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Welcome To 4th Grade Open House! Mrs. Patel

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To 4th Grade Open House! Mrs. Patel"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To 4th Grade Open House! Mrs. Patel
1. The sign in sheet is at the kidney table. Please sign in and then find your child’s desk! :) 2. Grab a pen from your child’s desk and start filling out paperwork on the right side of the desk. You may leave the pen & paper(s) on the desk. Papers on the left side go home with you!

2 Welcome To 4th Grade Open House 2017-2018
Mrs. Patel *


4 Communication Daily homework folder
Weekly Progress folder (quizzes, behavior, PTA info, permission slips, flyers, etc.) Teacher Blog (Please sign-up for News Flashes on the class website if you have not already done so) & Remind 101

5 My Information
East Side Phone # ext. 316 *

6 Student Planner Planners should be taken home and returned to school daily. It is the student’s responsibility to see that this is done. Please check the folder for important information as well. Students should check their planners independently before dismissal. All homework is written on the board daily. The planner is another communication tool. *

7 Weekly Folders They include student work, a behavior sheet, field trip forms, and any other items that need to be sent home. The date is TBD, but the folder is returned empty except for the SIGNED behavior sheet. Your signature lets me know that you have seen all of the information which will include all graded work. There is a comment spot available for us to communicate. *

8 Classroom Expectations
Mutually agreed upon rules Controlled Behavior/Talking Responsibility Consequences: Problem Solving sheet Parent note/call Sent to the office Incentives Homework club Class Meetings Homework

9 Classroom Expectations
Incentives Verbal praise Compliment chain Treasure Box Tickets Table Points Monthly Homework Club

10 Classroom Expectations
Homework Monday-Thursday Math most nights Spelling or Vocab. weekly Projects Read for 20 min. nightly

11 Homework Students are held accountable for their homework through the work/study habits section of the report card. Missing 0-2 assignments = S (Satisfactory) Missing 3-5 assignments = NI (Needs Improvement) Missing 6 or more assignments = U (Unsatisfactory) Please be aware of the above grading scale. If your child receives an N on the report card in the Work/Study section, he/she will not be on the Honor Roll. (This applies to behavior as well). It does not apply to handwriting. *

12 Grading A= 90%-100% B= 80%-89% C= 74%-79% D= 70%-73% F= 69% and below
Coming soon to Synergy Parents access online Quiz corrections…½ credit for corrected tests (see handout for details)


14 Conferences Conference week will be October 16-20th.
Please send me a note or an to request other conferences throughout the school year. I will get back to you to set up a date and time! I would like to have students present if a conference is about their behavior or work habits.

15 Safety Parents must sign in upon entry and wear nametags.
Transportation: All changes must be submitted in writing. You must send a bus pass to ride home with a friend. These are located on the left hand side of the East Side home page. -2 officers come twice a week

16 Snacks Please send your child to school with a healthy snack each day. We eat lunch at 11:07 am and students will need a little more fuel for the mind before that. Students eat snack at 8:50 am. The snack should be: Healthy and nutritious Nut free Non-messy Finger food Please send your child to school with bottled water. *

17 Birthdays You may send or bring in a birthday treat if you wish. The treat will be served during recess by the birthday child. Please make it simple and easy to serve. (Pre-cut or have individual servings for the entire class.) Birthday party invitations should be distributed outside of school unless the entire class is being invited. *

18 Dining Room Come enjoy lunch with your child!
First, sign in at the front office and get a visitor’s pass. Then, meet us inside the dining room for lunch. Please follow lunchroom rules to set an example for our students. No fast food allowed. You and your child must sit at the table provided for visitors. You may not bring another child to that table with you. *

19 Doctor’s Appointment/Absence
When your child is absent, please send in an absence excuse upon his/her return. If your child is absent for more than 2 days, you may call the office or me in the morning, and I can get homework ready to be picked up in the office after 2:30. It is the student’s responsibility to get missed work. They may call their Homework Buddy. *

20 Attendance/ Bus When your child is absent, a parent must send in a written note the following day explaning the reason for the absence. It cannot be over the phone or . Please review what is excused and unexused. A letter will be sent home after a total of 5 absences/ tardies There is an automated system that calls the parents If your child is sick, keep her/ him home! Make up work will be given to students upon their return to school. Bus Change Forms *

21 Tardies Please have your child to school by 7:50. It would be even better if they could arrive by 7:30. It is very beneficial for your child to arrive early. This enables your child to get unpacked and settled for the day which is very important at this age. There are a few things that need to be taken care of in the morning and it helps when students have time. *

22 Medications Medication must be in the original labeled container.  Pharmacist may provide two labeled bottles for this purpose.  Medications sent in an unlabeled container will not be given.  If your child takes daily medications, please send an extra bottle to be used for field trips and After School Program. Written permission of the parent/guardian is required for the administration of all medications. The parent/guardian must inform the school of any medication changes. New medication or new doses will not be given unless a new form is completed. Medications must be brought to the clinic/office by the parent/guardian. Unused medications will be disposed of unless picked up within one week after medication is discontinued.

23 Field Trips Tentative trips are as follows:
There will be a few field trips this year. Some of these will be in-house, but lots of fun, never-the-less. Tentative trips are as follows: High Touch High Tech – various science concepts Fire Safety Village Cobb County Youth Museum - history Performing Arts *

24 Math We do a lot of daily math practice. In the mornings, students complete Common Core activities that review many different skills. In math, students will be moving from multiplication to long division. Division will be even harder without basic multiplication facts down. We can not stress this enough. Please practice multiplication facts nightly. Students should practice 5-10 min a day. Please visit my website and click on “Multiplication Songs” under the Learning Links tab for students to practice. *

25 Math Units Place Value from hundredths to millions Algebra
Addition/Subtraction Multiplication/Division Measuring Angles Analyzing 2-D Figures Decimals Fractions Metric Measurement Customary Units Data *

26 Spelling/Vocab Spelling and vocabulary words are given out every week.
Students will have a total of words. There will be bonus words from our curriculum. Students words will focus on specific patterns and rules for that week’s words. Spelling/Vocab test will be given on Fridays. Students will have weekly spelling/vocab homework. Homework activities will vary. No quiz corrections on Spelling test. *

27 Reading -Mini lesson -Individual Conferences and Strategy Groups
Reading Conferencing Skills Sequencing Compare/Contrast Inferring Determining Importance Cause and Effect Making Connections Questioning Synthesizing - Visualizing -Mini lesson -Individual Conferences and Strategy Groups -Read at home at least 20 min a night -Book Buddies *

28 Writing & Grammar Narrative Writing Informational Writing
Persuasive Essay Grammar and Spelling are often taught through students’ writing. Memorizing words is not enough to become a great speller! Traits of Writing: Ideas Organization Voice Sentence Fluency Word Choice Conventions Presentation *

29 Social Studies Economics Map/Globe Skills Native Cultures
Early Explorers Colonization American Revolution The New Nation 3 Branches Constitution Bill of Rights Westward Expansion *

30 Science Earth, Moon, Solar System Water Ecosystems Weather
Protective Adaptations Water Weather Force and Motion Light Sound Stars and Star Patterns *

31 Volunteers I would love to have parents help our class!
There will be a sign up sheet for Copy/Laminate, Teacher Helper, Mystery Reader, on our Shutterfly website soon! ☺ Thank you to our Room Reps: Lynn Almond & Jennifer Deak ☺

32 Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017 Dismissal will begin at 3:05 pm.
Parents are welcome to pick-up their child at the typical dismissal time, if needed. Our class will be watching the Solar Eclipse live through NASA.

33 Please help E.S. Foundation continue to support trainings, grants, and capital purchases like IPads and Learning Commons by your support! This year all our donations are online:

34 International Family Welcome Program
Friday, August 18  10:00 a.m. Media Center This is a casual meeting for all new international families to come ask questions about East Side and the community.

35 Receive Grade level text messages
Remind 101 Receive Grade level text messages Enter 81010 Text this message @374fke

36 It is going to be a great year! ☺
Thank you so much for coming tonight and your support! Any Questions??? Feel free to call, , or set up a meeting! *

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