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Lexeme Formation part (2)

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1 Lexeme Formation part (2)
Ms. Rasha Ali

2 Introduction We will look at different kinds of word formation from the last chapter, e.g. Infixes, circumfixes, ablaut, umlaut, reduplication …

3 A1- infixes Infixes are affixes that are inserted right into a root or base, for example, - Affix + after 1st consonant = g-um-anda - Affix + before the last syllable = zga-a-vo English doesn’t have any productive process of infixation, but in some colloquial spoken English “fan-bloody-tastic”. It’s used to emphasize a word & make it stronger.

4 A2- Circumfixes A circumfix consists of two parts, a prefix & a suffix that together create a new lexeme from a base. Examples for this kind of affix can be found in Dutch “ge-berg-te” Another example can be found in Tagalog “ka-intsik-an”

5 A3- other kind of affix - interfixes: linking elements. Chapter 3, section 3 - simulfixes: internal stem changes. - transfixes: templatic morphology.

6 B- Internal stem change
1- Vowel changes: ablaut & umlaut in English past & past participle sang – sung. Read more examples from different languages p Consonant mutation “change” In English singular/plural pairs foot – feet. Read more examples from different languages p. 80

7 C- Reduplication Reduplication is a morphological process in which all or part of the base is repeated. For example, Hausa = baya baya a bit behind Samoan = apa apa wing, fin English = hocus-pocus

8 D- Templatic morphology
1- Arabic Katab = CVCVC = write What we find in Arabic is called triliteral or root & pattern morphology. The root of a word in Arabic consists of three consonants “ktb”. The precise pattern of consonants & vowels sometimes called template. Read more in p.82

9 2- Cupeno ca. a. al = can husk = (CV)CV. V. VC paci
2- Cupeno ca?a?al = can husk = (CV)CV?V?VC paci?ik = can leach acorns = CVC(C)V?VC 3- Sierra Miwok (Native American Language) peetaj-tee-ny = string out = CVVCVC hulwaw-we = be late = CVCCVC hywattatt = run around = CVCVCCVCC

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