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Presentation on theme: "Vegetarianism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vegetarianism

2 What is a vegetarian? Sometimes referred to as a “plant based diet”
Someone who does not eat meat (beef, pork, lamb, goat, etc.), poultry (chicken, duck, etc.), fish, or seafood 3 different types of vegetarians Lacto vegetarian Ovo-vegetarian Lacto-ovo vegetarian

3 What is a vegan? Someone who does not eat anything from an animal – meat, milk products, and eggs Many vegans go beyond diet, and don’t use other animal products either

4 # of vegetarians in Canada:
Between 3 - 7% of Canadians are vegetarians - 1.1 million – 2.4 million people About 1.5% of the population is vegan 340, ,000 people

5 Why do people become veg*n?
Religious Reasons Many religions lean towards, recommend or encourage vegetarianism – either some of the time (on special holy-days) or all of the time

6 Some religions that lean towards veg*nism in some way:
Hinduism Buddhism Seventh-Day Adventists Rastafarianism

7 2. Health Reasons Many positive health reasons why someone might become a vegetarian or vegan What are they?

8 a. Diseases that a plant-based diet protection against........
1. Colon cancer 3rd most common type of cancer in Canada Risk of C.C. decreases the less meat you eat

9 2. Breast Cancer - Canadian Cancer Society says that breast cancer risk decreases the more fruit and vegetables you eat

10 REMEMBER: our bodies produce all the cholesterol we need
2. High Cholesterol/ Clogged Arteries REMEMBER: our bodies produce all the cholesterol we need Only animal products have cholesterol

11 3. Less chance of being overweight – which may lower risk of other diseases
- plant-based foods tend to be much lower in fat in general and bad fat in particular

12 Also, a vegetarian diet results in:
Significantly lower rates heart disease Significantly lower rates of diabetes

13 b. Why are there health benefits?
Because vegetarian diets are: lower in fat, especially saturated fat lower/no cholesterol, higher in fibre, higher in vegetables and fruits (and all the super beneficial anti-oxidants).

14 3. Ethical Reasons Some are concerned about animal exploitation and suffering Some don’t think animals should be killed so that humans can eat them

15 Some wonder… …..whether humans - who have a choice of foods - have the “right” to impose their dietary preferences on animals



18 Concerns over how animals are raised on farms
Animals are no longer raised outdoors on peaceful farms by family farmers


20 Today, over 90% of animals killed and eaten in Canada are raised on “factory farms”
Do animals suffer on factory farms?

21 What is a “Factory Farm”?
A facility that raises large numbers of livestock indoors under conditions of extremely restricted mobility

22 - Most animals never set a foot outdoors, or display any of their natural behaviours


24 * Even the animals that are raised outdoors are very tightly packed into one area


26 What is a Battery Cage? A confinement system used for egg laying chickens 98 per cent of Canada’s 26 million egg-laying hens are kept in these for their entire life (2yrs) They are unable to perform natural behaviours Each bird has less space than a sheet of notebook paper.


28 What is a gestation crate?
A metal enclosure used in pig farming Female pig (sow) is confined for her life (3-5 years) Crate is 7’ x 2’


30 What is de-beaking? Also called ‘beak trimming’ A process whereby part tip of the chickens beak is burned off Why is this done? B/c chickens are stressed under the confinement, and debeaking reduces fighting and cannibalism in chickens


32 Concerns with slaughter:
Violations of animal welfare laws at slaughterhouses make people turn away from eating meat

33 http://veggietestimonial. peta. org/psa. aspx

34 Environmental /Ecological
According to the United Nations, eating meat, dairy and eggs has a HUGE impact on the environment Has the largest impact on climate change of any human activity More of an impact on the environment than all transportation combined


36 Resource Use In Canada, farm animals also outweigh people by a factor of four to one. On a given day there are approximately 14.6 million beef and dairy cattle, 13 million pigs, 8 million turkeys, 96 million chickens, and 30 million people alive in Canada

37 A meat-based diet requires 7 times more land than a plant-based diet
We could have a lot more forests if people ate less meat

38 Not to mention… Water pollution Air pollution

39 What do vegetarians eat? Vegetarian Food Guide
Some experts propose slightly different food groups for vegetarians and vegans How are they different from Canada’s Food Guide?

40 What do vegetarians eat?



43 A few menu items include:
Breakfast Lunch Dinner


45 Tofu/soy is also used to make ‘faux meats’

46 Local Vegetarian Restaurants there are over 50 vegetarian restaurants in the GTA!
There are over 50 vegetarian restaurants in Toronto!


48 A few famous vegetarians



51 Does it have to be all or nothing? ?
Meatless Mondays, Weekday Veg – there are many ways to make a difference – for your own health, the future of the planet, and the lives of animals?

52 Weekday Veg (Graham Hill) http://www. ted
What’s Wrong With the Way We Eat? (Mark Bittman)

53 The end

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