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Orchestra BY. Deepak Jamdhade Raut Sachin.

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1 Orchestra BY. Deepak Jamdhade Raut Sachin

2 History The first type of orchestra were groups of instruments that gathered to play in ancient Egypt. The Roman Empire mostly scorned musicians, discouraging informal ensemble playing. This reappeared after the fall of the empire. Instrument families began appearing in the eleventh century, consisting of similar models differening in tones and octaves. The Middle Ages included mostly groups of certain instrument families. Modern orchestras began in the late sixteenth century when composers were writing music for instrumental groups. The instruments used were not those found today in the orchestra.

3 Sections Strings Woodwinds Brass Percussion Keyboards

4 Strings The four major instruments in the string family, the violin, the viola, the cello and the double bass, are built the same way. The instruments are made of many pieces of wood which are glued - never nailed - together. The body of the instrument is hollow, thus becoming a resonating box for the sound. Four strings made of animal gut, nylon, or steel are wrapped around pegs at one end of the instrument and attached to a tailpiece at the other. They are stretched tightly across a bridge to produce their assigned pitches.

5 Woodwinds The three branches of the woodwind family have different sources of sound. Vibrations begin when air is blown across the top of an instrument, across a single reed, or across two reeds. A single reed is clamped to a mouthpiece at the top of the instrument and vibrates against the mouthpiece when air is blown between the reed and the mouthpiece. The double reed fits into a tube at the top of the instrument and vibrates when air is forced between the two reeds.

6 Brass Brass Family instruments produce their unique sound by the player buzzing his/her lips while blowing air through a cup- or funnel-shaped mouthpiece. The mouthpiece connects to a length of brass tubing ending in a bell. The shorter the tubing length, the smaller the instrument, and the higher the sound; and the longer the tubing length, the larger the instrument, and the lower the sound. The main instruments of the brass family include the trumpet, horn, trombone, and tuba.

7 Percussion With a name that means, "the hitting of one body against another," instruments in the percussion family are played by being struck, shaken, or scraped. In the orchestra, the percussion section provides a variety of rhythms, textures and tone colors. The percussion instruments are an international family, with ancestors from the Middle East, Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe representing musical styles from many different cultures.

8 Keyboards Keyboard instruments are often classified as percussion instruments because they play a rhythmic role in some music. However, most keyboard instruments are not true members of the percussion family because their sound is not produced by the vibration of a membrane or solid material.

9 Violin The violin is the soprano voice in the string family. It is held under the chin, resting on the shoulder. The violin has a lovely tone that can be soft and expressive or exciting and brilliant.

10 Viola The viola is the alto voice in the string family. It is held under the chin, resting on the shoulder. The viola is slightly larger and is tuned five notes lower than the violin. It has a darker and warmer tone quality, but is not as brilliant.

11 Cello The cello is the tenor voice in the string family. Shaped like a violin, the cello is much larger and is held between the player’s knees. Because it can produce beautiful sounds from its lowest to its highest notes, it is a popular instrument.

12 Double Bass The double bass, or string bass is the largest and lowest instrument of the string family. The double bass has rounded shoulders instead of square shoulders like the other string instruments. Because of its size, the player stands or sits on a high stool to play it.

13 Piccolo The piccolo is exactly like the flute except that it is much smaller and is usually made of silver or wood. The pitch of the piccolo is higher than that of a flute.

14 Flute The flute is made from silver or gold and is about 2 feet in length. It looks like a narrow tube with a row of holes covered by keys along one side. The player blows air across the small hole in the mouthpiece to produce a sound that can be either soft and mellow or high and piercing.

15 Oboe The oboe is similar to the clarinet in many ways. Both are made from wood and have metal keys that can produce many notes rapidly. The oboe does not have a mouthpiece, but has two reeds tied together. By placing them between one's lips and blowing air through them, the reeds vibrate and produce a sound.

16 Clarinet Made from wood, the clarinet produces a fluid sound when air is blown between a single reed and the mouthpiece. By pressing metal keys with the fingers of both hands, the player has the ability to play many different notes very quickly.

17 Bassoon The bassoon is a large double reed instrument with a lower sound than the other woodwind instruments. When the player blows air between the reeds, the vibrating column of air inside the instrument travels over nine feet to the bottom of the instrument, then up to the top where the sound comes out.

18 Saxophone Conically shaped, the saxophone is the only woodwind instrument made of brass. Although it is found only occasionally in the symphony orchestra, it is considered a member of the woodwind family because it has a single reed like the clarinet.

19 Trumpet The trumpet is the highest sounding member of the brass family. The brilliant tone of the trumpet travels through about 6 - ½ feet of tubing bent into an oblong shape. The player presses the three valves in various combinations with the fingers of the right hand to obtain various pitches.

20 Snare Drum The snare drum has two calfskin or plastic drumheads stretched tightly over a hollow metal frame. The top head is struck with wooden drumsticks, and is called the batter-head. The bottom head, or snare-head has catgut or metal wires called snares stretched tightly across it. When this drum is struck on the top head, the snares produce a characteristic sharp rattling sound as they vibrate against the bottom head.

21 Triangle The triangle is made from a small round steel tube, and is played by striking it with a steel beater. Its bright shimmering sound is untuned and resembles that of a bell. The triangle first joined the orchestra in the late 1700s.

22 Piano Sound is produced on the piano by small hammers striking strings. The hammers are controlled mechanically and strike the strings when the player's hands press the piano keys.

23 Organ When an organist presses the keys of an organ, air is allowed to flow into corresponding pipes. The vibration of the air in the pipes creates the sound of the organ. One of the largest concert hall organs in the world has four keyboards, 244 keys, 32 pedals and 4,535 pipes. The largest pipe is 32 feet high while the smallest pipe is less than one inch in height.

24 The End

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