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The Real Christmas Story

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1 The Real Christmas Story

2 The Real Christmas Story
Matthew 2: 1-12 v1,2….King Herod, not the nicest guy on the block. v1,2….the Magi (Daniel 1:3,4,17-20) were not astrologers in today’s sense but were educated men…wise men. The Bible condemns astrology…Deut 18:14…Isa 47:8-15 & Jer 10:1,2 v3-6….the Magi announced births of Kings. The Jewish leaders knew where their Messiah would be born but, apparently, couldn’t care less. v7-10….the Star of Bethlehem wasn’t out of the ordinary to the untrained eye. v11….the Magi came to the ‘child’s house’, not to a baby in the manager.

3 The Real Christmas Story
Matthew 2: 1-12 V11….Note, there were not 3 wise men (and they are not named), only 3 valuable gifts that wouldn’t take up much room. v12….God’s concern for the Magi is touching. V16-18….Jesus was less than 2 years old….this is known as the ‘Slaughter of the Innocents’ and fulfills a prophecy of Jeremiah 31:15. Jesus fulfilled about 365 Messianic prophecies. Take just 48 of these prophecies. One man fulfilling 48 would be 1 chance in power. One chance in 1053 power is impossibility. One chance in 1054 power is 10 times impossible.

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