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Types of Poems.

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1 Types of Poems

2 General types of poems Narrative Poems: Tell a story
Lyric Poem: Does not tell a story. It is more emotion based (Love, hate, regret) Elegy: A poem written for someone who has died, often a tribute (O’Captain My Captain)

3 Review… Haiku and Limerick

4 Review: Haiku and Limerick
5,7,5 syllables 3 lines Japanese poem About nature Limerick 5 lines 1,2,and 5 lines rhyme 3 and 4 lines rhyme Must be FUNNY!!!

5 Epic

6 What is an epic poem? Long narrative poem about the many deeds (quests) of a great hero Passed down through a particular culture The hero represents the important values of the society he comes from Think Hercules and Shrek in poetic form. Most famous: Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer, Beowulf

7 Shape Poems

8 Shape Poems Poetry designed to look like the object it describes.

9 Free Verse

10 Free Verse Does NOT have meter. Does NOT have rhyme.
Free verse poetry is very conversational - sounds like someone talking with you.

11 Ode

12 What is an ode? Type of poem dating back to Ancient Greece
It is a lyric poem addressed to a person or thing One main theme, typically to praise or celebrate an experience, thing or person Ex: “Ode to a Grecian Urn” Romantics: Keats, Shelly, Wordsworth Latin America: Pablo Neruda

13 Ballad

14 What is a ballad? A ballad is a songlike poem that tells a story, often a sad story of betrayal, death, or loss Ballads usually have regular, steady rhythm, a simple rhyme pattern and a refrain Can be either narrative or lyric poems or an elegy Easy to memorize

15 History class alert!!! Historically ballads were past down orally from person to person rather than in writing (Oral Tradition) Native Americans use the oral tradition to pass down their stories from one generation to the next.

16 The Walrus and the Carpenter
Things to look for Personification Alliteration Onomatopoeia Rhyme Scheme

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