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MEGN 537 – Probabilistic Biomechanics Ch. 1 – Introduction Ch

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1 MEGN 537 – Probabilistic Biomechanics Ch. 1 – Introduction Ch
MEGN 537 – Probabilistic Biomechanics Ch.1 – Introduction Ch.2 – Mathematics of Probability Anthony J Petrella, PhD

2 Ch.1 - Introduction

3 Uncertainty Uncertainty present in physical systems
Repeated measurement yields variability Dimensional tolerances, respiration rate, tissue material properties, joint loading, etc. What impact does this uncertainty have on performance?

4 Strength-Based Reliability
Safety factor shows acceptable design Some percentage of the time, stress may exceed strength

5 Reliability Definitions
Probability of Failure POF = 0.001, Probability of Survival or Reliability Reliability = (three 9s), (four 9s) POF + POS = 1

6 Reliability-based Design
Design for Six Sigma Concept developed by Bill Smith in 1993 Motorola owns six sigma trademark Six sigma corresponds to 3.4 failures per 1,000,000 POF = 0.000,003,4 or Reliability = 0.999,997,6 Design Excellence or BlackBelt programs Many companies have implemented their versions GE and Honeywell boast 100s of millions of dollars saved

7 Uncertainty Sources of uncertainty Inherent / repeated measurement
Statistical uncertainty – limited availability of sampling size means actual distribution unknown Modeling uncertainty – how good is the model? Cognitive or epistemic – lack of knowledge, intellectual abstraction of reality

8 Course Objectives Apply probability theory and probabilistic analysis methods to assess impact of uncertainty in parameters (inputs) on performance (outcomes) Interpret results of a probabilistic analysis Choose appropriate probabilistic method based on item 2 To apply this knowledge to real systems (biomechanical or otherwise) to make insightful engineering choices

9 Ch.2 - Mathematics of Probability

10 Definitions Probability: The likelihood of an event occurring
Event: Represents the outcome of a single experiment or simulation Experiment: An occurrence that has an uncertain outcome (die toss , coin toss, tensile test) – usually based on a physical model Simulation: An occurrence that has an uncertain outcome – usually based on an analytical or computational model

11 Example – Coin Toss OR = add, AND = multiply If you flip a coin two times, what is the probability of: seeing “heads” one time? seeing “heads” two times?

12 Example – Coin Toss OR = add, AND = multiply If you flip a coin two times, what is the probability of : seeing “heads” one time? option 1: heads (0.5) AND tails (0.5) = 0.25 option 2: tails (0.5) AND heads (0.5) = option 1 OR option 2 = = 0.5 seeing “heads” two times? option 1: heads (0.5) AND heads (0.5) = 0.25

13 Example – TKR Casting A knee implant casting process is known to produce a defective part 5% of the time If 10 castings were tested, find the probability of: a) no defective parts b) exactly one defective part c) at least one defective part d) no more than one defective part

14 Permutations & Combinations
Number of permutations of r objects from a set of n distinct objects (ordered sequence) Number of combinations in which r objects can be selected from a set of n distinct objects n objects taken r at a time Independent of order

15 Example – Answers Must consider combinations for each # of defects
Probability Combinations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.95 0.05 45 120 210 252 E-08 E-09 E-11 E-14 Sum 1.00

16 Example - Answers no defective parts b) exactly one defective part
P(0 defects) = P(part 1 no defect)*P(part 2 no defect)… = (1-0.05)^10 = 0.598 P(1 defect) = P(part 1 defect)*P(part 2 no defect)… = (0.05)*(0.95)^9 *10 = 0.315

17 Example - Answers c) at least one defective part d) no more than one defective part P(≥ 1 defect) = P(1defect) + P(2 defects) + P(3 defects)… = 1- P(0 defects) = = 0.402 P(≤ 1 defect) = P(0 defects) + P(1 defect) = = 0.913

18 Definitions Sample Space (S): The set of all basic outcomes of an experiment Mutually Exclusive: Events that preclude occurrence of one another Collectively Exhaustive: No other events are possible S A B

19 Probability Relations
Experimental outcomes can be represented by set theory relationships Union: A1A3, events belong to A1 or A3 or both P(A1A3) = P(A1) + P(A3) - P(A1A3) = A1+A3-A2 Intersection: A1A3, events belong to A1 and A3 P(A1A3) = P(A3|A1) * P(A1) = A2 (multiplication rule) Complement: A’, events that do not belong to A P(A’) = 1 – P(A) S

20 Special Cases If the events are statistically independent
P(AB) = P(B|A) * P(A) = P(B) * P(A) If the events are mutually exclusive P(AB) = 0 P(AB) = P(A) + P(B) - P(AB) = P(A) + P(B) S A B

21 Example – Mutually Exclusive
For a randomly chosen TKR: Let A = {TKR is a PS design (with facebook)} B = {TKR is a CR design} Since events are mutually exclusive, if B occurs, then A cannot occur. So P(A|B) = 0 ≠ P(A). If two events are mutually exclusive, they cannot be independent…when A & B are mutually exclusive, the information that A occurred says something about B (it cannot have occurred), so independence is precluded

22 Rules of Set Theory Commutative: AB = BA, AB = BA
Associative: (AB)C = A(BC) Distributive: (AB)C = (AC)(BC) Complementary: P(A) + P(A’) = 1 de Morgan’s Rule: (AB)’ = A’B’ Complement of union = intersection of complements (A  B)’ = A’  B’ Complement of intersection = union of complements

23 Conditional Probability
The likelihood that event B will occur if event A has already occurred P(AB) = P(B|A) * P(A) P(B|A) = P(AB) / P(A) Requires that P(A) ≠ 0 Multiplication Rule is commutative: P(AB) = P(A|B) * P(B) = P(B|A) * P(A) S A B

24 Example Common knee injuries include: PCL tear (A), MCL sprain (B), meniscus tear (C) Injury statistics as reported by epidemiology literature: a) What does the Venn Diagram look like? Injury A B C A  B A  C B  C A  B  C Probability 0.14 0.23 0.37 0.08 0.09 0.13 0.05

25 Example Injury A B C A  B A  C B  C A  B  C Probability 0.14 0.23 0.37 0.08 0.09 0.13 0.05 A B C S 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.08 0.20 0.51

26 Example A B C S 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.08 0.20 0.51 b) What is the probability that a patient with an MCL sprain (B) will later sustain a PCL tear (A)? P(A|B) = P(A  B) = = P(B)

27 Example A B C S 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.08 0.20 0.51 c) If a patient has sustained either an MCL sprain (B) or a meniscus tear (C) or both, what is the probability of a later PCL tear (A)? P(A| BC) = P(A  (BC) = = P(BC)

28 Example d) If a patient has sustained at least one knee injury in the past, what is the probability she will later tear her PCL? P(A|at least one) = P(A | ABC) = P(A  (ABC) P(ABC) P(A  (ABC) = P(A) = = P(ABC) P(ABC)

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