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PRINCIPAL :Parul R. Azad Samarth College of Education, Himatnagar. Dist: S.K.

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Presentation on theme: "PRINCIPAL :Parul R. Azad Samarth College of Education, Himatnagar. Dist: S.K."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRINCIPAL :Parul R. Azad Samarth College of Education, Himatnagar. Dist: S.K.


3 What is Micro Teaching ? ► Teacher is Agent of Change. ► Teaching is a set of Behavior.

4 What is Teaching Skill ? "A Teaching skill is a set of teacher behaviors which are especially effective in bringing about desired changes in pupils "Teaching contitites activities that are designed and performed to produce change in pupil behavior“ ---- clark.

5 B.K. Passi. :--- Teacher do 22thousand behaviors in the class room. Reading, Writing, Questioners, Moving, Laughing, B.B. Work, Use a charts, map, model and verbal nonverbal behavior...

6 Micro-teaching Develop of micro teaching. ► 1961.California in stenford uni.- Dwight Allen ► 1963.Use a first time word Micro- teaching. ► 1964-65.Make Micro Clinic center. ► Micro-teaching is best techniques of teaching in the B. Ed/P.T.C. ► Micro teaching is not a method of teaching..

7 Definition of the Micro Teaching :- 1)Micro teaching is a scaled down teaching encounter in a class size and class time. ---Dwite Ellen.1963 2)Effective techniques of changes of Teacher’s behaviors in a class room. ---Callen back 1967-69.

8 Small sample of teaching. Solid observation Only one skill develop 5 or 7 student only 5 or 7 minute teaching Only short content Evaluation possible in teaching


10 Step of micro - teaching :- 1)Teaching6 min. 2)Feed-back12 min. 3)Re-Planning10 min. 4)Re-Teaching6 min. 5)Re-Feed-back6 min

11 Benefits of micro- teaching:- Positive attitude Perfect direction of feed-back. Research Self-evaluation. Increase of confidence power of student. Ignorance a stage fiver. Meditation is a only one skill. Safety teaching in the class-room. Importance techniques of the continue training

12 Limitations of Micro- teaching:- + Academic limitations. + Not available of facility + Educational limitations. + Other limitations.

13 Advice : - Make a group of careful. Given a pre-training of supervises. Use a video and tap-recorder. Detail information of m. t. Given a perfect feed-back. Given a demo lesson in by lecturers.


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