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Review on English Grammar/Structure Tenses

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1 Review on English Grammar/Structure Tenses
Present Continuous Tense Formula: S + To Be (is, am, are) + VI + ing An activity that is in progress at the moment Ex: Nancy is watching TV right now A general activity that takes place this week, this month, or this year Ex: I am training for the Olympics Future arrangements Ex: I am going to Sweden next winter

2 Review on English Grammar/Structure Tenses
Simple Present Tense: S + VI (+ s/es for: he/she/it) A habitual action Ex: He runs every morning A general fact Ex: The sun rises in the east Future timetables Ex: The ticket office opens at 9.00

3 Review on English Grammar/Structure Tenses
Simple Past Tense: S + VII (VII = VI + d/ed) An action that began and ended at a specific time in the past Ex: We won a gold medal last year An action that occurred over a period of time and was completed in the past Ex: She skated for fifteen years An activity that took place regularly in the past Ex: She trained every morning in the past

4 Review on English Grammar/Structure Tenses
Past Continuous Tense: S + To Be (was/were) + VI + ing An interrupted action Ex: I was watching the Olympics on TV when he walked in A repeated or continuous state in the past Ex: I was making many new friends in the Olympic Village

5 Review on English Grammar/Structure Tenses
Future Tense (Going to): S + To Be + Going to + VI Expressing a prior plan Ex: I am going to go to New York next week Predicting something that is likely to happen in the future Ex: We are going to win. I know it.

6 Review on English Grammar/Structure Tenses
Future Tense (Will): S + Will + VI Predicting something that is likely to happen in the future Ex: You will win. I know it. Expressing willingness to do something Ex: I will go with you if you like Making a decision at the time of speaking Ex: I will call you in a few minutes then

7 Review on English Grammar/Structure Tenses
Future Continuous Tense: S + Will + Be + VI + ing An action that will be continuing at a particular time in the future Ex: This time next week I will be training for the race

8 Review on English Grammar/Structure Tenses
Present Perfect Tense: S + have/has + VIII An action that happened at an unspecified time in the past Ex: I have seen him on TV An action that has happened recently Ex: She has just gone out Repetition of an action before now Ex: He has been to the Olympics several times

9 Review on English Grammar/Structure Tenses
Present Perfect Continuous Tense: S + have/has + been + VI + ing Expressing the duration of an action that began in the past and continues in the present (with “for”, “since”, “all morning”, “all day”) Ex: John has been swimming for two hours A general action in progress recently for which no specific time is mentioned Ex: I have been thinking about competing next year

10 Review on English Grammar/Structure Tenses
Present Perfect Continuous Tense: S + have/has + been + VI + ing An action that began in the past and has just recently ended Ex: Have you been crying? Your eyes are red

11 Review on English Grammar/Structure Tenses
Past Perfect Tense: S + had + VIII A past action that occurred before another action in the past Ex: She had just left when I arrived there An action that was expected to occur in the past Ex: I had hoped to get their decision before today

12 Review on English Grammar/Structure Tenses
Past Perfect Continuous Tense: S + had + been + VI + ing Expressing the duration of an activity that occurred before another action in the past year Ex: She had been competing for six years before she tried out for the Olympics last year An action occurring recently before another action in the past Ex: He looked tired because he had been running for six hours

13 Review on English Grammar/Structure Tenses
Future Perfect Tense: S + will + have + VIII An action that will be completed before a particular time in the future Ex: By next June I will have participated in four Olympics

14 Review on English Grammar/Structure Tenses
Future Perfect Continuous Tense: S + will + have + been + VI + ing Expressing the duration of time that has occurred before a specific time in the future Ex: By next June I will have been training at this gym for eleven years

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