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Crash Course: The 1960s in America

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1 Crash Course: The 1960s in America

2 A Decade of Protest and Change
Chapter 14: The Sixties A Decade of Protest and Change

3 The “torch was being passed to a new generation of Americans”
Defining The Sixties The “torch was being passed to a new generation of Americans” –John F. Kennedy Advances in civil rights African Americans Women Other minority groups President Johnson Had dreams of ending poverty Derailed by Vietnam War Young Americans questions conformity New forms of art, music, and self-expression

4 John F. Kennedy

5 The Kennedy Presidency 1960-1963
1960 Election John F. Kennedy (D) vs. Richard Nixon (R) First televised debates Kennedy won Youngest man elected to President “…ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” -John F. Kennedy

6 Domestic Policy Under Kennedy

7 Domestic Policy Under Kennedy
New Frontier Use the power of the Federal Gov’t to solve nation’s problems Tax cuts to stimulate the economy Medicare Civil rights legislation Increased aid to education Peace Corps Volunteers went to developing countries to share skills Still exists None passed under Kennedy

8 Space Race under Kennedy
To counter Soviet’s space program Pres. Kennedy announced that America would place a man on the moon before 1970 John Glenn 1st American to orbit the earth 1969 (After Kennedy’s assassination) Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the moon

9 Foreign Policy Under Kennedy

10 Foreign Policy under Kennedy
Opposed Communism, pledged to contain it Cuba 1959 Fidel Castro led an uprising to overthrow the brutal Cuban dictator Became a pro-Soviet Communist nation Bay of Pigs Invasion-1961 Kennedy executed Eisenhower’s plan to overthrow Castro Sent trained Cuban exiles into Cuba who were quickly overthrown by the Cuban military Embarrassing failure for Kennedy

11 1961-1962 Alliance for Progress (1961) Berlin Wall (1961)
Loans for Latin American countries to promote their economies Berlin Wall (1961) Kennedy met with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev Meeting did not go well Soviet’s began building the Berlin Wall Cuban Missile Crisis Watch video, discuss questions Which 2 countries formed an alliance? What did the Soviet Union place in Cuba? What did the USA do in response? What could have happened if the USA handed stopped the Soviet Union/Cuba?

12 Kennedy Assassination
November 22, 1963

13 Lyndon B. Johnson

14 The Johnson Presidency 1963-1968
The Great Society Federal legislation to transform society and improve quality of life Complete the chart using page 295 Johnson’s Great Society Programs Civil Rights: War on Poverty: Medicare Act of 1965: Aid to Cities:

15 Johnson’s Great Society Programs
Civil Rights: -Pushed through a program of civil rights legislation. -Civil Rights Act (1964) -Voting Rights Act (1965) -Introduced Affirmative Action War on Poverty: -Economic Opportunity Act (1964) -Job Corps-trained underprivileged youth Medicare Act of 1965: -Expanded Social Security to provide medical care to those over 65. Aid to Cities: -Money given to help cities with planning, clearing slums, rentals for the poor, reconstruction of building. Despite the Great Society Program many Americans remained poor. With the start of the Vietnam War, funding was pulled from these programs

16 Johnson Presidency Cont.
Immigration Policy McCarren-Walter Act (1952) Kept immigration quotas Limited the number of immigrants from Asian Immigration Act of 1965 Each country given the same quota for immigrants Election of 1964 Johnson beat Barry Goldwater (R) by a landslide

17 Continued Civil Rights Advancements

18 Women’s Liberation Movement
AKA: Feminist Movement Stereotypes of women as homemakers and mothers enforced in movies, TV, etc. Women weren’t economically or socially equal to men. Fight for equality Inspired by the African American Civil Rights Movement Led by Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem Challenged stereotypes of women Friedan helped form the National Organization of Women

19 Achievements of the Women’s Liberation Movement
Education: More female college students and professors Employment: Equal Pay Act Required companies to pay women the same as men for the same work Roe v. Wade (1973) Supreme Court held that a woman had the right to privacy Gave women the right to terminate a pregnancy the first 3 months Title IX (1972) Banned sexual discrimination in educational institutions

20 Key Terms and People

21 African American Militancy
Although the Civil Rights Movement was successful it did not completely end racism or provide equal opportunities Many people believed the nonviolence used by Dr. King wasn’t enough Many believed in the Black Power movement African Americans should use their votes and their own decisions to free themselves from white domination

22 New African American Groups and Leaders
Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Did not allow white members Black Muslims Believed Islam should be the religion of African Americans and form their own black state Black Panthers Demanded compensation for the years of oppression Malcolm X Black Muslim who questioned Dr. King’s tactics Believed violence should be met with violence Assassinated in 1965 by rival Black Muslims

23 1968 Riots Ghettos Martin Luther King, Jr. is Assassinated
Ethnic communities African American Ghettos were typically decaying inner cities Frustration with living conditions led to riots Martin Luther King, Jr. is Assassinated April 1968 Memphis, TN Shot by a white supremacist Led to anger and mourning Sparked race riots

24 Chicano Movement Chicano=Mexican Americans
Faced discrimination, racism, exploitation Main issue: Farm workers’ voting and political rights

25 Chicano Leaders & Litigation
Copy and complete this chart using page 304 Leader: Information: Hector Perez ________________ Occupation: Veteran of: Lived in: First Mexican American to: Cesar _________ Organized workers in: Demanded: Achieved goal using: Dolores ________ Helped Chavez form: In 1980s expanded efforts to: In 2012 awarded: Then: read pages and complete the “Applying What You Have Learned” on page 309

26 Chicano Leaders Leader: Information: Hector Perez Garcia
Occupation: surgeon Veteran of: WWII Lived in: Texas First Mexican American to: Serve on the US Commission on Civil Rights Cesar Chavez Organized workers in: California Demanded: increased wages, better working conditions Achieved goal using: strikes, fasts, boycotts Dolores Heurta Helped Chavez form: National Farm Workers Association In 1980s expanded efforts to: Women’s Rights, Environmental Protection In 2012 awarded: Medal of Freedom

27 The American Indian Movement
Native American reservations lacked funding 1964-Legislation prohibited discrimination against Native Americans Many Native Americans still felt they were being mistreated Came up with the slogan “Red Power” and formed the American Indian Movement Indians wanted more respect for their heritage Disliked the stereotype of the “Indian”


29 The “Youth Culture” of the Sixties

30 New Youth-Culture Baby-boomers were in their 20s during the 60s and 70s Some adopted a more “rebellious” spirit They objected materialism and corporate America Largely affected by rock music Fashion and style changed Experiments with drugs Hippies Left mainstream society and lived on communes 26th Amendment Lowered the voting age to 18 (was 21)

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