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Byron Thespian troupe # National Thespian Festival

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Presentation on theme: "Byron Thespian troupe # National Thespian Festival"— Presentation transcript:

1 Byron Thespian troupe #8011 2014 National Thespian Festival
Lincoln, Nebraska June 21rd-June 28th

2 Explanation of timeline and circumstances
TYPICALLY, we prefer to plan much further ahead (i.e. our June 2015 trip to NYC was requested and approved already in the fall of 2013, 1 ½ years before the trip will take place From August through October, BTT officers worked with me for 3 months to prepare an application for the International Thespian Society in order to elevate or program to a higher level We applied for Membership in November, 2013 Membership notification and information was received in December 2013

3 Explanation of Timeline and Circumstances continued…
In late January, information about the National Thespian Festival was received Student and parent interest was gathered during February to consider if we should try to attend On February 27th 2014, a request to have the trip approved by the B.O.E. was received by Dr. Hammack Unfortunately, due to the cancellation of Quality Review in March 2014, this presentation could not occur until today, April 17th, 2014 We sincerely hope that you understand that this is an atypical situation but that the trip has an enormous amount of educational and financial value to our students to pass up

4 What are thespians? This year, Byron Theatre Troupe made the shift to becoming Byron Thespian Troupe #8011 The International Thespian Society is an honor society for theatre arts in the schools This membership also translates to adult and professional memberships through the Educational Theatre Association

5 International thespian society
EdTA’s student honorary organization, the International Thespian Society, is the world’s largest honor society for recognizing excellence and achievement in middle and high school theatre students. More than 2 million students have been inducted into ITS since its beginning in Through their EdTA membership, Thespians have access to college auditions, scholarship money, and to countless other young people with similar interests. Theatre teaches powerful lifeskills preparing all Thespians for a bright future.

6 Benefits to our students
International Recognition Byron Thespian Leadership International Thespian Leadership *Performance Opportunities College Auditions Scholarships Networking Life-long connections with like-minded people Workshops Educational Travel Experiences

7 Scholarship Auditions Improvisational Acting
Unscripted: 2014 Thespian festival at the university of Nebraska-Lincoln Main Stage Shows Workshops Once Act Plays College Auditions Scholarship Auditions Improvisational Acting *Performance Opportunities (online auditions required in March)

8 Congratulations to ben love!
Audition process in March Notification was 4/10/14 Audition and application were due 3/31/14 Video (assigned song, choreography, song of his choice) Resume Short essay ?v=rn9KBTFvwwg Selected as 1 of 4 boys (8 total students) in the NATION to perform at the opening ceremonies “An Evening with Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman” Creators of Hairspray, Catch Me If you Can and Smash Will perform with cast members from Wicked and other broadway and touring shows. New script written for this group

9 All Thespian members and active theatre students are eligible
logistics All Thespian members and active theatre students are eligible Travel to Lincoln, Nebraska via school van Students will stay in dorm rooms as assigned 6 days of activities are provided All school handbook policies will apply and a contract will be signed

10 Covers all meals at the festival Covers all workshops
Cost to students $672 per student $792 per adult chaperone Due May 1st for Registration (received by ITS by 5/1, due to BHS by 5/28) Covers housing Covers all meals at the festival Covers all workshops Covers all performances College Auditions require a small extra fee

11 Transportation via a school van or small bus
Cost to district Transportation via a school van or small bus Driven by Jen Wygant as the adult chaperone— no driver needed

12 Requesting to hold a 24-hour theatre challenge
fundraising Requesting to hold a 24-hour theatre challenge Will wait for approval for any fundraising to begin Fundraisers will be, as always, optional, so these are pending interest in doing these events All funds will go toward registration costs If we can do fundraising, these funds will come in the form of a refund to parents after the fundraisers

13 Informal interest has already been show by a few members
invitations Informal interest has already been show by a few members Eligible students will be formally invited to attend after the trip is approved. This will be done at school with a handout that can be taken home if they are interested in the festival and via to those parents and students who have already shown interest at this point. Space will be limited by the van/small white bus size; seniority and experience will limit who can attend if there are too many students interested Parents will pay the Educational Theatre Association via BTT if they choose to send their students

14 Careers in theatre Producer Director Playwright Scenic designer Lighting designer Costume designer Sound designer Production manager Technical Director Show control designer Theatrical technician Choreographer Makeup designer Copy right director Manager Carpenter and Master Carpenter Charge artist Scenic artist Paint Crew Electrician Master Electrician Wardrobe Supervisor Publicist Playbill writer Stage Manager Front of House Unionized Stagehands ( IATSE ) Actor Artistic director Managing director or General manager Director of Production Costume Director Marketing Director Director of Public Relations Director of Audience Services Director of development Director of Special Events Dramaturg Literary Manager Company manager House manager Usher Ticketing Agent Janitor Stage Crew Grips Character actor Pantomime dame Stagehand Running crew

15 Supplemental material
Trip proposal document Thespian Festival Registration Handbook

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