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Health-care interactions and placebo effects:

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1 Health-care interactions and placebo effects:
A systematic review Zelda Di Blasi, PhD; University of California San Francisco; Elaine Harkness, PhD, Edzard Ernst, MD University of Exeter (UK); Jos Kleijnen, MD, PhD, University of York (UK) Background Methods Results 23,645 Bibliographic citation reviewed Study design: • We conducted a systematic review searching 11 medical, psychological, and nursing databases from their origin, using 187 search terms. • Two investigators (ZDB, EH) independently examined the abstract of candidate articles. • We included only randomized clinical trials that focused on health care interactions and measured a physical health outcome. We excluded studies of healthy volunteers or psychiatric population, and complex psychosocial interventions. • We then abstracted information on the methodological quality, study design, outcomes measured, and clinical population of each study. Can good doctor-patient relationships have a therapeutic effect irrespective of any specific medical intervention? We hypothesized that along with Physical Care (e.g. drugs, surgery), and Behavioral Care (e.g. advice on healthy lifestyle changes), practitioners can alter patient’s health through:  Cognitive Care: by influencing patients’ beliefs and expectations (e.g. about the effects of treatment or about their illness).  Emotional Care: by lowering unhelpful emotions such as fear or anxiety, by being supportive, empathic, and warm. Articles reviewed in full 624 Articles included in the analysis 25 • Studies were average to poor in quality. • Half of the 19 studies examining the effects of expectations on health found positive effects. • A combination of emotional and cognitive care was found to produce the most consistent effect. Conclusions • There are few rigorous trials examining the effects of health care interactions. • The heterogeneity of types of interventions and outcomes measured make it difficult to examine trends. • There is some evidence to suggest that a combination of cognitive and emotional care is more effective than cognitive care alone Funded by the Fetzer Institute (USA) Published in the Lancet Objective To review whether there is any empirical evidence to suggest that practitioners can influence patients’ recovery or improvement from illness through their interactions.

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