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Maniks Desuperheater a High Performance Energy Saving Product

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Presentation on theme: "Maniks Desuperheater a High Performance Energy Saving Product"— Presentation transcript:

1 -Maniks

2  Introduction:  Design of Maniks Desuperheater  Introduction  What is a Desuperheater  Basic principle  Maniks Desuperheater Types 1) Ammonia 2) Freon  Desuperheater Design  Working  Function

3  Design of Maniks Desuperheater:

4  Introduction:  Maniks ranks amongst the India’s leading supplier of desuperheater. We have proven our quality in terms of efficiency and performance since last three decades. We specialize in designing and manufacturing such electromechanical products for industrial plants. desuperheater

5  What is a Desuperheater?  A desuperheater is a device that cools down the superheated refrigerant (gas that is at a temperature above its saturation temperature) which is at higher temperature to its saturation i.e. normal temperature. The temperature of this gas is reduced by spraying droplets of water into the flow of the superheated gas.  Maniks has a wide range of desuperheaters as they provide precise refrigerant temperature control for various applications in chemical or oil & gas process plants where the available refrigerant is at superheated conditions. These Desuperheaters have high performance, custom design, easy to install and requires very low maintenance.

6  Working Principle:  The basic principle of heat recovery in a refrigeration and Air Conditioning cycle is shown in fig. In figure, it is seen that the discharge gas coming from the compressor is in a superheated (high temperature) state. So this excess heat can be extracted by desuperheating it before it enters the condenser so as to improve its efficiency and life. Because of this, Desuperheater is located between compressor and condenser as it minimizes the temperature of superheated refrigerant. The discharge temperatures of gas in most of the air cooling systems are quite high (in the range of 70°C to 100°C). Hence the superheated refrigerant can be used to heat the water to about 60°C and the amount of heat recovered by desuperheater would be of 16% to 20% of the total heat rejected by the condenser. 

7  Maniks Desuperheater Types: 1) Ammonia Desuperheater 2) Freon Desuperheater 1) Ammonia Desuperheater:  Ammonia is one of the most trusted refrigerants from the 19th century; as it is used commercially in large freezing and refrigeration plants, food preservation and industrial process plants. Ammonia is a well-known refrigerant because it is cost effective, more efficient refrigerant gas as it utilizes less electricity, ultimately resulting in lower operating costs and naturally available and a long-term alternative for industrial refrigeration. Maniks is a leading manufacturer of ammonia desuperheater that enables energy-efficient and safe application of ammonia refrigeration.

8 2) Freon Desuperheater:  Freon is also known as Hydro-fluoro-carbons – HFC. It is the most used refrigerant today. Maniks has a rich experience in designing and manufacturing of refrigeration systems with Freon, having hundreds of refrigeration and air cooling systems working in different economic sectors such as the refrigerating and freezing industries. Maniks Freon desuperheater are relatively low investment cost, doesn’t require any special means of protection while operating, Easy to run and maintain, Easier repair in case of failure

9  Desuperheater Design:  Maniks Desuperheater is Double Walled “Tube in Tube", counter flow, vented heat exchanger device. Vent tube have serrations on inner & outer surfaces, to avoid cross- contamination of refrigerant (i.e. ammonia or Freon) and water. Each tube has a tube inside that allows water to travel in a reverse direction. When the refrigerant travels from compressor to condenser the desuperheater comes into picture. The superheated refrigerant is cooled down by spraying the droplets of water on this refrigerant and then it is passed on to the condenser. Maniks

10  Desuperheater Working:  The Desuperheater Water Heater is installed in between the condenser and the compressor. The ammonia or Freon refrigerant gas travels through the number of series of tubes in the Desuperheater before entering the condenser. Normally the Desuperheater Water heater is designed considering the hot water requirement in Hotels and to recover heat which is otherwise get wasted in the environment. When needs of refrigeration and hot water are not simultaneous, a " Recirculation " type system is provided, where hot water is generated, stored & maintained in an separate tank. Hence this hot water then can be used as and when required. The Desuperheater water heater can be easily retrofitted on scroll, reciprocating, or screw type chillers.

11  Desuperheater Function:  Desuperheater water heater is used to take out the excess heat from superheated gas (Ammonia or Freon) for the use of boiling water at home, hotels and many such areas.  Typically in AC & R system, the temperature of refrigerant rises in the range of 80℃ to 120℃ after compression. This refrigerant is further passed to the water/air cooled condenser to condense near about 40℃.  Maniks Desuperheater Water Heater is the alternate accessory for an Air Conditioning & Refrigeration plant that can be used to extract superheat of the refrigerant which is therefore used for different purposes.  eater.html

12  The discharge temperatures of various types of compressors are generally as follows, 1) Screw Compressor (Indirect cooled) 70 80°C 2) Screw Compressor (Injection cooled) 50 60°C 3) Reciprocating Compressors 85 110°C 4) Boosters (Rotaries & Reciprocating) 75 85°C  eater.html


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