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An Artists Guide to Being Found.

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1 The ultimate Art App for Artists, Collectors, and Galleries An Artists Guide to Being Found

2 Businesses are always looking for a stable of quality artists and they do this through a variety of different ways including: Discovering them through their work and approaching them directly Networking events Recommendations Directly approaching licensees or galleries directly Online research Initially, as an artist you will find that you spend a lot of time reaching out to businesses in the early phases of your career, however, this will change (and change quickly) when you become more prominent and well-known. Read on to find out how to be discovered.

3 Direct Contact Businesses will still take artists that have approached them directly, with some businesses frequently scanning submissions for the next best thing. Other times they’ll just use their industry knowledge to select pieces at random which they believe will sell. The competition is stiff, however, and there are a lot of artists trying to build their personal brand through their artwork. You can improve the likelihood of having your pieces looked at by doing extensive research on the business you have submitted to and always making sure your approach is a professional one.

4 Online With the increase in popularity of social media and the world-wide-web, it is easier to follow an artist’s career progression – even from a distance. Utilizing online sources such as Facebook, Google+ or LinkedIn groups that have art businesses and professionals can help you form relationships initially without stepping foot out the door. Social networking also makes it easier for you to be contacted so you should always link your platforms together so that you can be found!

5 Recommendations Word of mouth, word of mouth, word of mouth! You’ve heard it before and it never gets old. The most common way that artists are found is via recommendations or networking through art contacts and collectors. Agents and businesses all talk to each other to find what they want. Industry friends use recommendations to set apart artists to look at from the everyday “cold callers” that they may receive. In short, if you’re an aspiring artist try to form personal connections with everyone you can.

6 Shows and Events Whether it’s an open studio, degree show, local festival or an exhibition, art professionals take a lot of interest in attending art events - often to admire art and potentially pick up a new artist. Artists should try to network or attend these events to get a feel for the atmosphere and network, in particular (and it goes without saying), you should always attend an event in which your art is being showcased. This is because you are more likely to have professionals who want to speak with you to discuss your work when it is on display and they can readily see it, so don’t miss out on this opportunity.

7 Agents Businesses may look up local art agents and approach them directly if they have an artist, or know of one, that suits their needs and style. Artists can then help broker a deal between the artist and business.

8 Competitions Promotions and competitions aren’t always the only type of events used by businesses to drum up their own exposure. Magazine promotions, sponsored competitions and charity events can all be a way businesses discover you or look to find new artists. Charity events in particular can be a win-win situation which can help you gain publicity while also potentially helping a worthy causes by donating art pieces to be auctioned off, or getting involved in charity workshops to help others draw or paint. The more you get your name out there, the more exposure and potential businesses have of discovering you.

9 Framers Framing services at galleries are more likely to work directly with artists, especially those who create hand-finished frames because they also want to showcase their work. In return artists are able to showcase pieces which have been framed, killing two birds with one stone – showing the art piece and the frame.

10 News Whether it’s a blog, art press or a news story in a magazine - art professionals do their homework and follow a variety of sources and outlets to get news on upcoming trends and artists. Making sure that you try to get involved and participate in a variety of interviews or having your pieces showcased in local art and culture sections of a newspaper or publication can go a long way to helping other people find you. Writing your own blog to showcase your work will not only increase your potential for exposure but you will also gain fans and followers of your work.

11 Summary The key takeaway here is to get out there. While businesses might be looking for you, you can’t rely on this and you should try to make it as easy as possible for them to find you. Whether you’re being featured in a local newspaper or magazine or running your own blog, put yourself in the places that art professionals are going to be looking. The more effort you apply towards increasing your visibility and being seen, the more seriously you are going to be taken by art businesses who are continuously looking for the next big art star.

12 The ultimate Art App for Artists, Collectors, and Galleries End An Artists Guide to Being Found

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