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The Worldwide Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Stations (WIPSS) Network: Initial Results from the October 2016 Space-Weather Campaign © 2017 RAL Space.

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Presentation on theme: "The Worldwide Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Stations (WIPSS) Network: Initial Results from the October 2016 Space-Weather Campaign © 2017 RAL Space."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Worldwide Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Stations (WIPSS) Network: Initial Results from the October 2016 Space-Weather Campaign © 2017 RAL Space

2 Mario M. Bisi[1] (Mario. Bisi@stfc. ac. uk), Bernard V
Mario M. Bisi[1] Bernard V. Jackson[2], Richard A. Fallows[3], Munetoshi Tokumaru[4], Ernesto Aguilar-Rodriguez[5][6][7], J. Americo Gonzalez-Esparza[5][6][7], Julio C. Mejia-Ambriz[5][6][7], Igor Chashei[8], Sergey Tyul’bashev[8], John Morgan[9], Periasamy K. Manoharan[10], Oyuki Chang[7], Hsiu-Shan Yu[2], Dusan Odstrcil[11][12], David Barnes[1], and Biagio Forte[13]. [1]STFC-RAL Space, UK, [2]CASS-UCSD, CA, USA, [3]ASTRON, NL, [4]ISEE, Nagoya University, Japan, [5]SCiESMEX, MX, [6]MEXART, MX, [7]UNAM, MX, [8]Pushchino Radio Observatory, Russia, [9]Curtin University, WA, Australia, [10]TIFR, Ooty, India, [11]GMU, VA, USA, [12]NASA GSFC, MD, USA, and [13]University of Bath, UK. © 2017 RAL Space

3 Outline Key IPS Predictions. What is WIPSS?
Initial WIPSS October 2016 Results (Combining LOFAR and ISEE Data Sets). Summary. © 2017 RAL Space

4 Key IPS Space Weather Predictions
IPS Tomographic Analyses: ISEE, Japan; The UCSD iterative kinematic prediction technique; used primarily with ISEE observations, ready for WIPSS. IPS tomographic analysis, displays: Combined analysis from multiple IPS data sets (WIPSS), driving MHD models, and 3D-MHD forward modelling. Magnetic-field component forward-modelling – in three components: Part of the modelling effort developed at UCSD. Key new development: Bz predicted in GSM coordinates at low resolution at Earth (forecast, nowcast, and aftcast – verifications are underway). © 2017 RAL Space

5 Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS)
© 2017 RAL Space Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) - e.g. see M.M. Bisi, “Planetary, heliospheric, and solar science with radio scintillation”, Chapter 13 of Heliophysics Volume IV “Active stars, their astrospheres, and impacts on planetary Environments”, Editors C.J. Schrijver, F. Bagenal, and J.J. Sojka, Cambridge University Press, 16 March 2016, and references therein.

6 What is IPS? Interplanetary magnetic field Faraday rotation from
IPS is most-sensitive at and around the P-Point of the LOS to the Sun and is only sensitive to the component of flow that is perpendicular to the LOS; it is variation in intensity of astronomical radio sources on timescales of ~0.1s to ~10s that is observed. Interplanetary scintillation from compact radio source Faraday rotation from polarised radio source Interplanetary magnetic field Solar wind velocity, density/ turbulence, and signatures of field rotation and SIRs IPS variation in amount of scintillation → density proxy IPS cross-correlation of power spectra → velocity IPS fits to individual power spectra → velocity etc… Ionospheric scintillation

7 Worldwide IPS Stations (WIPSS) Network
Japan Mexico India Russia UK/Europe – EISCAT/LOFAR (USA-Australia) Ooty 327 MHz、16,000 ㎡ Pushchino 111 MHz 70,000 ㎡ MEXART 140 MHz、10,000 ㎡ MWA MHz ISEE Multi-Station 327 MHz 2000 ㎡ × 3, 3500 ㎡ WIPSS South Korea Low-Band Dipoles ~10 to 90 MHz. High-Band Tiles 110 to ~250 MHz.

8 WIPSS Core Members M.M. Bisi – STFC RAL Space, UK.
J.A. Gonzalez-Esparza, E. Aguilar-Rodriguez, O. Chang, J.C. Mejia-Ambriz, V.H. De la Luz, P. Corona-Romero, and E. Romero-Hernandez – SCIESMEX/MEXART/UNAM, Mexico. B.V. Jackson, and Hsiu-Shan Yu – CASS-UCSD, USA. M. Tokumaru, and K. Fujiki – ISEE, Nagoya University, Japan I.V. Chashei, S.A. Tyul’Bashev, V. Shishov – Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory, Russia. R.A. Fallows – ASTRON, The Netherlands. P.K. Manoharan – Ooty Radio Telescope, India. Future expected additions (some are much more science focused) from the Republic of Korea (South Korea) (2017), Ukraine (2017), China (2017), Australia (2017), and perhaps South Africa (TBC). © 2017 RAL Space

9 Combining LOFAR and ISEE Data (1)
Combined IPS and CELIAS velocity (right) reconstructions – in-situ extractions (top-bottom) LOFAR ↓ ISEE ↓ ISEE-LOFAR combined. Fisheye (above top) sky-plane and meridional (above bottom) cuts from three labelled velocity reconstructions (left-right) LOFAR → ISEE → ISEE-LOFAR combined.

10 Combining LOFAR and ISEE Data (2)
Snapshot of the ecliptic cuts of the ISEE (left), LOFAR (middle), and combined ISEE-LOFAR (right) reconstructed velocity data; there are some similarities in the different structures, and some differences, and the next step is to look at these carefully as well as integrate further data sets into the UCSD tomography…

11 Combining LOFAR and ISEE Data (3)
A potential jet-like (~1,000 km s-1) feature in LASCO can also be seen in the reconstructions. There is much promise here for interesting science as well as investigating the use and scope of the UCSD 3-D tomography for space-weather purposes.

12 LOFAR LOFAR+ISEE No in-situ data included…
Next workshop – “Into the Red Dragon’s Lair: Four-in-One Workshop Tackling Outstanding Problems in Heliophysics and Space Weather”: or – Clayton Hotel, Cardiff, Wales, UK (03-08 December 2017). More current ISEE Forecasts can be seen at: LOFAR LOFAR+ISEE No in-situ data included…

13 © 2017 RAL Space What we want from WIPSS Using the UCSD 3-D Tomography for real-time heliospheric reconstruction and space-weather forecasting in this detail…

14 © 2017 RAL Space Overall Summary WIPSS Network: IPS is an extremely-powerful and unique technique for making heliospheric imaging observations of the inner heliosphere. Incorporation of other stations into the UCSD tomographic analysis is now available. We are only just ‘scratching the surface’ in the investigations of this unique LOFAR IPS data set and their input to the UCSD 3-D tomography. IPS+GONG can provide a completely ground-based forecast system. We look forward to working more on this WIPSS Campaign period for individual event cases, whole-rotation studies, and integrating further WIPSS data sets into the reconstructions and ascertaining how and where improvements are made with the use of the additional data sets. Mario M. Bisi acknowledges his contribution to this material is based upon work supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Material Command, USAF under award number FA DEF.

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