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Manifest Destiny and crisis Pgs

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1 Manifest Destiny and crisis Pgs. 104 - 113
Chapter 2.4 Manifest Destiny and crisis Pgs

2 Manifest Destiny Pushing West Texas & Oregon
People start moving west There is fertile land & business opportunities There are also Native Americans & other countries Texas & Oregon Mexico wanted immigration into Texas “Remember the Alamo!” “54° 40’ or Fight! What is a possible consequence of our actions in Texas and Oregon?

3 Cont. War with Mexico And then there was fighting…
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo US Get 500,000 sq. miles of land Mexico gets $18.25 million (about $.06 pre acre)

4 Slavery and Western Expansion
The Impact of the War with Mexico How do you decide if slavery should be allowed in the new land? Popular Sovereignty Struggle for a Compromise “There’s gold in them there hills!” The Compromise of 1850 The Fugitive Slave Act Can you really make the people obey a law the police don’t even want to enforce?

5 Cont. New Territorial Troubles Kansas Nebraska Act “Bleeding Kansas”
Let the people in these areas decide the slavery question Nebraska was certain to go free, what about Kansas? “Bleeding Kansas” If everyone knows the question of slavery will be decided by popular vote, what might people do to try and tip the outcome their way? As more people pour into the state violence increases Potawatomie Creek

6 The Crisis Deepens Sectional Division Grows John Brown’s Raid
Dred Scott v. Sanford John Brown’s Raid Plan was to capture the Arsenal at Harper’s Ferry Slaves would come to him, take the weapons & launch a rebellion Brown is captured & executed This is a White man leading a rebellion to free Black men

7 The Civil War This takes us up to the Civil War
We will not be studying this It is extremely important You’ve already done it in 8th grade We have an excellent Junior/Senior class on it

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