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Attribute Extraction.

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Presentation on theme: "Attribute Extraction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attribute Extraction

2 Attribute query extraction
You have tracts for an entire state, but want tracts for one county only

3 Attribute query extraction
Select tracts by County FIPS or ANSI ID Cook County = 031

4 Attribute query extraction
Cook County tracts are selected Export to new feature class or shapefile

5 Export selected features

6 Add new layer Cook County tracts

7 Select by Location

8 Select By Location City of Pittsburgh tracts within municipality

9 Select by Location Select municipality of Pittsburgh first

10 Select by Location

11 Selected Features

12 Other Proximity Queries

13 Points Near Polygons Schools near parks

14 Points Near Polygons View schools in attribute table

15 Points Near Points Schools are near convenient stores
Schools within 300 feet of a convenience store

16 Polygons Intersecting Lines
Neighborhoods that Intersect Streets Transportation planner wants to know what neighborhoods are affected by construction project on major road

17 Lines Intersecting Polygons
Streets or sidewalks that intersect floodplains Public works officials need to know what streets might flood

18 Polygons Intersecting Polygons
Buildings completely within zoning area City planners want to know what buildings are completely within a zoning area

19 Clipping Features

20 ArcToolbox

21 Clip Acts like a “cookie cutter” to create a subset of features.
Clip features (Central Business District) Output features (CBD streets) Input features (streets)

22 Clip vs Select By Location
Clean edges Looks good Select by Location Dangling edges Better for geocoding

23 Clip vs Select by Location
Penn Avenue – ranging from street segment

24 Dissolving Features

25 ArcToolbox

26 Dissolve Create regions using U.S. States
Use SUB_REGION field to dissolve Sum population

27 Dissolve Results States dissolved to form regions
Population summed for each region

28 Appending Features

29 ArcToolbox

30 Append Appends one or more data sets into an existing data set
features must be of the same type input datasets may overlap one another and/or the target dataset TEST option: field definitions of the feature classes must be the same and in the same order for all appended features NO TEST option: Input features schemas do not have to match the target feature classes's schema

31 Append DuPage and Cook County are combining public works and need a new single street centerline file

32 Append Append will add DuPage streets to Cook County Streets

33 Resultant Layer One street layer (Cook County) with all records and field items

34 Merging Features

35 ArcToolbox

36 Merge Combines multiple input datasets of the same data type into a single, new output dataset

37 Resultant Layer New merged voting district layer

38 Union Features

39 ArcToolbox

40 Union Overlays two polygon layers
resulting output layer has combined attribute data of the two inputs contains all the polygons from the inputs, whether or not they overlap

41 Union Neighborhoods and zip codes

42 Union Better describes characteristics of a neighborhood.
Central business district vs 15219

43 Union Attributes tables contain different fields and data

44 Union Results New polygons with combined data

45 Intersecting Features

46 ArcToolbox

47 Intersect Floodzones and buildings
City manager needs to know what buildings intersect flood zones and wants the flood data attached to each intersecting building

48 Intersect Result Only building polygons that intersect flood zones with combined data fields

49 Model Builder

50 Model builder overview
Workflow processes can be complicated Models automate and string functions together Example You have census tracts for a county and want to create neighborhoods for a city Many steps are needed to create neighborhoods (join, dissolve, etc)

51 Starting map TIGER census tracts and municipalities

52 Final map Tracts dissolved to create neighborhoods

53 Crosswalk table Neighborhood names are not included with the census tracts, so a crosswalk table was created with the name of neighborhood for each census tract Some neighborhoods are made of multiple tracts

54 Set geoprocessing options
Geoprocessing, geoprocessing options

55 Create a new toolbox Catalog

56 Create a new model Right-click new Toolbox

57 Add tool to model Add Join Tool To join crosswalk table to tracts…

58 Set parameter for Join Tool
Joins crosswalk table to census tracts

59 Model steps Add Join Dissolve Remove join

60 Finished model

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