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Safeguarding and Devolution:Northern Ireland Perspective

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1 Safeguarding and Devolution:Northern Ireland Perspective
Joyce McKee: Regional Adult Safeguarding Officer Health and Social Care Board Lorna Montgomery: Lecturer in Social Work, Queen’s University, Belfast

2 Images of Northern Ireland

3 Adult safeguarding in Northern Ireland: current legislative powers
Northern Ireland framework: a range of statutes, policies, and guidance. No single unifying adult protection bill. Underpinned by principles: rights-based, empowering, person-centred, collaborative, consent driven A commitment to the prevention of abuse and the building of capacity and resilience within individuals and communities.



6 A Brief History of Adult Safeguarding in Northern Ireland
Emergence as a policy issue. 1997/8 Organisational procedures No Secrets A Regional Adult Protection Forum 2003/4 Training and awareness raising Regional procedures Revised joint working protocols NIASP and LASPs established Adult Safeguarding: Prevention and Protection in Partnership

7 Adult Safeguarding Structures HSC Structures NIASP


Programme for Government Commissioning Adult Safeguarding Services Accountability Reports Delegated Statutory Functions Reports

10 Legislative Basis for Intervention
Criminal Law Offences against the Person Act 1861 Sexual Offences (NI) Order 1978 Criminal Justice (NI) Order 2003 Sexual Offences Act 2003 e.g. Theft Physical assault Indecent assault Rape The Police and Criminal Evidence (NI Order 1989) – Appropriate Adult Criminal Evidence (NI) Order 1999 – Support for a victim/witness

11 Legislative Basis for Intervention
Family Homes and Domestic Violence (NI) Order 1998 The Protection from Harassment (NI) Order 1997 Enduring Power of Attorney Human Rights Act 1998 Civil Law

12 Legislative Basis for Intervention
Welfare Law The Mental Health (NI) Order 1986 Compulsory admission Guardianship Office of Care and Protection Art Mental Commission’s Role (RQIA) HPSS Statutory Rules 2005 (160, 161, 174, 175)

13 Legislative basis for intervention
Criminal Evidence (NI) Order (1999). Special Measures to improve the quality of evidence. Adults and children. Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order (2007). Registration of workers with Vulnerable groups. Establishment of a seamless vetting & barring scheme.

14 Adult Safeguarding Policy: Northern ireland
Adult Safeguarding: Prevention and Protection in Partnership (2015) Protocol for Joint Investigation of Adult Safeguarding Cases (2016)

15 The adult safeguarding continuum -prevention to protection
Analysis of seriousness of harm and proportionate safeguarding response Threshold for assessment of need/ risk Threshold for protection / screening Community & Voluntary sector activity groups Emerging safeguarding concern Immediate risk of serious harm Alleged or suspected crime Assessment of need/risk HSC professional Adult Protection Services Protection Services - led by HSC Trust Social Workers and/or PSNI. Empowerment, prevention, early intervention, risk assessment, protection

16 Strengths and Gaps in legal Powers
Policy more flexible than legislation.  Utilizes full range of legal powers in existence Permissive of professional decision making: work with the complexities of social problems Rights based approach focus on capacity. Difficult to address individual and corporate wilful neglect. Limited grounds for right of access to people’s homes Threshold of financial abuse remains debatable No statutory safeguarding board Lack of parity with children’s services

17 ADVANTAGES of legal and practice systems
Direct Line of Sight Flexibility Responsiveness Networks and Co-operation Below the Radar

18 DISADVANTAGES of legal and practice systems
Lower Status Dependence on Individuals Lack of Resources Attitude of Courts

19 How might the law unfold?
Public debate on adopting a single unifying bill for adult protection in Northern Ireland. Legislation is only one option in a range of policy, community, education and resource strategies.  Responsibility of adult protection is not confined to social care and the criminal justice services alone.

20 Balancing Autonomy and protection: a radical change
Mental Capacity Act 2016 A single statutory framework governing all decision making in relation to the care, treatment (for a physical or mental illness) or personal welfare (including financial matters) of a person aged 16 or over, who lacks capacity to make a specific decision for themselves Where a lack of capacity is established, the Act puts in place a new statutory decision-making mechanism.

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