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Translating and the Computer 39

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1 Translating and the Computer 39
The SCATE prototype Translating and the Computer 39 17 November 2017 Sven Coppers (EDM, Univ. of Hasselt) Tom Vanallemeersch (CCL, Univ. of Leuven)

2 In a nutshell Smart Computer-Aided Translation Environment
4-year project ( ) 6 teams Funded by Flemish government (IWT SBO )

3 Aims Better integration of MT and TM
Multilingual terminology extraction Parallel corpora Comparable corpora Better integration of speech recognition with MT Confidence estimation of MT output Improvement of CAT tool interfaces

4 Integration of MT and TM
Input: Swedish legislation has transposed EU Directives on collective redundancies and business transfers Match: These laws incorporate the provisions of the EU Directives on collective redundancies and transfers of undertakings . Die wetten omvatten de bepalingen van de EU-richtlijnen inzake collectief ontslag en overgang van ondernemingen . “Dictionary”: Swedish legislation – Zweedse wetgeving has transposed – heeft omgezet has – heeft business – handel transposed – omgezet business – zaken business transfers – handelstransfers … Word alignment

5 Integration of MT and TM
(Possible) output: Swedish legislation has transposed EU Directives on collective redundancies and business transfers Zweedse wetgeving heeft EU-richtlijnen inzake collectief ontslag en handelstransfers omgezet

6 Multilingual terminology extraction
Extraction from parallel corpora Combination of statistics and linguistic patterns

7 Interface design Preparatory steps: Surveys
Contextual inquiry: observation of translators during work Translators in different types of organisations

8 Interface design Focus:
Deep integration: suggestions from MT + TM, term base Intelligibility: explain origin and relation of suggestions Efficiency: interactive prediction using suggestions Proximity: avoid visual focus shifts

9 Demo of SCATE interface

10 Demo of SCATE interface
Interface – TM

11 Demo of SCATE interface
Interface – Hybrid TM + MT

12 Demo of SCATE interface
Interface – Alternatives

13 Demo of SCATE interface

14 Conclusions Prototype demonstrating current state of project
Focus on intelligibility and efficient use of suggestions

15 Ongoing work Better integration of speech recognition with MT Confidence estimation of MT output Term extraction of comparable corpora Collaboration: multiple translators for one document

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