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 God is good all the time He put a song of praise in this heart of mine God is good all the time Through the darkest night, His light will shine God.

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Presentation on theme: " God is good all the time He put a song of praise in this heart of mine God is good all the time Through the darkest night, His light will shine God."— Presentation transcript:



3  God is good all the time He put a song of praise in this heart of mine God is good all the time Through the darkest night, His light will shine God is good, God is good all the time

4  If you're walking through the valley And there are shadows all around Do not fear, He will guide you He will keep you safe and sound 'Cause He's promised to never leave you Nor forsake you and His Word is true

5  God is good all the time He put a song of praise in this heart of mine God is good all the time Through the darkest night, His light will shine God is good, God is good all the time

6  We were sinners - so unworthy Still for us He chose to die Filled us with His Holy Spirit Now we can stand and testify That His love is everlasting And His mercies - they will never end

7  God is good all the time He put a song of praise in this heart of mine God is good all the time Through the darkest night, His light will shine God is good, God is good all the time

8  Lord I may not understand All the plans He left for me My life is in your hands And through the eyes of Him I can clearly see

9  Chorus: God is good all the time He put a song of praise in this heart of mine God is good all the time Through the darkest night, His light will shine God is good, God is good all the time


11 十字架  十字架是我的荣耀  十字架是我的盼望  十字架使我能面对明天  哦十字架  十字架是我的救赎  十字架是我的医治  十字架使我不再蒙羞愧  哦十字架

12  是你先爱了我  在我爱你之前  你为我死在十架  耶苏 ,耶苏你好爱我  耶苏你爱我 , 你真的好爱我, 你好爱我。


14 I'm inright, outright, upright, downright Happy all the time I'm inright, outright, upright, downright Happy all the time Since Jesus Christ came in And took away my sin I'm… I'm inright, outright, upright, downright Happy all the time





19 如果你想知道 如果你想知道 爱在哪里 爱就在你我的周围 如果你想知道 爱在哪里 爱就在每个笑脸上 爱在哪里 爱就在神的爱子里 爱从何来 爱它是从神而来

20 如果你想知道 爱在哪里 爱就在成长生名中 如果你想知道 爱在哪里 爱就在父母的心里 爱在哪里 爱就在神的爱子里 爱从何来 爱它是从神而来


22 我欢喜,因我属主耶稣 我欢喜,因我属主耶稣, 哈利路亚,赞美主 赞美主(阿门) ( 五次) 哈利路亚,赞美主


24 Jesus called them one by one, Peter, Andrew, James and John Next came Phillip, Thomas too Matthew and Bartholomew Yes, Jesus called them, He called them one by one. James, the one they called the less, Simon also Thadaeus Twelve apostles Judas made Jesus was by him betrayed. Yes, Jesus called them, He called them one by one.



27 我愿作个小传道 我愿做个小小的传道人,将 福音广传呀,叫罪人蒙救恩 我愿为主福音殷勤工作,主 啊,请差遣我 主啊,请差遣我!主啊,请 差遣我!


29 耶稣,我的耶稣 我的神,我要永远在你的怀里, 爱慕你,屈膝在你面前单单敬拜你。 我渴慕你,我敬拜你, 我的主,我深爱的唯一。 耶稣,哦耶稣, 我灵最深渴慕。 耶稣,哦耶稣, 你医治我心深处。




33 弹琴歌唱赞美你 我要弹琴歌唱称颂你名, 因为你大作为 真奇妙。 全地啊!当扬声述说你 的荣耀, 全心来赞 美 你。 击鼓 跳舞,弹各样乐器, 来拍掌,穹苍起唱和。

34 见证荣耀 大 君王已降临, 宣告主已得胜。 喔!哈利路亚,哈利路赞美主 ! 哈利路亚,哈利路赞美主 ! 哈利路亚,主我称颂你, 哈利路亚,你已得胜 !


36 以爱为旗在我以上 以爱 ( 以爱,以爱 ) 为旗在 我以上,以爱为旗在我 以上 祂带我进入祂的筵宴所, 并以爱为旗在我以上


38 何等有福 有人靠车,有人靠马 我却倚靠耶和华神的名 有人靠车,有人靠马 我却宣告耶和华神的名 哈利路亚,哈利路亚 在基督里得胜又得胜 哈利路亚,哈利路亚 披上赞美衣欢呼喜乐

39 投靠你名,何等有福 你的恩惠如盾牌护卫 投靠你名,何等有福 信靠你的必不至羞愧 哈利路亚,哈利路亚 在基督里得胜又得胜 哈利路亚,哈利路亚 披上赞美衣欢呼喜乐


41 耶稣喜爱所有小孩 耶稣喜爱所有小孩 世上所有 的小孩 无论红黄黑白棕 都是耶稣 心宝贝 耶稣喜欢世上所有的小孩


43 先求他的国和他的义 你们要先求他的国和他的义, 这些东西都要加给你们 哈里路,哈里路亚


45 爸爸妈妈的爱  妈妈的爱是牺牲的爱  爸爸的爱是坚定的爱  你门让我学习长大  让我梦想飞翔

46  妈妈的爱是我的翅膀  爸爸的爱是我的双臂  你门教我学习付出  教我要爱耶苏

47  我一步一步向前走  谢谢你门的爱  回头看著你门笑容  用爱拥抱这世界

48  我一步一步向前走  带著感恩的心  愿对耶苏爱不改变  一生服事荣 耀主

49  Mama, your love has taught me to give,  Papa, your love has made me strong.  Day by day you strengthen me  To achieve all of my dream.  Mama, your love will help my fly high,  Papa, your love will help me feel safe.  Day by day, you teach me to care for others in the Lord.

50  Step by step, I learn to love  All that you have taught me  It is your smiles and love that help me to embrace this whole world.  Step by step, I learn to know,  Jesus is my Savior  This love I have will never end.  I give my life all to Him.




54  He’s got the whole world in Hand (x4)  He’s got the wind and the rain in His hand (x3)  He’s got the whole world in Hand  He’s got the tiny little baby in His hand (x3)  He’s got the whole world in Hand

55  He’s got you and me brother in His hand  He’s got you and me sister in His hand  He’s got you and me brother in His hand  He’s got the whole world in His hand


57 快乐在我心中 今我有快乐、快乐在我心中, 在我心中,在我心中 今我有快乐、快乐在我心中, 永远在我心中!

58 LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING Trust in the Lord with all your heart (x3) And lean not on your own understanding. Trust in the Lord with all your heart (x3) Trust in the Lord with all your heart, my friend

59 The Lord is like a pilot, And many times He says, “Trust in Me; trust in me.” The Lord is like a pilot, In times of greatest need, “Trust in Me; trust in Me.” (Repeat chorus)

60 The Lord will be my captain, Him I will obey. Trust in Him; trust in Him. The Lord will be my captain. He’ll lead me all the way. Trust in Him; trust in Him. (repeat chorus)




64 小小精兵跟随主  跟随,跟随,我愿跟随 耶稣,无论往何地方, 我愿跟随主, 跟随,跟随,我愿跟随 耶稣,无论他往何处, 我必跟随主

65  小小双手为主做工,小小双脚走天 路,小小耳朵爱听主话,小小嘴唇 赞美主 小小眼睛爱看圣经,小小双膝敬拜 主,小小头脑学习主话,小小心灵 信靠主 副歌: 都为耶稣,都为耶稣,因主为我受 痛苦都为耶稣,都为耶稣,我愿忠 诚全为主



68 天父世界 这是天父世界,孩童侧耳要听 宇宙唱歌,四周响应,星辰作乐 同声 这是天父世界,我心满有安宁 树木花草,苍天碧海,述说天父 全能

69  这是天父世界,小鸟长翅飞鸣 清晨明亮,好花美丽,证明天 理精深 这是天父世界,祂爱普及万千 风吹之草,将祂表现,天父充 满世间

70  这是天父世界,求主叫我不忘 罪恶虽然好像得胜,天父却仍 掌管 这是天父世界,我心不必忧伤 上帝是王天地同唱,歌声充满 万方


72 在你心外,救主正等待 在你心外,救主正等待, 心门紧闭,罪恶作怪 轻轻敲着,你听见吗? 快开门,请主进来


74 得胜得胜 得胜,得胜,哈利路亚! ( 三次 ) 基督已经得胜! 荣耀,荣耀,哈利路亚! ( 三次 ) 基督已经得胜! 得胜,得胜,哈利路亚! ( 三次 ) 基督已经得胜!(三次)



77 注目看耶稣 凡劳苦重担, 当亲近耶稣, 必享安息, 必得满足。 凡饥渴慕义, 来寻求耶稣, 必享甘泉, 必得饱足。 注目看耶稣, 定睛看耶稣, 圣洁公义主,十架上耶稣。 注目看耶稣, 定睛看耶稣, 谦卑亲近主, 跟着他同步,跟着他同步。


79 靠主耶稣圣名 靠主耶稣圣名,靠主耶稣圣 名,我们必能得胜( X2 ) 谁能诉尽神的作为,谁能 诉尽他的爱 靠着耶稣宝贝圣名,我们 必能得胜





84 心中两个王 我们心中两个王, 看看哪个待我强 一个要我下地狱, 一个要我上天堂 下地狱是魔鬼,上天堂是国王, 信靠耶稣得进天堂 信靠耶稣,信靠耶稣, 信靠耶稣得进天堂


86  There is a book that has Good News, the Bible is its na-me. B.. I.. B.. L.. E.. B.. I.. B.. L.. E.. B.. I.. B.. L.. E.. the Bible is its na-me.  There is a book that is our guide, the Bible is its na-me. *.. I.. B.. L.. E.. *.. I.. B.. L.. E.. *.. I.. B.. L.. E.. the Bible is its na-me.

87  There is a book that gives new life, the Bible is its na-me. *.. *.. B.. L.. E.. *.. *.. B.. L.. E.. *.. *.. B.. L.. E.. the Bible is its na-me.  There is a book that has the truth, the Bible is its na-me. *.. *.. *.. L.. E.. *.. *.. *.. L.. E.. *.. *.. *.. L.. E.. the Bible is its na-me.

88  There is a book that gives us wisdom, the Bible is its na-me. *.. *.. *.. *.. E.. *.. *.. *.. *.. E.. *.. *.. *.. *.. E.. the Bible is its na-me.  There is a book that talks of Jesus, the Bible is its na-me. B.. I.. B.. L.. E.. B.. I.. B.. L.. E.. B.. I.. B.. L.. E.. the Bible is its na-me.


90 主爱我必爱到底  主爱我,必爱到底  我虽软弱,主能保守  主爱我,必爱到底



93 Give Me Oil in My Lamp  Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning  Give me oil in my lamp, I pray Words and Music by A. Sevison; © Unknown

94 Give Me Oil in My Lamp  Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning  Keep me burning ‘til the break of day Words and Music by A. Sevison; © Unknown

95 Give Me Oil in My Lamp  And I will sing hosanna!  Sing hosanna!  Sing hosanna to the King of kings! Words and Music by A. Sevison; © Unknown

96 Give Me Oil in My Lamp  Sing hosanna! Sing hosanna!  Sing hosanna to the King! Words and Music by A. Sevison; © Unknown


98 野地的花 野地的花穿着美丽的衣裳,天空的 鸟儿从不为生活忙, 慈爱的天父天天都看顾,他更爱世 上的人,为他们预备永生的路 一切需要天父已经都知道,若心中 烦恼让他为你除掉, 慈爱的天父天天都看顾,他是全能 的 主,信靠他的人真是有福


100 我要唱耶和华的大慈爱 我要唱耶和华的大慈爱到永远我要唱,我要 唱 我要唱耶和华的大慈爱到永远我要唱耶和 华的大慈爱 用我口,将祢信实,将祢信实,传于万代 用我口,将祢信实,传于万代,直到永永 远远!



103 摩西领十诫  老摩西, 上山去,领受上帝的命令,  主命令, 当去行,爱神爱人爱己。  耶和华是独一神,不把偶像当作神。  不可妄称己是神,当定安息日为圣。  当尽责孝敬父母,心中不可想杀人。  思想不可有淫念,不可偷取别人物。  不可说谎陷害人,贪心是万恶之根。  我要紧记神十诫,以免自己得罪神。

104 摩西领十诫  老摩西, 下山去,颁布上帝的命令,  主百姓, 当听命,爱神爱人爱己。



107 LISTEN TO CHRISTMAS Listen, listen, Christmas bells are ringing; Listen, listen, there’s music in the air. Listen, listen, sounds of children singing; Listen, listen, it’s Christmas that you hear. Christmas Lights are glowing, Here and there we’re going, Running “to and fro-ing” There’s just no time to spare. Just Listen, listen, Christmas bells are ringing; listen, listen; it’s Christmas that you hear.


109 平安如江河 我有平安如江河(三遍)在我心, 哈里路亚 我有喜乐如泉源(三遍)在我心




113 THE POWER OF THE CROSS  Oh, to see the dawn Of the darkest day: Christ on the road to Calvary. Tried by sinful men, Torn and beaten, then Nailed to a cross of wood.

114  CHORUS: This, the pow'r of the cross: Christ became sin for us; Took the blame, bore the wrath— We stand forgiven at the cross.

115  Oh, to see the pain Written on Your face, Bearing the awesome weight of sin. Ev'ry bitter thought, Ev'ry evil deed Crowning Your bloodstained brow.

116  Now the daylight flees; Now the ground beneath Quakes as its Maker bows His head. Curtain torn in two, Dead are raised to life; "Finished!" the vict'ry cry.

117  Oh, to see my name Written in the wounds, For through Your suffering I am free. Death is crushed to death; Life is mine to live, Won through Your selfless love.

118  FINAL CHORUS: This, the pow'r of the cross: Son of God—slain for us. What a love! What a cost! We stand forgiven at the cross.


120 This is how God show us His love This is how God show us His love. (x3) Jesus gave His life up on the cross. It’s very very sad but I’m bouncing around Jesus didn’t stay long down in the ground He’s risen and alive that means He has won forgiveness for you and me.

121 This is how God show us His love. (x3) Jesus gave His life up on the cross. It’s very very sad but I’m bouncing around Jesus didn’t stay long down in the ground He’s risen and alive that means He has got new life for you and me.

122 This is how God show us His love. (x3) Jesus gave His life up on the cross. It’s very very sad but I’m bouncing around Jesus didn’t stay long down in the ground He’s risen and alive that means we are the most loved people there’s ever been.


124 Seven Days of Creation  On the first day God gave light, He created night and day. Second day, blue skies and seas, Third day lovely plants and trees.

125  Fourth day bright sun, moon and stars. Fifth day fish and birds to soar. Sixth day animals and man. And then on the seventh day He rested...








133 我们欢迎你 我们欢迎你,真欢迎你, 在主里诚心欢迎哈利路 亚! 我们欢迎你,真欢迎你, 在主里诚心欢迎!







140 Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho And the walls came tumbling down

141 You can talk about the kings of Gideon, You can talk about the men of Saul, But there’s none like good old Joshua At the battle of Jericho.


143 亲爱的,要记得  亲爱的,要记得爸爸教的,要记 得妈妈说的  长长系在你心上, 挂在你项上,  行走时,它引导你, 躺卧时它 保守你。  早晨睁开眼睛时, 它必与你谈 论。

144 神的话就 是光, 照亮你 所行的路。 神的话就 是光, 照亮你 所行的路, 走向生命之道。

145  我一定,要记得爸爸教的,要记 得妈妈说的  长长系在我心上, 挂在我项上,  行走时,它引导我, 躺卧时它 保守我。  早晨睁开眼睛时, 它必与我谈 论。

146 你的话就 是光, 照亮我 所行的路。 你的话就 是光, 照亮我 所行的路, 走向生命之道。

147 My son, remember what your papa said, and don’t forget what your mama said. Tie them ‘round your heart and take them everywhere you go. When you sleep, they will keep you. When you walk, they will lead you. When you wake up in the morning, they will speak with you.

148  May the light of His word shine the light where you walk upon.  May the light of His word shine your path and lead you to the way of life.

149  I will remember what my papa said,  I won’t forget what my ma ma said.  Tie them ‘round my heart and take them everywhere I go.  When I sleep, they will keep me.  When I walk, they will lead me.  When I wake up in the morning, they will speak with me.

150  May the light of Your word shine the light where I walk upon.  May the light of Your word shine my path and lead me to the way of life.


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