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Geneva, Switzerland 2-5 Fenruary 2010

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1 Geneva, Switzerland 2-5 Fenruary 2010
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Observing and Information Systems Department WMO Information System (WIS) WMO Status Reports: ET-GDDP, WIS Jump Start, and WIS Workshop on Information Access Enablers Presented by Eliot Christian, WIS Senior Scientific Officer, at FOURTH MEETING OF THE CBS EXPERT TEAM ON WIS GISCs AND DCPCs (ET-WISC) Geneva, Switzerland Fenruary 2010

2 Expert Team on GISC and DCPC Demonstration Process (ET-GDDP)
Designation Procedures for GISC and DCPC (link) WIS centre database (link) WIS Centre Nomination (guidance) WIS Centre Nomination Editing Tool (link) About 100 edits so far (expecting 3,000+): Australia, China, ECMWF, Germany, India, Japan, UK 2-5 Feb 2010 ET-WISC

3 WIS Jump Start Offer Offer (link): 3-5 day consulting for NCs, DCPCs, or GISCs Anticipated typical objectives: Understanding WIS vision, project plan, technical specs Analysis report on operational issues for WIS Centre New and/or revised metadata for collections or datasets specific to the candidate WIS Centre Installed GeoNetwork opensource software, or advice on customizations to existing software, for WIS metadata maintenance and DAR catalog search Draft WIS Centre nomination documents 2-5 Feb 2010 ET-WISC

4 WIS Jump Start Offer (cont.)
Consultations to date: Korea DCPC, WAMIS (Agricultural Meteorology) USA GISC (prototype metadata maintenance; DAR) South Africa potential GISC Consultations proposed but not yet finalized: Brazil GISC (prototype metadata maintenance; DAR) Hydrology DCPC, Mekong River Commission Italy DCPC, Centro Nazionale di Meteorologia e Climatologia Aeronautica Bulgaria DCPC (is now an RTH) RA V NCs/DCPCs (Fiji? Samoa? Indonesia?Malaysia?) 2-5 Feb 2010 ET-WISC

5 WIS Workshop on Information Access Enablers
19-20 May 2010 at WMO, Salle B Workshop will address the question: How should WMO better enable successful online information providers to take advantage of the wealth of information accessible via WIS? Action recommendations developed in the Workshop will be shared with experts across WMO 2-5 Feb 2010 ET-WISC

6 References ET-GDDP tor_en.html#et_gddp WIS Jump Start JumpStartFlyer.doc WIS Workshop on Information Access Enablers WIS-Enablers2010/DocPlan.html Contact Eliot Christian Thank you for this opportunity to present about the CAP standard. Here are some pointers you may find useful. 2-5 Feb 2010 ET-WISC

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