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Easy tips for choosing the best company for document shredding near me?

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Presentation on theme: "Easy tips for choosing the best company for document shredding near me?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Document Shredding By Unicor LLC

2 How to Choose the Right Document Shredding Company? It’s that time of the year and you are all set to give your office a spring cleaning which often involves shredding countless number of sensitive documents and intra-office policy decision papers and other files. It is better to opt for professional services by searching online for document shredding near me as that should provide you with a list of companies who specialize in document shredding.document shredding near me

3 Document Shredding

4 Do Due Diligence ● You can either get a document shredder and try operating it on your own but given how often these machines break down, it is advisable to opt for a company that specializes in providing document shredding services. But before opting for the first one that pops up on your radar, you may want to do your due diligence.


6 Given the nature of these documents, you may want to find out if the company in question provides risk assessments and ensures that all its personal are well trained, have undergone rigorous conditioning and would ensure that all your sensitive documents are destroyed.. Trained Staff


8 Storage You may want to check with the company to see that they are able to secure and store all documentation prior to document destruction. You would need to liaise with the company official and ensure that all documents are indeed safely stored under lock and key prior to destruction.

9 Certificate of Destruction You need to ask the company to provide you with a certificate of destruction certifying that all the sensitive documents have indeed been destroyed.

10 Contact 1615 Broadway NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102, USA Phone: 505-843-7600 E-Mail: Website: http://unicorllc.com

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