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High Efficiency Thermal Energy Exchanger Heat Pipe Manufactured by Maniks

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2 I NTRODUCTION  Maniks Heat Pipe  What is Heat Pipe?  Construction  Working of a Heat Pipe  Types of Heat Pipes  Advantages of a Heat Pipe  Working Areas

3 Maniks Heat Pipe

4  What is Heat Pipe? Heat pipeHeat pipe is an extremely productive approach to exchange warm vitality starting with one end then onto the next. It chips away at the standards of thermal conductivity and phase exchange. The High thermal conductivity empowers a Heat pipe to exchange and scatter Heat to the coveted area through a "fine activity". This impact is like setting a paper tissue in a liquid and watches the liquid ascent up the paper towel. Heat Pipes were initially designed by Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1963 by George Grover to supply Heat to and expel squander warm from vitality transformation framework.

5  Construction A Heat pipe is a copper tube with an inner wick structure that is fixed on both the closures with a little measure of water or smelling salts fluid inside. The wick is utilized to transport the fluid from one end to other. As Heat is connected to the more smoking side of a pipe, the water will bubble and swing to a gas which at that point goes with the thermal energy to the colder end of the Heat pipe where it consolidates back to a fluid. This procedure is known as narrow activity. This cycle is rehashed constantly to Present day Heat pipes can exchange thermal energy a few hundred times quicker than a conventional copper tube. In light of material used to outline and territory of utilization there are different sorts of Heat channels are accessible in the market.

6  Working of a Heat Pipe The one end of Heat pipe is put in the Heat age area, when one end of the pipe is warmed temperature of the fluid inside the Heat pipe will likewise increments continuously and after vast temperature increment it vaporizes. These vapors travel towards the colder end and convey inactive Heat related Heat with it. At colder end vapor scatters all the inactive Heat and transforms once more into fluid shape this fluid at that point makes a trip back to warmed end. The hairline wick structure causes fluid to fly out back to the evaporator end with the assistance of outward powers. This procedure is completed ceaselessly and the Heat exchange happens through an extremely safe easy way.

7  Types of Heat Pipes Vapor chamber or level Heat channels Variable conductance warm pipe Diode warm pipes Thermos telephones Loop warm pipes

8  Advantages of a Heat Pipe High thermal conductivity It exchanges thermal energy over long area with negligible temperature drop. Passive operation No vitality input is required to work the Heat pipe. There are no moving parts. Long existence with least support Since there are no moving parts the main support prescribed is occasional cleaning. Cost proficient By bringing down the working temperature, these gadgets can build the Mean Time between Failures for electronic gatherings. Thusly this brings down the upkeep and substitution costs. Etc.

9  Working Areas Today, Heat Pipes are utilized as a part of an assortment of uses from space to handheld gadgets that fit in your bundle. A few applications are recorded beneath Waste Heat Recovery from Air Conditioners Heat Pipe Air Preheaters for Boilers Waste Heat Boilers to Recovery Heat Heat Recovery at the Kiln Furnace Spray Drying Spacecraft Computer frameworks Solar heating systems Cooking appliances Ventilations and Heat recuperation atomic power discussion


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