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Lumsa University, a.y Prof. Chiara Cellerino Week 1

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1 Lumsa University, a.y. 2017-2018 Prof. Chiara Cellerino Week 1
EU LAW Lumsa University, a.y Prof. Chiara Cellerino Week 1

2 Introduction - Program: a) Institutions, sources, procedures b) Judicial system c) Internal market - Organization of the course - Exam - Why study EU law Chiara Cellerino© 2017

3 Chiara Cellerino © 2017

4 What is the EU? state? international organization?
sui generis: institutions, legal effects of their acts, system of judicial remedies > resembles a constitutional order what is lacking? general competences + application is mainly delegated to Member States Chiara Cellerino © 2017

5 History 1951, Paris, ECSC: - FR, DE, IT, BG, NE, LU
- High Authority and Court of Justice, 50 years (exp. 2002) 1957, Rome, EEC and EAEC (Euratom) 1965, Treaty on executives Failures: EDC and EPC Chiara Cellerino © 2017

6 Reform treaties 3 lines of development of the integration process:
geographical competences cooperation Chiara Cellerino © 2017

7 Geography DK, UK, IR (1973) ES, PT (1986) HR, FI, SV (1995)
Ciprus, ET, LT, LV, MT, PL, CS, SK, SL, HU (2004) RM, BG (2007) CR (2013) Chiara Cellerino © 2017

8 Competences Single European Act (1986): social policy, environment, research and development Maastricht (1992): Pillars - JHA, CFSP + education, trasneuropean networks, industry, health, culture, development cooperation, consumer protection + citizenships + EMU Nice (2001), human rights charter (non binding) Lisbon (2007): space, energy, turism, sport, neighborhood + binding European Charter of HR Chiara Cellerino © 2017

9 cooperation from 3 pillars to a unitary system of competences
progressive expantion of the role of the EP in decision making: consultation, cooperation, codecision > ordinary legislative procedure for all competences, save few exceptions Chiara Cellerino © 2017

10 financal crisis challenges to the constitutional structure
Treaty on stability coordination and governance - “Fiscal Compact” (2012) by all MS except UK, Czheck Republic and Croatia: budgetary discipline and economic convergence ESM Treaty (2012) by EUROZONE MS: rescue mechanism and bail-out Chiara Cellerino © 2017

11 peculiarities institutions of individuals majority voting
binding and directly applicable acts judicial control Van Gend en Loos case (C-26/62) Chiara Cellerino © 2017

12 institutional framework
Art 13 TEU: - Parliament - Council - European Council - Court of Justice - European Central Bank - Court of Auditors + HR + EC Presidency + Agencies Chiara Cellerino © 2017

13 Principles of their functioning
art TEU principle of conferral of competences institutional balance loyal cooperation Chiara Cellerino © 2017

14 European Council Art. 15 TEU:
summits of heads of State or Government since the sixties 1974: European Council (SEA, art. 2) today meets twice every six months, convened by its President Heads of State or Government its President the President of the Commission. +HR Chiara Cellerino © 2017

15 Functions provides the Union with the necessary impetus for its development and defines the general political directions and priorities thereof decides by consensus qualified or simple majority (no vote of its President and Commission's) adopts “conclusions” Chiara Cellerino © 2017

16 Presidency of European Council
two and half year chairs and drives forward work ensures the preparation and continuity of the work endeavours to facilitate cohesion and consensus within the European Council presents a report to the European Parliament after each meeting external representation at his level and in that capacity Chiara Cellerino © 2017

17 Other institutions Council European Parliament Commission
European Central Bank Court of Auditors (See handbook) Chiara Cellerino © 2017

18 EU agencies “agencification” of EU law
problem with principle of conferral “Meroni doctrine” (case 9/56, only non-discretionary powers can be delegated) European Security Market Agency case (C-270/12): judicial control on powers of agencies Chiara Cellerino © 2017

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