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Advanced Practice Roles
in Education November 14, 2014
Group Members/Topics:
Staff Development Clinical Nurse Faculty-General Clinical Nurse Instructor-Specific Patient Education Faculty Education Public Health Diana G Parisa T Colleen N Mau P Deb J Jeanna T
Education Domain: Education: The Process of receiving or giving systematic instruction. The Strong Model: Enhancement of caregiver, student, and public learning related to health and illness Educate to the EBP reported through Research using Publications to support learning for patients, the community/public, and health care providers in a variety of environments. Education needs Support of Systems to maintain effectiveness Google Definition of Education (accessed 11/7/2014) Gardner, Chang, & Duffield (2007)
Staff Development Nurse
Staff development nurse is an advanced practice nurse role. The sphere of influence is both the healthcare system and nurse practice. National CNS Competency Taskforce (2010 A staff development nurse is a clinical nurse leader. Clinical nurse leaders are master’s prepared clinicians certified by the Commission on Nurse Certification Major changes in the U.S. health care system and practice environments will require equally profound changes in the education of nurses both before and after they receive their license…. The Future of Nursing Report, 2010, p28 . Staff development is about helping nurses to learn, helping healthcare teams to learn and it is about helping institutions to learn.
Staff Development Practice settings
1) Hospitals, healthcare organizations 2) Nursing homes 3) Public health 4) Clinics 5) On-line learning such as Medscape, PBDS and LMS 6) Any primary, secondary or tertiary setting where care is delivered. Continued education and life-long learning is a goal of the staff development nurse. performance based development system, on going continuing education needs, Program based development specialist, CNS,Master’s prepared CNL
Staff Development Staff Nurse educators play a pivotal role in shaping future generations of registered nurses (RNs) and advancing the nursing profession · Dissemination of clinical information, e.g., nursing rounds, case presentations · Improvement of clinical outcomes, efficiency and competence. · Implementation of Evidence-based practice · They are resources for ongoing professional development of nurses Teach competency skills and scope of practice guidelines Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training(IOM, 2011) !) Nursing represents the largest sector of the health professions, with more than 3 million registered nurses in the United States. 2)The staff development nurse integrates the IOM Five Healthcare Professions Core competencies
Staff Development The pay-off for your practice is as follows:
Employee retention: Staff members develop loyalty to a practice because they feel you care about them as individuals. They benefit from personal and professional growth and do not feel their career has stalled out. Staff morale: A practice culture that encourages learning and fosters education creates a positive, motivated, and committed workforce. Practice efficiency: Orientation and continueing educaiton helps nurses hone their time-mangement skills. The stability and tenure that result from low staff turnover also contribute to efficiency. Job competency: Nurses who have received job-specific training are more productive and confident. Both clinical and administrative staff need ongoing education to stay current regarding the constantly changing aspects of practice. Patient satisfaction: Yes, staff education affects your patients, who benefit from your nurses’' skills, positive attitude, and efficiency. Nurses who feel they make a difference do better work (Fidyk,et al, 2014, p 250) Competency is “an expected level of performance that integrates knowledge, skills abilities and judgment” (ANA, 2010c.p12) Lisa Fidyk, Kate Ventura, Katie Green. (2014, October). Teaching Nurses How to Teach: Strategies to enhance the quality of patient education. Journal for nurses in professional development, 30(5),
Clinical Nurse Instructor
General: Overall there is a strong need for nursing instructors Lack of instructors due to lower salary to teach than practice as a RN Lack of instructors due to the fact that majority of RNs wish to practice and not teach Shift differentials = $$$$!! By 2020, there will be at least 400,000 fewer nurses available to provide care than will be needed.
Clinical Nurse Instructor
Resources: “Dedicated to excellence in nursing education, the National League for Nursing is the preferred membership organization for nurse faculty and leaders in nursing education. NLN members include nurse educators, education agencies, health care agencies, and interested members of the public”
Clinical Nurse Instructor
Requirements: Community College level: RN license + Bachelor’s degree Most Private 4-year institutions: RN license + MN or MS degree Most Public 4-year institutions: RN license + PhD or DNP degree *Post Master certificate in Education is highly encouraged! Difference in education requirements is highly likely correlated to the fact that staff at public 4 year participate in research
Clinical Nurse Instructor
Benefits? No 12 hour shifts! Access to many benefits of being part of a University or College Part of an intellectually stimulating environment EDUCATION IS FUN!
Nursing Faculty - General
Teaching is an advance practice role. NLN recommends nursing faculty identify themselves as ‘advanced practice nurses’. National League for Nursing (NLN) Core Competencies of Nurse Educators with Task Statements
Nursing Faculty - General
IOM Focus on Education (2010, p. 3) Calls for a transformation in nursing education and a more educated nursing workforce to meet demands of a changing health system. Increase percentage of nurses with BSN, thus positioning nurses to achieve higher levels of education (MN and Phd). Higher levels of education required for the advanced practice role of nursing. Faculty are in high demand.
University Level Faculty
NCSBN: See Pdf hand-out Approved Nursing Programs in the State of Washington (see hand-out) Funding Opportunities Nurse Faculty Loan Program
Patient Educator: Background Roles Specialties Qualifications
Salary range Education
Public Health Public Learning related to health and illness:
The NP and RN with a Master’s degree can accomplish change in public health nursing using leadership, management, and teaching strategies. Recommend elective classes focus on global/community health issues. Disseminates nursing and teaching knowledge to a variety of audiences through various means. (NLN, pg. 6) Degree Opportunities Masters in Health Education Johns Hopkins University Grand Canyon University Why did I choose this role to investigate? MastersInHealthEducation provides useful tips and guides on Health Education. In short, health educators work to prevent illnesses by educating people on how to stay healthy and take a more active role in their health care. While health educators can get entry-level jobs in the field with only a bachelor’s degree, in order to obtain certain positions (especially in the public health sector), a master’s degree in health education is usually required. An individual with an MPH, MS, or MHA in health education/promotion will have the required skillset and knowledge to be able to effective encourage healthy lifestyles and educate communities about disease and injury prevention. By obtaining a master’s degree in this field, students are qualified to pursue higher-level jobs, such as positions in research, education, and policy. The Public Health Nursing track opens doors to leadership positions in health education, program development, consultation, and administration.
Public Health Education:
Design and implement health education campaigns and disease prevention activities, such as immunizations and screenings Tell people about locally available health care programs and services to improve access to care Educate and provide direct health care services to vulnerable and at-risk populations
PH Nurse related to Education:
Where: Hospitals, health care facilities County and state health departments, social service agencies, county, state and federal governmental agencies Community-based health education and health promotion settings Health policy and planning organizations Universities Corporate world Faith-based organizations Snohomish Job Listing Snohomish County stated that they would take a Master’s degree in leiu of one year of experience. CDC has varied position opportunities such as: While most nurses care for one patient at a time, public health nurses care for entire populations. By working with whole communities, public health nurses are able to educate people about health issues, improve community health and safety and increase access to care. Public health nurses:
Education overlaps most aspects of the nursing profession.
In fact, if you can think of an RN who doesn’t educate in one form or another, Please share with everyone. Thank you!
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