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1 Please do the following while you wait:
Check in for attendance Pick up a “Stuff to know” sheet Hand any documentation in to Mrs. Hrcak. Write down any questions

2 QUEBEC TRIP January , 2018 Mme Hrcak

3 CONGRATULATIONS!! This trip offers a lot. You will be tired. You will have fun.

4 YOUR CHAPERONES Mr. Bischof Miss Buck Mrs. Timmel Mr. Herman Mr. Dolce Mrs. Hrcak

5 Tips for packing Watch the Weather Channel or check the internet for a weather forecast for the days of the trip. Plan to dress accordingly! Bring on the snow!!

6 WHAT SHOULD I PACK? Heavy waterproof coat Snow pants (rain pants)
Waterproof mittens-2 or 3 pair Thermal underwear-2 Thermal socks-2 or 3 Hat-2 Scarf Ear muffs Umbrella Rain poncho Hair dryer? DEODORANT!

7 NO blue jeans, sweats or hoodies while touring!
WHAT ELSE SHOULD I PACK? 2 pairs of comfortable boots for walking, sledding, snowshoeing and dog sledding not UGGS shoes/ sneakers for hotel NO heels 4 comfortable outfits plus a couple extra items. Clothing that can be layered. Corduroys or a fleece lined pant is recommended. NO blue jeans, sweats or hoodies while touring! You may wear them on the bus or in the hotel. One suitcase per traveler!

Sense of adventure Canadian money for lunches and souvenirs US money for 1 breakfast and 1 dinner Things to do on the bus ride to Québec! 1 carry on bag You must carry your own suitcase and carry on!

9 Items for your carry on:
Snacks Camera Cards Money Magazines Books Water/Gatorade Electronics Ipod Ipad NO cans or glass bottles. No milk products. Drinks must have twist down caps.

10 How much money do I need? Canadian money for 4 lunches (at least $60)
American money for 1 breakfast and 1 dinner (about $20) Souvenir money (???)

11 Are you familiar with Canadian money?
Each bill is a different color. There is no $1 bill, it is a coin called a loonie…a $2 coin is called a toonie.

12 What do the chaperones expect on this trip?

13 Trip Expectations Observe school rules
Follow the chaperones’ and guide’s requests Be courteous and appropriate in your behavior Wear appropriate attire…..warm clothes too! Always be on time Have a buddy with you at all times-never be alone! Be considerate to your peers, roommates and other hotel guests Follow hotel security rules Only your roommates are allowed in your room.

14 Are you ready for an adventure
Are you ready for an adventure? You are going to a foreign country, you know!

15 Friday, JANUARY 12 Wake up early Eat breakfast and pack a snack
Arrive at the Middle School front loop by 5:45 am Check in with chaperone Parent drops off medicine with chaperone Student attaches luggage tags to suitcase and carry on Your suitcase goes under the bus. Carry on goes with you on bus

16 BOARDING THE BUS Backpack goes with you to your seat. Put on your ID
Electronics are OK on the bus-so are snacks. No pop. No milk products. Water-oui!!! 5:45 AM January 12th

17 Quebec, here we come!

18 En route…. enjoy our bus ride, watch movies, sleep, play games or cards, read, hang with friends, listen to the chaperones, be silent at the border, keep the bus clean, and be extremely courteous to the bus driver.


20 Hôtel Clarendon Québec
Meet our guide and check in at our hotel Hôtel Clarendon Québec

21 After check in, we will…….
Get settled into our rooms. -The only students allowed in the hotel room are the students assigned to that room. Get ready and walk to dinner. Bring your best table manners. After dinner, we take a ferry ride to get a view of the city at night. -Wear comfortable boots and dress warmly!

Know a lot of stuff about these places. Will share neat facts. Should be listened to with respect and interest! No phone use on tours!

23 After our ferry ride, we will…….
Walk back to the hotel. Hear our plans for tomorrow. WALK quietly by groups to our rooms. And…….

24 Go to bed!!!!

25 Saturday Morning Our adventure continues……
with breakfast at Au Petit Coin Breton where we will have a choice of several types of crêpes for breakfast. C’est délicieux!

26 Hope your calf muscles are ready! Quebec is very hilly!
After breakfast, our walking tour begins through Upper and Lower Quebec….. ON FOOT, of course! Hope your calf muscles are ready! Quebec is very hilly! Wear good boots for walking!

27 We may see people in period costume, telling about life in Old Québec……………..

28 And we may even be acting out scenes from Quebec’s history
And we may even be acting out scenes from Quebec’s history! Who will you be?

29 Remember to… Listen to your chaperone and guide. Be on time.
Use the buddy system. No phone use while touring.

30 In case you get LOST, here is a good landmark
In case you get LOST, here is a good landmark. The Chateau Frontenac towers over the town and is not far from our hotel.

31 All that walking makes me HUNGRY!

32 WHAT ABOUT FOOD? Breakfasts & dinners are included.
Lunches are not…. so have Canadian money with you at all times! This is the time to try some new things and be adventurous!

33 place is Ashton. You can try poutine there and it is cheap!
For lunch, we will break up into smaller groups and go to different places. One favorite place is Ashton. You can try poutine there and it is cheap!

34 After lunch, we depart for the Village des Sports.
This is the winter sports park. You can enjoy slides, air tubes, carpets and ice skating. How about snow rafting or go karts? We will also have a buffet dinner here.

Yes, of course, with your group and chaperone.

36 Thursday, we venture up the coast.
Yes, it is taller than Niagara Falls!

37 We will have breakfast at Chez Marie.

38 We will visit many places including the famous Sainte- Anne-de- Beaupré.

39 After lunch, it is time for fun in the snow!

40 Have you ever done this before?


42 How about this?

43 For dinner, we’ll go to the sugar shack!
Get your spoons ready to play music! And everyone dances!

44 What do you need to do before going to breakfast on Monday?
Clean up your hotel room and pack your bags. You may wear jeans, jogging pants or sweats to breakfast and for the ride home.

45 Monday’s breakfast Our last morning in Quebec City…
We will have a typical French breakfast at a bakery called Paillard. Hot chocolate and fresh croissants! You might want to get a couple to go too!

46 Au revoir Québec!

47 Lunch money should be Canadian Dinner money should be American
Arrive home about 8:30pm

48 What’s next?

49 By December 15th Permission slip/OTC form Travel authorization form
IMPORTANT DEADLINE!! By December 15th Permission slip/OTC form Travel authorization form SCHOOL ID on lanyard IDENTIFICATION



52 Tuesday, December 19th room 350 2:35-3:20
1 more meeting! You will need to attend another meeting with all the chaperones. Miss Buck Mr. Dolce Mr. Herman Mrs. Timmel Mrs. Hrcak Mr. Bischof It will take place on Tuesday, December 19th room :35-3:20

53 Your parents will be looking for your notes from this meeting
Your parents will be looking for your notes from this meeting. Take them home today! Bring in your documents as soon as possible, but before December 15th!

54 Questions? Concerns?

55 Now, it is time to sign up for rooms. Three or Four to a room
Now, it is time to sign up for rooms. Three or Four to a room. How will we sign up? 1. Groups who have four already th graders 3. Everyone else

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