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Survey of Principal Social Workers

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1 Survey of Principal Social Workers - 2016
Monday, July 11, 2016

2 Are you a PSW for adults, children and families, or both?
How many years have you worked as a PSW?


4 PSW role . Not enough its a bolt on to my day job and despite my best efforts, I just don't get time to undertake the tasks I am a senior operational manager. The PSW role is an add on role in addition to many other roles and so I cannot give it the full time it requires

5 What’s helped you to be an effective PSW.
Aspects rated positively by 75% or more of respondents. Contact with practising social workers (94%). Communication with and from national PSW networks (92%). Communication with and from regional PSW networks (89%). Communication with and from CSWs (85%). National PSW network meetings (85%). Engagement with senior managers, not including Directors (84%). Regional PSW network meetings (80%). Standards for Employers (78%).

6 CPD and career progression. 44 respondents
What do you consider have been the major achievements of your role in developing excellent social work practice? CPD and career progression. 44 respondents Sharing best practice. 40 respondents Developing ASYE. 26 respondents Involvement in SW education. 23 respondents Developing supervision. 21 respondents Embedding Signs of Safety. 11 respondents (CF only) Undertaking health check. 10 respondents Enhancing legal literacy. 9 respondents (Adults only) Introducing new practice models. (CF only)

7 What do you think have been the major achievements of the PSW network?
Effective networking and support. 45 respondents Sharing good practice. 40 respondents Information sharing. 37 respondents Opportunities to be consulted. 27 respondents Updates. 21 respondents Developing collective voice. 21 respondents Raising profile of PSW and SW roles. 17 respondents Understanding o PSW role. 14 respondents.

8 Please indicate whether improvements in any of the following could have helped you to be more effective as a PSW Answered: Skipped: 6

9 What does this mean for your role?
Table Top discussions What does this mean for your role? How will you take this information forward? How can we further demonstrate/evidence impact of the PSW role? Are there any aspects of the C & SW Bill where the role of PSW can be more formally utilised?

10 Summary PSW network chairs will use the information to aide planning with the CSWs Survey information will aid the planning for the September session with Kings College

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