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8th Grade Study Guide Computer basic review.

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Presentation on theme: "8th Grade Study Guide Computer basic review."— Presentation transcript:

1 8th Grade Study Guide Computer basic review

2 Click on a topic to practice
Computer Hardware Software Ethics Trends Miscellaneous (Misc.)

3 Computer 1 What type of computers use: A. Windows OS? B. OS X?
The correct answer is…

4 Computer 2 From the list below match the descriptions to these words:
1. Desktop= Laptop= 3. Tablet= Servers= A. Network B. Touch/virtual keyboard C. Portable Chromebook D. Classroom computer The correct answer is ….

5 Computer 3 Give 3 examples of personal computers
The correct answer is ….

6 Computer 4 From the list, give an example of each: A. Smartphone
B. Wearable C. Game Console D. TV (how relates to computers) The correct answer is…

7 Computer 5 Answer each of the questions about these mobile devices?
A. Tablet: what type of keyboard does it have? B. E-Reader: what is an example? C. Smartphone: what does it need to make it “smart”? The correct answer is…

8 Answer: Computer 1 A. Windows OS = PC (Personal Computer)
B. OSX = Mac (Macintosh) Go to next question…

9 Answer: Computer 2 Desktop = D. Classroom Computer
Laptop = C. Portable Chromebook Tablet = B. Touch/Virtual Keyboard Servers = A. Network Go to next question…

10 Answer: Computer 3 Smartphone Wearable Game console TV streaming
Tablet E-reader Go to next question…

11 Answer: Computer 4 A. Smartphones= Samsung/iPhone…
B. Wearable = Fitness trackers (Fitbit), Apple watch, Google Glasses, Go Pro… C. Game Console = PS, Game stations, Wii… D. TV = Netflix, On demand, DVR, Hulu Go to next question…

12 Answer: Computer 5 A. Tablet = virtual/touch keyboard
B. E-Readers = Kindle, Nook C. Smartphone = data plan Go to next topic…

13 Hardware 1 Give one example of each type of hardware for:
A. Computer case B. Monitor C. Keyboard D. Mouse The correct answer is…

14 Hardware 2 A computer case includes these ports—what are they used for? A. Optical disc drive B. Audio in/out C. USB ports D. Ethernet E. Expansion slots The correct answer is…

15 Hardware 3 Name 2 types of printers and identify which one is the best quality The correct answer is…

16 Hardware 4 Inside a computer, what do these 4 parts do? A. Motherboard
B. CPU C. RAM D. Hard drive The correct answer is…

17 Hardware 5 Peripherals can be added to a computer – what do these do?
A. Printer B. Scanner C. Microphones D. Game controllers The correct answer is…

18 Answer: Hardware 1 A. Computer case = tower, desktop, all-in-one
B. Monitor = LCD/LED flat screens, CRT large screen C. Keyboard = QWERTY, function keys, arrow keys, Ctrl/Esc/Delete keys D. Mouse = optical, mechanical, trackball, touch pad Go to next question…

19 Answer: Hardware 2 A. Optical disc drive = CD/DVD’s
B. Audio in/out = connects speaker, headphones C. USB ports = connects mouse, keyboard, flashdrive, camera, phone D. Ethernet = connects to Internet E. Expansion slots = video cards, bluetooth Go to next question…

20 Answer: Hardware 3 Laser Ink jet Best = Laser printer
Go to next question…

21 Answer: Hardware 4 A. Motherboard = main circuitboard to run the computer B. CPU = brain of computer; made of silicon chips C. RAM = short-term memory D. Hard drive = long-term storage (H drive) Go to next question…

22 Answer: Hardware 5 A. Printer = allows to print documents on inkjet or laser printer B. Scanner = copies documents to computer C. Microphone = records voice D. Game controllers = control game movements Go to next topic…

23 Software 1 Which type of software:
A. Sets the rules of the computer to operate B. Performs the specific task The correct answer is…

24 Software 2 Match these OS software: 1. Windows = 2. Mac =
3. Linux = Android = A. Apple B. Open free C. Microsoft D. Mobile cell The correct answer is…

25 Software 3 Describe what these app software do? A. Gmail B. Instagram
C. Duolingo D. WP The correct answer is…

26 Software 4 Give 3 examples of a Web Browser? The correct answer is…

27 Software 5 What does having GUI design as the operating system mean?
Bonus: What does GUI stand for? The correct answer is…

28 Answer: Software 1 A. Sets the rules = OS (Operating System Software)
B. Performs the task = App (Application Software) Go to next question…

29 Answer: Software 2 Windows = C. Microsoft Mac = A. Apple
Linux = B. Open free Android = D. Mobile cell Go to next question…

30 Answer: Software 3 A. Gmail = email B. Instagram = sharing photos
C. Duolingo = learn new languages D. WP = type document Go to next question…

31 Answer: Software 4 Google Safari Internet Explorer Firefox
Google Chrome Yahoo Bing Go to next question…

32 Answer: Software 5 The use of icons and menus to easily use programs
Bonus: Stands for Graphic User Interface Go to next topic…

33 Ethics 1 What type of Human Invader:
Which type copies and distributes software illegally Which type secretly gains access to files without permission The correct answer is…

34 Ethics 2 Describe these 4 automated invaders: A. Virus B. Bomb C. Worm
D. Trojan Horse The correct answer is…

35 Ethics 3 Match these computer safeguards:
1. License = 2. Copyright Law = 3. Security Codes = 4. Antivirus = A. Strong passwords to protect devices B. Agree to load correct number of copies C. Protection to fix detected invaders D. Protect companies & creators of their creation (software, games, etc.) The correct answer is…

36 Ethics 4 Give an example of a situation using technology that would be an: A. Ethical situation B. Unethical situation The correct answer is…

37 Ethics 5 Match the definitions to the type of software being described: 1. Commercial= 2. Public-Domain= 3. Shareware= A. Free to copy; donated to use B. Use for 30 days and then pay C. Copyrighted; pay to use; agree to license The correct answer is…

38 Answer: Ethics 1 A pirate = copies and distributes software illegally
A hacker = secretly gains access to files without permission Go to next question…

39 Answer: Ethics 2 Virus = spreads to other computers
Bomb = sets to a time to erase files Worm = bores into files to destroy Trojan Horse = looks good but is bad like spam pop-ups Go to next question…

40 Answer: Ethics 3 1. License = B. Agree to load correct number of copies 2. Copyright Law = D. Protect companies & creators of their creation (software, games, etc.) 3. Security Codes = A. Strong passwords to protect devices 4. Antivirus = C. Protection to fix detected invaders Go to next question…

41 Answer: Ethics 4 A. Ethical = situation of following rules on the computer – saving correctly, printing only when need to, using the correct software B. Unethical = situation of not using the computer in the right way – cheating, using someone else’s password, on the Internet when not suppose to Go to next question…

42 Answer: Ethics 5 1. Commercial = C. Copyrighted, pay to use, agree to license 2. Public-Domain = A. Free to copy, donated to public 3. Shareware = B. Use for 30 days and then pay Go to next topic…

43 Trends 1 Which trend of technology is being described:
A. Paying bills using the internet B. Matching the right medicine to a patient The correct answer is…

44 Trends 2 Give an example of virtual reality for: A. Every day life
B. Scientific study C. Entertainment The correct answer is…

45 Trends 3 Which trend of technology is being described:
A. Using Skype for communication B. Copying computer programs in a lab The correct answer is…

46 Trends 4 Describe these 2 types of artificial intelligence:
A. Voice Synthesis B. Voice Recognition The correct answer is…

47 Trends 5 Describe these 2 types of artificial intelligence:
A. Robotics B. Expert System The correct answer is…

48 Answer: Trends 1 A. Paying bills = Home banking or Online Banking
B. Matching medicine = Coded wrist band or id in hospital Go to next question…

49 Answer: Trends 2 A. Every day life = college/house tours
B. Scientific = catastrophes, wars, historical events C. Entertainment = games, Google Earth Go to next question…

50 Answer: Trends 3 A. Skype = Video conferencing/chat
B. Copying computer programs = Computer imaging Go to next question…

51 Answer: Trends 4 A. Voice synthesis = computer mimics voice
B. Voice recognition = giving voice commands and computer understands what to do Go to next question…

52 Answer: Trends 5 A. Robotics = Making a human-job easier using technology like on an assembly line B. Expert system = database to ask questions and then it gives a diagnosis to fix the problem Go to next topic…

53 Misc. 1 What is the definition of hardware? The correct answer is…

54 Misc. 2 What does CPU stand for? The correct answer is…

55 Misc. 3 Name 2 types of storage devices The correct answer is…

56 Misc. 4 What does interactive mean in using software like if you were playing a game? The correct answer is…

57 Misc. 5 What makes a strong password? The correct answer is…

58 Answer: Misc. 1 Hardware = the physical structure of a computer
Go to next question…

59 Answer: Misc. 2 CPU = Central Processing Unit
It is the brain of the computer It is made out of silicon Go to next question…

60 Answer: Misc. 3 Hard drive CD/DVDs Flash drive Go to next question…

61 Answer: Misc. 4 Interactive=the computer reacts to your responses
Go to next question…

62 Answer: Misc. 5 Capital and lowercase letters Random numbers Symbols
A combination of all the above Go to next topic…

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