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Introduction to Networking Prof. Ananjan Maiti. Overview of the course OSI and TCP/IP Models:  Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)  Transmission Control.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Networking Prof. Ananjan Maiti. Overview of the course OSI and TCP/IP Models:  Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)  Transmission Control."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Networking Prof. Ananjan Maiti

2 Overview of the course OSI and TCP/IP Models:  Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)  Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) models  There are seven layers in the OSI Model, and four in the TCP/IP model.  This is because TCP/IP assumes that applications will take care of everything beyond the Transport layer.

3 Overview of the course (Cont.) Networking Devices:  Hubs, bridges, switches, routers, gateways, firewalls etc...  Hubs, switches, routers, and access points are used to connect computers together on a network, but each of them has different capabilities.  Each of these devices operates at different layers in OSI and TCP/IP models.

4 LAN Technologies:  Used for connecting (within a building )  PC/terminals, computers and  printers other geographically limited areas.  This chapter discusses  medium access control techniques,  random access techniques,  static channelization techniques,  Ethernet, Token Ring  ends with error detection techniques at data link layer.  MAC addresses  ARP translates IP addresses into hardware addresses (MAC)  RARP translates machines addresses (MAC) into IP addresses.

5 IP Addressing  Mainly two type :IPv4 and IPv6 addressing.  It provides in-depth analysis of classes of IP addressing  subnet masks  Subnetting/ Supernetting  Classless InterDomain Routing [CIDR]  Variable Length Subnet Mask [VLSM]  message formats of both IPv4 and IPv6.

6 IP /Network routing protocols Routing Protocol : Routing Information Protocol Open Shortest Path First [OSPF] Border Gateway Protocol.

7 TCP and UDP 1. Node-to-node delivery: At the data-link level, delivery of frames take place between two nodes connected by a point-to-point link or a LAN, by using the data-link layers address, say MAC address. 2. Host-to-host delivery: At the network level, delivery of datagrams can take place between two hosts by using IP address.

8 TCP Flow Control TCP Congestion Control Session Layer Dialog management Synchronization Activity management Exception handling

9 Application Layer Protocols:

10 Others  Cryptography (Public, Private Key based), Digital Signature, Firewalls.  ISDN services & ATM, DSL technology  Cable Modem: Architecture & Operation in brief Wireless LAN: IEEE 802.11, Introduction to blue-tooth.

11 Books 1. B. A. Forouzan – “Data Communications and Networking (3rd Ed.) “ – TMH 2. A. S. Tanenbaum – “Computer Networks (4th Ed.)” – Pearson Education/PHI 3. W. Stallings – “Data and Computer Communications (5th Ed.)” – PHI/ Pearson Education

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