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Father Leonard Van Tighem School

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1 Father Leonard Van Tighem School 2016-2017
PLEASE READ AS A CLASS GOAL OF THIS ACTIVITY: We would like to get each classrooms input on what social justice projects connect the most with the students of Father Leonard Van Tighem. Social Justice Project Options Take some time and explore this PowerPoint and the Websites of each of the possible projects. Then vote on which project is your favorite. Each voice matters so please take a little time and explore the possibilities of the impact we can make as a school. Its as easy as 1,2,3. EXPLORE VOTE ON YOUR FAVORITE PROGRAM MAKE A SUGGESTION ON WHAT WE SHOULD DO WITH YOUR CHOICE LINK TO VOTE IS ON THE LAST SLIDE

2 Value Statement: Sharing Christ with all in need.
Core Values: Faith, Integrity, Commitment, Compassion, Respect. CURRENT CRITICAL NEED – HURRICANE MATTHEW (SOUTH HAITI) WHERE WE WORK – INTERACTIVE MAP Chalice WEBSITE For the past 18 years Chalice has been enriching lives, while restoring hope and dignity to people in developing countries through our Child Sponsorship Programme. Located in Nova Scotia, Chalice commits over 90 percent of its spending in support of programs. In 2014, $19.8 million was spent directly on programs providing nutrition, education and shelter to nearly 50,000 children and the elderly in 15 developing countries.

3 Development and Peace WEBSITE
Our vision: Committed to change. Our mission: Support partners who promote alternatives to unfair social, political and economic structures, and educate the Canadian population about the causes of poverty and mobilize Canadians towards actions for change. Development and Peace WEBSITE Thanks to the support of Canadians from coast to coast, Development and Peace has invested more than $600 million in over 100 countries since its creation in 1967.  Current Emergency – Haiti (Hurricane Matthew) 50th Anniversary – Animated Timeline

4 Mission Mexico WEBSITE
Mission Mexico is an outreach project of Catholics in the Diocese of Calgary. Our goal is to provide funding for micro-economic, education, health and human rights projects in one of the poorest regions in the state of Guerrero, Mexico. Mission Mexico WEBSITE VIDEOS MAPS Florentina Moreno Mission Mexico Mission Mexico Maps CURRENT PROJECTS Francisco Ramirez Mission Mexico Mission Mexico Projects

Children in communities, orphanages, homes for the disabled, refuges, and those living on the streets are assisted by the generosity of children who wish to make the love of Jesus know everywhere. Holy Childhood WEBSITE Two main objectives of Propagation of the faith are missionary Animation and Sharing of resources. Missionary Animation reminds and encourages each baptized Catholic of his or her privilege and obligation to witness and to proclaim the Good News of Jesus. Missionary Animation also offers education and information regarding the life of the church in other countries and strives to nourish and encourage missionary vocation. Holy Childhood Kidz Love Thy Neighbour Featured Video

6 Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA)
VIDEOS Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) has been a lifeline for the poor throughout the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India and Eastern Europe for 90 years. The Mission Building the Church Affirming Dignity Encouraging Dialogue Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) WEBSITE From forming priests to serve the people of God in Egypt to providing irrigation to farmers in southern Lebanon — from teaching needy children in Ethiopia to educating sisters in India — from providing emergency relief to Syrian Christian refugees to counseling for war-scarred children in Gaza, CNEWA connects you to your brothers and sisters in need. Together, we build up the church, affirm human dignity, alleviate poverty, encourage dialogue — and inspire hope.

7 Catholic Missions in Canada
Support for this organization helps mission parishes in northern Canada fund the maintenance and upkeep of their church.  Map of Mission Communities Video – Great Need. Great Hope. Catholic Missions in Canada WEBSITE Catholic Missions In Canada seeks to sustain and extend the Catholic Faith in isolated, poor and hard-to-reach mission areas in Canada. These are communities where diocesan resources are insufficient to keep the Church alive. Catholic Missions promotes national awareness on the needs of our Canadian missions and raises funds to sustain the work of evangelization.

8 Cast Your Vote

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