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Presentation on theme: "PHYLUM ARTHROPODA."— Presentation transcript:


2 Overview One of the most diverse phyla
First arthropod appeared 600 millions years ago, in the sea.

3 Vocabulary review for all Arthropods (Ask Students to Define each of the following Vocabulary words)
Triploblastic High levels of Cephalization (sophisticated heads) Open circulatory systems Ceolom Metamorphosis

4 3 Main Characteristics of Arthropods
YOU TELL ME! Exoskeleton Jointed Appendages (arms and legs) Segmented Body

5 Does a caterpillar have an exoskeleton?
YES. It is just more flexible and leathery than other exoskeletons

6 EXOSKELETON Made of Chitin (carbohydrates) Same material as your nails
Major evolutionary advancement but has its advantages and disadvantages.

7 Advantages and Disadvantages of an Exoskeleton (Hand out reading assignment-”Skeletons” and go to next slide when students are finished)

8 The Good The Bad Protection Waterproof (prevents desiccation-water loss) Can help in movement Require molting as they do not grow with the creature (high energy, vulnerability) Size limiting

9 This coconut crab is about as big as creatures with exoskeletons are thought to get on land


11 FEEDING ALL METHODS! Herbivores (e.g. grasshopper) Carnivores
(e.g. crabs, spiders, praying mantis, Scorpions) Parasites (e.g. ticks, mites) Filter feeders (marine- E.g. Krill) Detritus feeders/ Scavengers

Open Circulatory System with well-developed heart How it works: Heart Contract pump bloods through arteries and vessels blood leaves tissue & go into sinuses (spaces) blood collect in cavity near heart

13 Spiracles let air in and out, Click video link please
Video: ..\..\..\Lesson Videos\Biology 11\Arthropods and Echinoderms\6. Insect circulatory system.flv

14 Molting (all arthropods)
To shed exoskeleton

15 Metamorphosis Video What's the difference between complete and incomplete metamorphosis? Have students define metamorphosis and give examples ..\..\..\Lesson Videos\Biology 11\Arthropods and Echinoderms\Complete vs. Incomplete Metamorphosis.flv Ask students what are some advantages of complete metamorphosis?


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