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BE-ICS work for SPS Safety Systems

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1 BE-ICS work for SPS Safety Systems
P. Sollander SPS PPS:T. Ladszinski SPS Fire WP2: M. Dole SPS Fire WP4: A. Suwalska 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

2 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander
Outline SPS Personnel Protection System (a.k.a. Access Control System) SPS Fire Safety Project Work package 2: Fire detection and Evacuation Work package 4: Sprinkler system 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

3 SPS PPS (a.k.a. Access System) Renovation Project
Mandatory renovation project due to: 2007 commitments to French nuclear regulatory body (the SPS safety system to protect from radiation hazards); the material end-of-life of the current system - no longer possible to face a major breakdown or add new zones. Project started in 2014 after two years of preparatory works between GS/ASE and BE/OP, financed from the accelerator consolidation budget. Works can only be done during a Long Shutdown period. Delaying till LS3 not a valid option. Standardization across the CERN accelerator complex to: provide the same user experience; facilitate support and maintenance; provide the same level of safety. Contract B1504/BE with Procon Systems (Spain) signed beginning 2017 and advancing to schedule. 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

4 Geographical Scope – 16 Access Zones
27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

5 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander
Main Changes The new system will reinforce the protection of the personnel by: Introduction of 16 access points of the same level of inviolability as in LHC & PS; Operational Dosimeter check in the PAD Systematic use of two independent channels for all signal exchanges between the EIS and the system. The renovation is not only the access points but also the instrumentation of all the SPS doors and the interfaces with EIS-beam/machine. Revised and simplified number of interlock chains (8) covering the 16 access zones. 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

6 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander
Contract Status FAT 18/10/2017: Contract strategy and system architecture based on previous projects: Prototype (SPS0) – 1 access point + CCC & Site racks equivalent in bld.104 Pilot on-site installation in ECA5 Series installation Contract advancing to schedule with Detailed Design review and FAT of Prototype racks ongoing Delivery of components for Pilot installation in ECA5 planned June 2018 4Q 2017 3Q 2018 LS2 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

7 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander
Dependency: Cabling Project presented to EN/EL Technical Committee in May 2016, fibers discussed since 2013 Regular working meetings held between BE/ICS & EN/EL afterwards Cabling (DIC) and fiber (DIF) requests transmitted in 2016 Cabling campaigns completed during EYETS: BA4, ECX4, ECA5, TAG42 Surface: BA80, BA81, TCC8, ECN3 Following July 2017 several meetings with EN/EL to optimize the cabling campaigns and advance the bulk of the work to YETS: Differentiation between: -shaft cabling and close underground doors; -far away underground doors; -cabled loop long distance links; -BA (false floor issue). Important to have the surface cabling ready before the start of the LS2 to be able to plan effectively the surface installation works (BA3 may be an exception). Flexibility for the far away tunnel doors and the cabling passing through hot zones, as long as it is finished in LS2. DICs modified accordingly and Functional Positions created. Fibers and powering – no obstacles reported. 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

8 Dependency: Integration, Civil Eng., Metallic Works
Integration activities concern the access point areas, where completely new equipment will be installed. The idea is to fit as much as possible into the existing space. Scan campaign done. Detailed integration for ECA5 region done. Possible problem with realization of a metallic structure (ECR on-hold) – discussions with EN and SMB ongoing. Dark green: metallic structure to allow MAD installation in BB5 (ECA5 Access Point). 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

9 Dependencies: Internal Beam Dump, AWAKE, EIS interfaces
Installation of the new ECA5 access point (currently there is none) in 2018 is essential to allow the coactivity of SPS PPS and Beam Dump works during the LS2. AWAKE: The AWAKE team has asked for a new feature allowing tests and commissioning when the CCC is not staffed (LS2 and the following YETS). It is foreseen to install and commission the new PPS for the TAG41 zone 1Q/2Q 2019 to permit the realization of the AWAKE program. EIS interfaces: Regular meetings with the groups concerned: TE/EPC, EN/EL, EN/STI. Tight schedule for EN/EL reported, e.g. link with AUG will be added post LS2 (today there is none). 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

10 SPS PPS Installation & Commissioning Strategy
LS2 objective is to renovate, while: providing the basic access control functionality with limited perturbation to the users; monitoring the “external envelope” consisting of access points and the end-of-zone doors. Multi stage approach, for each access zone: Replace the Access Point and Site Racks (access perturbed), test and use with access control functionality; Install the instrumentation on EIS-access, new junction boxes, connections to EIS-beam etc. (no access perturbations); Test the complete site. The central infrastructure will be initially located in bld. 104 and will be used for new access points in parallel to the old system supervising the old equipment. Move of central infrastructure from bld.104 to CCC mid 2020. System-wide test window foreseen prior to the SPS closure, prerequisite to allow safe tests of the SPS hardware. DSO Test before first beam. 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

11 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander
SPS PPS Tentative Installation Schedule (June ‘17 proposal, prior to meetings with EN/EL) Location Cabling YETS 2018 2019 2020 2-3Q Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov BA1 BA2 BA3 BA4 OK ECX4 BA5 ECA5 BA6 TAG41 OK  TAG42 BA7 TT61 BA80 OK surf BA81 TCC8 ECN3 104 CCC/R Test w. EIS-b/m Access Point & Site Rack Installation - requires only surface cabling EIS instrumentation Tests Central Infrastructure Installation 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

12 SPS Fire Safety WP2 and WP4
WP2: Fire Detection and Protection Systems will cover SPS point 1 to SPS point 6. WP4: Fire Sprinkler Protection System will cover SPS point 1 to SPS point 6 (Shaft, TAs and part of the LSS area). SPS point 7: Not (yet) included in the scope of the project – decision expected by end 2017. Additional resources necessary: Costs: ~ 1.4 MCHF (WP2) / ~ 600 kCHF (WP4). Human resources: ~ 0.75 FTE. Request for consolidation budget will be sumitted Decision by whom? 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

13 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander
SPS Fire Status (1/2) SPS Fire Safety review day held 29th September Invitation to Tender IT-4286 (WP2) and IT-4250 (WP4) Bid evaluation closed. Documents for FC December 2017 to be presented at Peer Review on 2 November. Contract Kick Off tentative date – first week January 2018. LS2 Coordination Planning (WP2/WP4) Preliminary planning done with the Coordination Team (EN-ACE). Installation works will be done on a point by point basis (~ 3 months/point). Radiation test Campaign WP2 First tests campaign – on going. Results expected for the end November 2017. Second campaign: to be performed during 2018. WP4 Finalized in July 2017: 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

14 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander
SPS Fire Status (2/2) Surface buildings integration (WP2/WP4) Studies on-going with EN-ACE, to be completed by the end of 2017. Unforeseen difficulties to integrate components in surface buildings: Not possible to integrate components on a mezzanine above the Buffer Zone (WP4) nor Access Points (WP2) due to transport crane path. Case by case study required. BA4 almost done, BA6 and BA3 underway Civil engineering works required during 2018. Underground areas integration (WP2/WP4) Studies on-going with EN-ACE. Detailed analysis foreseen during YETS 2017/2018. SPS4 (Pilot Site for WP4) – plans including LSS shall be ready by end 2017. Cables/Fibers WP2: 100 km, 1300 cables&fibres Cables to be pulled in the safety cable tray of the future emergency lighting of EN-EL (required surface estimation in Oct. 2017) -> All cables will be pulled during LS2. All fibers shall be pulled before or during LS2. WP4: 4 km, 40 cables DIC ready, awaiting last confirmation from EN-CV of their needs. BA4 foreseen during YETS 2017/2018, other points pulled during LS2. 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

15 SPS Fire WP2 Main Milestones
Before LS2: Updated milestone plan: Underground integration studies completed for points 4 and 6 (EL, fire doors, tubes, …) Underground integration studies completed for all points (EL, fire doors, tubes, …) Surface integration studies completed Surface infrastructures ready for installation Integration & Civil Eng. Pre-DIC/ARF LS2 DIC/ARF LS2 Electricity General design validated LASD proto and detailed design validated Start surface equipment installation End surface equipment installation Bids opening Contract FC Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. LS2 YETS 2017/2018 During LS2: Generic sequence repeated for each SPS point, details in the SPS LS2 coordination planning Cables/Fibers available (*) Commissioning Installation / Tests Dismantling (*) Except for the first point installed 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander T0 T0 + 1M T0 + 2M T0 + 3M

16 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander
SPS Fire WP4 Main Milestones BE-ICS-AS Fire Brigade HSE-SSE Site Commissioning Tests Start of the operational maintenance (BE-ICS-CSE) BA Surface FSPS integration ready (all points) + BA4 Underground Underground FSPS integration for all points ready Civil Engineering in BAs for all points ready Integration BA4 cabled SPS points cabling ready before the FSPS installation works start in each point EN-EL Water Supply prepared before the FSPS installation works start in each point EN-CV BA4 Water Supply SAT Q4 2018 Q2 Q3 Q4 2019 Q2 Q3 Q4 2020 Q2 Q3 Contract Kick-Off Pilot (BA4) Detailed Design Pilot (BA4) installation start FSPS Site Commissioning Test (SCT )/ point by point Visits and Measurements End Detailed Design (5 SPS points) Pilot (BA4) Site Commissioning Test (SCT) Preliminary Design 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander
LS2 SPS planning (WP4) Preliminary WP4 Planning (SPS7 to be confirmed) 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

18 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander
SPS Fire Dependencies WP2/WP4 - Integration studies (EN-ACE) SPS BAs (all points) + SPS4 Underground plans must be ready end 2017 SPS Underground ready by end of 2019Q2 – Contractors are supposed to provide detailed sprinkler system layout between May-September 2018 WP2/WP4 – Civil engineering works (SMB-SE) Following BA surface integration studies structures shall be built To be completed by October 2018 WP2/WP4 – Cables/Fibers (EN-EL) (For WP4 only) BA4 to be pulled during YETS 2018/2019 During LS2: Cables/Fibers need to be in place before works start WP4 - CV Water Interface (EN-CV) Need to be available in each BA point before the FSPS installation works start. BA4 (Dec 2018), the other BAs will follow during LS2. 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

19 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander
Open points Surface buildings integration difficulties: if equipment around the access points in the BAs which should be dismantled for LS2 please contact BE-ICS or EN-ACE Underground areas integration studies: EN-ACE requires the help of service owners to identify cables and tubes in the model Resources: Need for a technician to take part in the integration studies and the installation follow-up (shared WP2/WP4) Proposition to perform tests of the future long distance fire detection system in a tunnel instead of at the contractor premises (WP2): to be checked if there is an accessible tunnel during 2018. AWAKE TAG41 seems a good candidate, to be confirmed 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander

20 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander
Summary SPS PPS Project well under way with contractor SPS0 prototype being delivered end 2017 Pilot ECA5 installation Q important for co-activities with beam dump work Tentative plans and schedules look OK No major problems on the horizon SPS Fire Safety WP2, WP4 FC December 2017, Contracts start 2018 Tight schedules! Integration work of highest importance! BA7 not yet included Need help from everybody, integration, EL, SMB, CV, We can do it! 27/10/17 Ladszinski, Dole, Suwalska, Sollander


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