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Reading comprehension improvement through the blog

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1 Reading comprehension improvement through the blog
N99c0020 Amanda Lu

2 Introduction Curriculum and instruction have been changed with the advancement and presence of new technologies. The use of blogs has become increasingly popular over the years as a form of CMC. This study will examine the role of blogs and how they may assist to promote comprehension within small-guided reading groups.

3 Literature Review The advantages of the blogging include maintaining a log of exchanging among students, a more serious consideration of language, and the encouragement of community language learning by electronic means. (Godwin Jones,2003) Self-publishing encourages ownership and responsibility on the parts of the students, who maybe more thoughtful if they know they are writing for real audience. (Godwin Jones,2003)

4 Literature Review Communicative competence is defined as the use of language in social communications without grammatical analysis (Krashen & Terrell, 1983).

5 Research Questions 1 Do the participants improve their reading comprehension by blog discussion ? 2 How do students respond to the use of blogs? 3 What impact does the integration of blogs into Penguin Active Reading have in fostering deeper comprehension?

6 Gou-Guo junior high school
Methodology participant students group experimental control school Gou-Guo junior high school number 30 people 5-6/group grade 8th grader gender 14 boys and 16 girls 13 boys and 17 girls

7 Gou-Guo junior high school
Methodology participant teacher school Gou-Guo junior high school number 1 age 36 gender female background bachelor’s degree in English a certificated teacher who has 6 years teaching experience

8 Penguin active reading
Design Experimental Control material Penguin active reading Week 1 Pre-test Week 2-14 Treatment 3-5pages/week, and blog discussion at least post one comment every other day traditional way Week 15 Post-test

9 Methodology instruments experimental control pre-test post-test
GEPT elementary level mode test reading part questionnaire reading experience before and after the treatment Blog Scoring Rubric Blog Analysis Rubric survey student interest inventory

10 Data collection T-test Gain scores Questionnaire Blog Scoring Rubric
Student interest inventory

11 Data analysis RQ1 RQ2 RQ3 T-test Gain scores Questionnaire
Blog Scoring Rubric Student interest inventory

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