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The State and University Library, Aarhus

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Presentation on theme: "The State and University Library, Aarhus"— Presentation transcript:

1 The State and University Library, Aarhus
GUI to DOMS or, Building a User Oriented Automatically Generated Custom User Interface Elsebeth Kirring The State and University Library, Aarhus

2 Agenda The background for the project Changing strategy GUI to DOMS
Metadata Conclusion

3 To build up a Competence Centre
An audio expert to help us get started A recorder that could play the old cylinders A professional digitization equipment A database for the metadata

4 The Audio Expert

5 The Archeophone

6 The Professional Digitization Equipment

7 Quadriga

8 The Database DigiLyd

9 Changing Strategy GUI to DOMS
GUI (Graphic User Interface) DOMS (Digital Object Management System)

10 Metadata (1) Our basic needs:
Descriptive metadata structure standard to describe the physical characteristics and the intellectual content of an item Administrative metadata to describe the process connected to the digitization and the digital file itself

11 Metadata (2) Factors to consider according to UKOLN:
Purpose of metadata Attributes of resource Design of standard Granularity Interoperability Support Growth Extensibility Reputation Ease of use Existing expertise

12 Metadata (3) Our choise – so far:
Qualified Dublin Core and PB Core as descriptive metadata. PREMIS as preservation metadata. DCMI Type Vocabulary and other standard schemes as content standard XML as mark-up language /encoding format

13 Conclusion Finish the fundamental work before you start on defining the functional requirements of a Graphic User Interface

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