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Numerical Simulations for Radioactive Waste Disposal NSRAWD IFA-CEA Meeting, Bucharest-Magurele, October 20, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Numerical Simulations for Radioactive Waste Disposal NSRAWD IFA-CEA Meeting, Bucharest-Magurele, October 20, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Numerical Simulations for Radioactive Waste Disposal NSRAWD IFA-CEA Meeting, Bucharest-Magurele, October 20, 2011

2 To develop numerical simulation for radioactive waste disposal, combining computational work with experimental activities in order to improve and validate flow and transport numerical models. Objectives: To improve and validate flow and transport numerical models and codes used in disposal safety assessment at Saligny Develop new in-field test and collect experimental data for Alliances codes validations and for better understanding of site characteristics Increase confidence in the numerical modelling used in radioactive waste disposal To develop an integrated system for safety assessment of LIL waste disposal applied to Saligny site as an useful tool for further application in the site licence Scope of the project IFA-CEA Meeting, Bucharest-Magurele, October 20, 2011

3 Task sharing Modelling of unsaturated flow and transport using Alliances Alliances Modelling saturated flow and transport using Alliances Alliances & Uranie Modelling of unsaturated flow and transport using FEHM / Alliances Saligny site data Modelling unsaturated flow and transport using Alliances Modelling flow and transport using FEHM Saligny site data Safety assessment using Goldsim Saligny site data Training Benchmark Training Benchmark Confidence Validation Data Surface response IFA-CEA Meeting, Bucharest-Magurele, October 20, 2011

4 Progress (1/5) Stratification of soil layers Input data directly extracted from the database Layer average saturation[-] average pressure [m] theta_s (porosity)[-] SILTY LOESS 0.270046.00.4141 FOSSILIZED SILTY LOESS 0.472537.00.3852 UPPER CLAYEY LOESS 0.357533.00.4097 FOSSILIZED CLAYEY LOESS 0.550029.50.3944 LOWER CLAYEY LOESS 0.371123.50.4132 RED CLAY 0.727517.00.3935 PREQUATERNARY CLAY 0.84007.270.3755 Suction curves used to extract Van Genuchten parameters for the saturation law Layeralphanmtheta_r SILTY LOESS 2.342514.88460.02040.0968 FOSSILIZED SILTY LOESS 0.00100.47003.37000.0272 UPPER CLAYEY LOESS 0.25530.75940.60960.0727 FOSSILIZED CLAYEY LOESS 0.00590.48671.52360.0017 LOWER CLAYEY LOESS 0.00040.38736.22820.0682 RED CLAY 0.02960.72440.72040.0111 PREQUATERNARY CLAY 0.00010.43002.80000.0092 Van Genuchten parameters Selection of the suction curves was made in order to match optimally the average saturation and pressure for each layer Training in Alliance Platform, implementation and application in Saligny site modeling IFA-CEA Meeting, Bucharest-Magurele, October 20, 2011

5 Progress (2/5) Inter-comparison of Alliances and FEHM predictions Comparison with experimental data (validation) -using same input parameters - Alliances underestimates the water content - need to develop further modeling of test case using FEHM and Alliances IFA-CEA Meeting, Bucharest-Magurele, October 20, 2011 Alliances Case Study: Flow Field in Unsaturated Zone of the Saligny Site A. Constantin, D. Diaconu, A. Genty, NUCLEAR 2011, May 28-30, 2011, Pitesti, Romania Hydrogeology Modeling of the Unsaturated Zone of the Saligny Site A. Constantin, D. Diaconu, A. Genty, SIEN 2011, October 16-20, 2011, Bucharest, Romania

6 Progress (3/5) Saturated flow modeling in Alliances - pumping test - good agreement with measured data - tracer test – not consistent with experimental data Conclusion: Fractures play an important role in contaminant transport Flow and transport parameters calibration of the Saligny aquifer (Romanian) using the alliances Platform A. Genty, D. Diaconu, C. Bucur, A. Constantin, MODELCARE2011, Leipzig, September 2011, Germany IFA-CEA Meeting, Bucharest-Magurele, October 20, 2011

7 Progress (4/5) Modeling transient flow with FEHM - time-variable upper-boundary condition - meteorological data recorded during 2009 – 2010 Water content variation at different depths (FEHM predictions) IFA-CEA Meeting, Bucharest-Magurele, October 20, 2011

8 Progress (5/5) Tracer test objectives - get in-field data on chemical species migration - validate transport models for reactive transport Status : - designed, planned and launched - tracer: Iodine - concentration: 20mg/l - depths: 60cm - location: meteo station - sampling for Iodine baseline - tracer transport simulations - planning of the next sampling moments Iodine concentration profiles at different time after tracer release - FEHM simulation in transient conditions -

9 Perspectives of collaboration Under the project Hydraulic modelling including fractures in the Saligny aquifer. Transport modelling in the vadoze zone on the Saligny site and benchmarking. Model transport using surface response build by Uranie module inside Alliances. Beyond the project Joint studies on the hydro-geological and hydro-chemical modelling of the Saligny site. Joint modelling of alternative subsurface radioactive waste disposals and analysis of different scenarios. IFA-CEA Meeting, Bucharest-Magurele, October 20, 2011

10 Benefits Improve and validate flow and transport numerical models and codes used in disposal safety assessment at Saligny. Improve site characterisation and better understanding of transport processes. Increase confidence in the numerical modelling used in safety assessment of radioactive waste disposal. Improve and validate flow and transport numerical models used by Alliances platform based on experimental data. Promote a larger use of Alliances platform and transfer knowledge on radioactive waste modelling. Increase confidence in the numerical modelling used in radioactive waste disposal. IFA-CEA Meeting, Bucharest-Magurele, October 20, 2011

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