for much closer coordination of the funds to achieve: concentration of resources on the objectives of Europe 2020 through a common set of thematic objectives to which the funds will contribute; simplification through more coherent planning & implementation arrangements; a reinforced focus on results through a performance framework & reserve; harmonisation of eligibility rules & an extension of simplified cost options to reduce the administrative burden for beneficiaries & managing authorities. Furthermore, the proposal foresees the adoption of PCs which will set out the commitments of the partners at national & regional level. These contracts will be linked to the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy & the National Reform Programmes. They will set out "an integrated approach for territorial development supported by all CSF Funds". In order to facilitate the development of PCs & programmes, the proposal foresees the adoption of a Common Strategic Framework (CSF). The CSF should increase coherence between policy commitments made in the context of Europe 2020 & investment on the ground. It should encourage integration by setting out how the funds can work together. It will provide a source of strategic direction to be translated by MS & regions into the programming of the CSF Funds in the context of their specific needs, opportunities & challenges.

4 What is the CSF Elements to include in Partnership Contracts
ESF Regulation What is the CSF Elements to include in Partnership Contracts Funds to support Europe 2020 National Reform Programmes coordination & integration between Funds with other EU policies & instruments integrated approach to Funds delivery community-led local development (all Funds) integrated territorial investments (Cohesion policy only) integrated operations Joint Action Plans Community-led local development (based on the experience of LEADER under rural development) delegates decision-making & implementation to a local partnership of public, private & civil society actors. Integrated territorial investments for the ERDF, ESF & Cohesion Fund provides for integrated delivery arrangements for investments under more than one priority axis of one or more operational programmes. Funding from several priority axes & programmes can be bundled into an integrated investment strategy for a certain territory or functional area. This can take the form of an integrated strategy for urban development, but also for inter-municipal cooperation in specific territories. It allows the managing authorities to delegate the implementation of parts of different priority axes to one body (a local authority) to ensure that investments are undertaken in a complementary manner. Within an ITI certain components can be implemented through community-led local development, combining the two approaches. Integrated Operations: receiving support from one or more CSF Funds & from other Union instruments. Joint Action Plans: integrated operation implemented through a result based approach in order to achieve specific objectives jointly agreed between the Member State & the Commission.

5 ESF Regulation What is the CSF Elements to include in Partnership Contracts Horizontal principles & policy objectives men/women equality & non discrimination mainstreamed across Funds & programmes involving relevant bodies & partners accessibility for disabled sustainable development compliance with EU body of law climate change & biodiversity tracking guidance on application of "polluter pays" principle

6 ESF Regulation What is the CSF Elements to include in Partnership Contracts Territorial challenges of Europe 2020 strategy differentiated impact of global challenges (e.g. globalisation, demographic change, climate change, economic crisis) to be taken account of in PC & programmes analysis of development potential & capacity assessment of challenges for growth & jobs consideration of cross-sectoral & cross-jurisdictional issues coordination across different territorial levels development of Partnership Contract & programmes The major societal challenges faced by the EU today - globalisation, demographic change, environmental degradation, migration, climate change & energy use as well as the need to cope with the economic & social consequences of the crisis - will have different impacts in different regions. MS & regions should therefore take into account five elements when designing their PC & programmes: – 1st element is an analysis of the MS’s or region’s development potential & capacity, particularly in relation to the key challenges identified in Europe 2020, the NRP & the relevant country-specific recommendations. This requires the responsible authorities to undertake a detailed analysis of national, regional & local characteristics; – 2nd element, building directly on the first element, is an assessment of the major challenges to be addressed by the region or MS. Central to this process is the identification of the bottlenecks & missing links, innovation gaps, including the lack of planning & implementation capacity that inhibit the long-term potential for growth & jobs. This will highlight the possible fields & activities for policy prioritisation, intervention & concentration; – many of the societal & environmental challenges faced by EU regions & MS transcend administrative boundaries & national borders. The 3rd element, therefore, requires consideration of the cross-sectoral, cross-jurisdictional or even cross border coordination challenges, particularly in the context of macro-regional & sea basin strategies; 4th, in many cases, an integrated approach linking Europe 2020 with regional & local actors will require improved coordination across different territorial levels & sources of funding. The PC will be a key element in developing such an approach; – the fifth element involves developing a PC & programmes based on the thematic objectives set out in the proposal for the Common Provisions Regulation to deliver results. The specific objectives of each programme should therefore be expressed by appropriate result indicators to capture the changes that the programme is intended to facilitate.

7 ESF Regulation What is the CSF Elements to include in Partnership Contracts coordinated funding for cooperation activities cross-border & transnational cooperation natural resources management, R&I, public services, network infrastructure: transport, energy, ICT, labour market, governance (police, justice, etc) interregional cooperation (exchange of experience) macro-regional & sea basin strategies ESF transnational cooperation to enhance effectiveness of policies The challenges faced by regions & MS often cut across national & regional boundaries. An effective response requires joint, cooperative action & sharing of knowledge at the appropriate territorial level. This action should be supported by both the ERDF & the ESF. Where macro-regional & sea basin strategies have been put in place, all the CSF funds should support their implementation. The ESF supports transnational cooperation between partners at national and/or regional level from at least two MS in order to enhance the effectiveness of policies supported by the ESF through mutual learning. TC may involve various stakeholders such as public law bodies, intermediate bodies, social partners, nongovernmental organisations. TC can cover any areas falling within the scope of ESF, nevertheless, the greatest added value of mutual learning is in areas identified in the Council Recommendations. MS can opt to cooperate in a flexible manner & in this case, they may select the themes for transnational activities & establish the appropriate implementation mechanisms which best suit their needs. In addition, the Commission will facilitate transnational activities through mutual learning & coordinated or joint action in a limited number of themes endorsed by the ESF Committee. To this end, the Commission shall operate an EU-level platform with a view to facilitate the exchange of experience, capacity building & networking, as well as dissemination of the relevant outcomes. It will also develop a coordinated implementation framework, including common eligibility criteria, types & timing of actions, as well as common methodological approaches for monitoring & evaluation, with a view to enhance the potential of TC & maximise the effectiveness of the relevant interventions.

8 ESF Regulation What is the CSF Elements to include in Partnership Contracts for each thematic objective main Europe 2020 targets & policy objectives key actions for the Funds common implementation principles coordination & complementarity between Funds with other EU policies & instruments between different thematic objectives for each of the thematic objectives set out in the proposal for the Common Provisions Regulation, the main Europe 2020 targets & policy objectives that should be addressed by MS in their Partnership Contracts, closely linked to their National Reform Programmes, and key actions, corresponding to investment priorities & Union priorities, which are expected to generate the greatest impact on growth, jobs & sustainability during implementation of the programmes;2 the linkages with the governance process of the European Semester; the coordination & integration of the CSF Funds; horizontal principles & policy objectives for the implementation of the CSF Funds; the development of Partnership Contracts & programmes to address the territorial challenges of smart, sustainable & inclusive growth; priorities for cooperation activities.

9 What is the CSF 11 thematic objectives
ESF Regulation What is the CSF 11 thematic objectives RTDI access to, use & quality of ICT competitiveness of SMEs, agriculture, fisheries & aquaculture shift towards low-carbon economy climate change adaptation, risk prevention & management environment protection & resource efficiency sustainable transport & key network infrastructures employment & labour mobility social inclusion & fight against poverty education, skills & lifelong learning institutional capacity & efficient public administration

10 What is the CSF 4 "ESF" thematic objectives
ESF Regulation What is the CSF 4 "ESF" thematic objectives target ESF ERDF EAFRD EMFF employment & labour mobility 75% empl. rate X social inclusion & fight against poverty -20 million education, skills & lifelong learning <10% drop-outs >40% tertiary institutional capacity & efficient public administration ---

11 ESF Regulation What is the CSF social inclusion & fight against poverty target: -20 million ESF ERDF EAFRD active inclusion integration of marginalised c'ties regeneration of deprived communities small-scale infrastructure anti-discrimination access to services services infrastructure local basic services social economy & enterprises social enterprises accessibility community-led local development strategies community-led local development (LEADER) Europe 2020 headline target: ‘Promoting social inclusion, in particular through the reduction of poverty, by aiming to lift at least 20 million people out of the risk of poverty & exclusion’ State of play: The EU target will not be reached based on current national targets. According to a first preliminary estimation of the cumulative ambition around 12 million people would be lifted out of poverty & social exclusion by If spill over effects of strategies focusing on combating child poverty or reducing long-term unemployment are taken into account, this number can be increased by 25%. However, this would still fall short by at least 5 million or 25% of the EU headline target. Key actions for the ESF: Active inclusion: integrated pathways combining employability measures & access to services modernisation of social protection systems Integration of marginalised communities such as the Roma: integrated pathways to the labour market access to services, in particular social care, social assistance services & healthcare desegregation in education, early-childhood education, early school-leaving & transitions from school to employment measures to overcome prejudices & discrimination against Roma. Combating discrimination : awareness-raising & engagement with local communities & enterprises; specific actions targeting people at risk of discrimination & people with disabilities; Access to affordable, sustainable & high-quality services: healthcare, employment & training, homeless, out of school care, childcare & long-term care services, early-childhood education & care, e-services, community-based care. Social economy & social enterprises: capacity-building & promotion initiatives Community-led local development strategies: preparation, running & animation of local strategies institutional capacity building

12 Comments to be sent to the European Commission
ESF Regulation Comments to be sent to the European Commission

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